About Ambassador_Kobi
Previously named Kobi42. I am an independent Star Citizen streamer. Member of SYNCHRONIZERZ and SCWU. Tester / Evocati. Video's with EPTU, PTU designation are test releases and carry a barcode + debug info for helping CIG devs.
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2024-05-25 12:00:00 AM ● 350 views ● 23:33
Variety of Games on Channel
There are 28 games covered by Ambassador_Kobi, consisting of 1379 videos, or 81.26% of the total videos on this channel.
Ambassador_Kobi Focused On Star Citizen
The majority of the video content for Ambassador_Kobi revolves around Star Citizen, making up around 78.43% of the channel's total videos and 51.69% of the total views.