


NickyBoi is a Canadian content creator on YouTube with more than 213 thousand subscribers, publishing 259 videos which altogether total at least 43.29 million views.

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All Videos by NickyBoi

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2024-09-18Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Every Single Ezreal Skin0:0077,147League of Legends
2024-09-13Maokai will always be memorable... because he is so forgettable || Casual Champion Review0:0025,487League of Legends
2024-09-12Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Attorney Azir & Janitor Thresh0:00101,759League of Legends
2024-09-08These Champions need a rework NOW0:00109,340League of Legends
2024-09-06Malzahar genuinely bores me to tears || Casual Champion Review0:0024,985League of Legends
2024-08-30Malphite's much needed Visual Update may not even happen || Casual Champion Review0:0028,387League of Legends
2024-08-28Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Battle Queens & $200 God-Kings0:00115,160Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
2024-08-25Ranking Every Riot Game0:0064,504League of Legends
2024-08-23Lux is hated WAY more than she actually deserves || Casual Champion Review0:0033,497League of Legends
2024-08-16Lulu FINALLY got a visual update but it costs $20 and is in the wrong game || Casual Champion Review0:0045,673League of Legends
2024-08-14Rapid-Fire Skin Review: T1 World Champions0:00107,691League of Legends
2024-08-11Ranking all the SUPER MOVES in the 2KXO Alpha Lab0:00116,586
2024-08-09Lucian continues to be flanderized by forces outside his control || Casual Champion Review0:0025,620League of Legends
2024-08-04Marvel’s What If: Every Champion was Yuumi0:0075,677League of Legends
2024-08-02Lissandra was SO CLOSE to being the perfect anti-villain || Casual Champion Review15:5727,533League of Legends
2024-07-31Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Anima Squad (Wave 2)5:53110,001ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-07-2810 Lore characters that should REALLY be Champions by now10:3796,472League of Legends
2024-07-26Lillia's wholesome purity has been tainted by the internet || Casual Champion Review23:0233,520ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-07-19Leona looks like she culturally appropriated her own culture || Casual Champion Review14:3926,235ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-07-17Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Anima Squad5:38135,144ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-07-12Lee Sin has set a scary new standard for ASUs || Casual Champion Review16:0824,850ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-07-05LeBlanc SHOULD be resplendent, but she looks revolting || Casual Champion Review16:0426,977ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-06-28Aurora reads more like someone's OC than an official Champion || Casual Champion Review30:29102,326ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-06-26Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Rain Shepherd3:4298,402ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-06-21Kog'Maw has no personality, so the community had to invent one for him || Casual Champion Review15:2129,312ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-06-14Kled and Skaarl are the pinnacle of perfectly realized thematic potential || Casual Champion Review17:3541,257ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-06-12Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Immortalized Legend Ahri7:13190,916ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-06-07Kindred are trapped in a game that cannot actualize their excellence || Casual Champion Review22:5643,959ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-05-31Kha'Zix's basic bugyness is BRIMMING with potential || Casual Champion Review16:0733,540ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-05-30Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Infernal4:3487,525ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-05-26League of Legends JEOPARDY but all the Questions are Rigged19:08311,413League of Legends
2024-05-24Kennen has been forgotten by Riot, both in game and in lore || Casual Champion Review19:5126,884ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-05-17Kayn is fine... BUT RHAAST IS FLAWLESS || Casual Champion Review24:2848,400ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-05-15Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Faerie Court 20244:3796,109ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-05-10Kayle was better before the rework || Casual Champion Review19:2732,739ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-05-03Katarina infuriates me beyond reasonable measure || Casual Champion Review19:0032,849ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-05-01Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Empyrean5:39113,650ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-04-26Kassadin could be so much more than just bootleg Darth Vader || Casual Champion Review13:3822,504ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-04-19Karthus is a near perfect opposite of Thresh || Casual Champion Review19:2630,693ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-04-17Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Blood Moon 20244:3299,759ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-04-15DON'T SAY IT DON'T EVEN THINK IT8:0561,480League of Legends
2024-04-12Karma is a marvellous idea trapped to a mediocre character || Casual Champion Review16:4526,305ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-04-08₣ⱤØ₲ ₲Ɽ₳VɆ₴8:1556,226League of Legends
2024-04-05Kalista's gameplay is the one thing holding her back from perfection || Casual Champion Review17:0529,343ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-04-03Rapid-Fire Skin Review: April Fools4:53140,758ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-04-01The DEFINITIVE LoL Smash or Pass TIER LIST29:51120,117League of Legends
2024-03-29Kai'sa might just be the worst champion ever added to League || Casual Champion Review23:0148,398ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-03-22Skarner was too unpopular to be this important || Casual Champion Review22:4864,613ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-03-20Rapid-Fire Skin Review: High Noon 20246:01137,597ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-03-18NickyBoi Reacts to SKARNER'S FULL VGU REVEAL8:16138,741League of Legends
2024-03-17Ranking all of the LoR EXCLUSIVE SKINS19:46128,373League of Legends
2024-03-15K'Sante has sadly only soured over time || Casual Champion Review24:2043,187ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-03-10Ranking all the LoR LEVEL UP ANIMATIONS (ft. @Snnuy)54:45190,962League of Legends
2024-03-08Jinx makes for a PERFECT mascot || Casual Champion Review12:5733,088ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-03-06Rapid-Fire Skin Review: PROJECT 20244:18100,945ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-03-03Riot refuses to rework Cassiopeia... so I did it for them26:17454,152League of Legends
2024-03-01Jhin is PERFECT, don't even try to deny it || Casual Champion Review17:1237,088ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-02-29Cassiopeia Rework Special Interactions (Fanmade)4:429,115League of Legends
2024-02-23Jayce has one of the most pathetic character arcs in history || Casual Champion Review18:5130,245ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-02-21Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Porcelain5:55114,657ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-02-16Jax doesn't deserve to have such an awful reputation || Casual Champion Review20:2839,931ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-02-09Jarvan IV doesn't look like he even belongs to the kingdom he rules over || Casual Champion Review20:3836,343ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-02-07Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Heavenscale6:26124,422ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-02-02Janna is so much better in LoR it's LAUGHABLE || Casual Champion Review15:1430,679ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-01-28The Top 10 BEST League Skins of 20239:22140,092League of Legends
2024-01-26Ivern is the best champion in all of League I am not biased at all || Casual Champion Review23:1642,341ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-01-23Horrible news for Riot Games...20:2966,659League of Legends
2024-01-19Irelia... oh how I despise Irelia || Casual Champion Review24:1752,253ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-01-15The Top 10 most MISSED POTENTIAL League Skins of 20238:23112,888League of Legends
2024-01-12Smolder is too uncanny to be cute || Casual Champion Review21:1492,445ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-01-10NickyBoi Reacts to League's "Still Here" Cinematic20:34192,604League of Legends
2024-01-08The League of Legends Season 2023 Champion Rewind32:29264,318League of Legends
2024-01-07Season 2024 is looking INCREDIBLE8:57111,532League of Legends
2024-01-05Illaoi is unlike any other champion in League, and that's a problem || Casual Champion Review15:1245,284ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-12-31The Top 10 WORST League Skins of 202314:40197,213League of Legends
2023-12-29Heimerdinger basically doesn't exist without Arcane || Casual Champion Review14:3931,784ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-12-25The Official Bootleg Toys TIER LIST25:2662,026
2023-12-24Ranking the LoR Champion Redesigns from BEST to WORST34:57236,786League of Legends
2023-12-22Hecarim's Wild Rift redesign is a MASSIVE improvement actually || Casual Champion Review18:2734,710ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-12-17The Top 10 BEST League Skins of 202210:36125,542League of Legends
2023-12-15Gwen doesn't really belong in Runeterra || Casual Champion Review20:0842,235ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-12-10The Top 10 most MISSED POTENTIAL League Skins of 202210:08112,013League of Legends
2023-12-08Hwei is an over-complicated Disaster... and that couldn't be more perfect || Casual Champion Review22:0572,372ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-12-06Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Winterblessed6:23122,898ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-12-03The Top 10 WORST League Skins of 20229:41123,458League of Legends
2023-12-01G R A V E S || Casual Champion Review14:3143,602ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-11-29Rapid-Fire Skin Review: BEE SKINS 20234:3092,048ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-11-26Return of the VERN10:3360,400League of Legends
2023-11-24Gragas is FAT... please laugh why aren't you laughing || Casual Champion Review14:3128,539ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-11-17Gnar realistically shouldn't even exist || Casual Champion Review16:3738,392ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-11-10Garen is basic... basically BORING || Casual Champion Review14:3629,923ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-11-08Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Heartsteel6:11150,673ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-11-03Gangplank makes a tired old trope fresh again || Casual Champion Review16:2831,119ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-10-27Galio is the most Ironic champion in League of Legends history || Casual Champion Review18:5841,328ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-10-25Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Cafe Cuties 20233:5886,935ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-10-20Fizz really shouldn't have a pointlessly tragic backstory || Casual Champion Review12:1828,867ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-10-13Fiora sure does exist || Casual Champion Review15:1333,354ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-10-11Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Coven8:08144,777ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-10-06Fiddlesticks is still the BEST rework of all time || Casual Champion Review12:3241,482ReviewLeague of Legends
2023-09-29Ezreal is insufferable on purpose || Casual Champion Review20:5243,342ReviewLeague of Legends