Brian_F Clips

Brian_F Clips

United States
United States

Brian_F Clips is an American content creator on YouTube with approximately 36.5 thousand subscribers. His content totals over 25.75 million views views across over 1.88 thousand videos.

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All Videos by Brian_F Clips

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2025-01-22@Bricky is already a Street Fighter 6β„’ Player | Sajam Slam Coaching0:005,613Street Fighter 6
2025-01-21Momochi and Fuudo have mastered Ed - Match Breakdown - Japan WW Regional Finals Winners Semis0:007,364Street Fighter 6
2025-01-21Breaking down Japan's best Guile vs. underdog Ken - Higuchi vs. Orarin0:005,488Street Fighter 6
2025-01-20Bringing @CONEYZZ from Smash to Street Fighter | Sajam Slam coaching begins0:0032,548Street Fighter 6
2025-01-18Sometimes the FGC really is too broke for locals0:0023,340Street Fighter 6
2025-01-16I let Twitch chat use my credit card0:0012,871
2025-01-16Last EVO had major problems. They might be fixing them now.0:0023,615
2025-01-14We're back for another Sajam Slam!0:0012,922Street Fighter 6
2025-01-14Mai honest reaction to Mai's gameplay trailer0:0063,684Street Fighter 6
2025-01-10It's time for a change0:0019,475Street Fighter 6
2025-01-07Surprise announcement for Capcom Cup0:0033,350Street Fighter 6
2025-01-06Capcom needs to address the Street Fighter DLC situation0:0088,842Street Fighter 6
2025-01-03Daigo visiting random fans house and the value of coaching0:0025,917
2025-01-03The Dune Rant0:0015,485Street Fighter 6
2024-12-31Rashid is the gift that keeps on giving0:0040,371Street Fighter 6
2024-12-30SFV was a game that some people did actually enjoy in the end0:0023,564Street Fighter 6
2024-12-28The modern Street Fighter mind can't comprehend how absurd this combo is0:0066,107Street Fighter IV
2024-12-21The Truth about Fighting Game Content Creation0:0043,831Street Fighter V
2024-12-20How to know if someone is actually cheating in Street Fighter 60:00117,815Street Fighter 6
2024-12-19The trickiest Super to punish0:006,868
2024-12-19Twitter is angry over Rashid0:0044,893Street Fighter 6
2024-12-17The Final Qualifier - Top 8 | Kings of the World Restream0:0012,132Street Fighter 6
2024-12-17The final Capcom Pro Tour tournament is nuts | Kings of the World Top 32 restream0:0010,517Street Fighter 6
2024-12-15The Final Capcom Cup Qualifier Tournament! | Kings of the World Pools Restream0:005,316Street Fighter 6
2024-12-12Running into an actual cheater in Ranked0:0069,645
2024-12-10The original Broski channel | Trash Talk0:002,056
2024-12-09Gaming to Death against the Best Manon (iDom)0:0019,637Street Fighter 6
2024-12-06MenaRD's honest thoughts on the current CPT format | Trash Talk0:003,649
2024-12-05Mai Shiranui finally revealed for Street Fighter 6 - Teaser trailer reaction0:0021,720Street Fighter 6
2024-12-03"Take my money Capcom"0:0011,327Street Fighter 6
2024-12-02This "minor" Street Fighter 6 patch is HUGE0:006,026Street Fighter 6
2024-12-01How to make Dhalsim's Float useless0:007,453Street Fighter 6
2024-11-29Should Street Fighter 6 be Free to play?0:008,335Street Fighter 6
2024-11-28The differences between Arcade and Numpad notations0:006,209Street Fighter 6
2024-11-27Fighting Just my Son for a Cause0:006,418Street Fighter 6
2024-11-26Getting over nerves in Tournament | Trash Talk0:00988Street Fighter 6
2024-11-26How a complete unknown challenged an Evo champion | Trash Talk0:00984Street Fighter 6
2024-11-25The esports bubble | Trash Talk0:002,650Street Fighter 6
2024-11-24Would you rather Win Evo or Capcom Cup | Trash Talk0:002,672Street Fighter 6
2024-11-23The Return to Tampa Never Sleeps0:0017,995Street Fighter 6
2024-11-23Scam tournaments in the FGC | Trash Talk0:002,172Street Fighter 6
2024-11-22The Capcom Pro Tour is a Retirement Program | Trash Talk0:002,288Street Fighter 6
2024-11-22The bait x30:007,319Street Fighter 6
2024-11-20Paying off $140,000 in taxes with Street Fighter 6 tournament winnings | Trash Talk0:002,088Street Fighter 6
2024-11-20Winning Tournaments for a Decent Meal | Trash Talk0:002,207Street Fighter 6
2024-11-19Chatting about the Sajam Slam | Trash Talk0:005,855Street Fighter 6
2024-11-18A Parry and a Dream0:006,039Street Fighter 6
2024-11-18Confidence is Key in Street Fighter 6 | Trash Talk0:001,352Street Fighter 6
2024-11-17Dealing with haters on the internet | Trash Talk0:002,618
2024-11-17The Ed Grind Returns0:0018,575Street Fighter 6
2024-11-16Would Uma still be playing if he auto qualified for Capcom Cup?0:003,072Street Fighter 6
2024-11-16Nuckledu is the original troll | Trash Talk0:002,917Street Fighter 6
2024-11-15When Prodigy's collide0:003,255Street Fighter 6
2024-11-15Did Capcom listen to our feedback regarding Capcom Cup?0:005,755Street Fighter 6
2024-11-14Visiting Japan for the first time0:003,142Street Fighter 6
2024-11-13Coaching in the FGC | Trash Talk0:001,670Street Fighter 6
2024-11-12Working at Google while being a pro-gamer | Trash Talk0:003,944
2024-11-11The "Final" Terry Session0:006,326Street Fighter 6
2024-11-10There's something wrong with the current CPT seeding | Trash Talk0:002,142Street Fighter 6
2024-11-09I don't want to be famous | Trash Talk0:005,295Street Fighter 6
2024-11-08How to Grow to 100,000 Subscribers | Trash Talk0:00459
2024-11-08iDom is Sick of these Akumas0:0018,034Street Fighter 6
2024-11-07Ludwig's Secret to Creating Content | Trash Talk0:002,769
2024-11-07The Manon vs Ed matchup in a Nutshell0:0013,863Street Fighter 6
2024-11-06Booce is something else0:008,423Street Fighter 6
2024-11-06Why some players are just that good | Trash Talk0:008,034Street Fighter 6
2024-11-05The highs and lows of being a competitor | Trash Talk0:004,481Street Fighter 6
2024-11-05The Red Bull Kumite incident | Trash Talk0:002,621Street Fighter 6
2024-11-04Nuckledu Just Wins0:0013,641Street Fighter 6
2024-11-04How to Make a Name for Yourself in the FGC | Trash Talk0:004,695Street Fighter 6
2024-11-03Rob the Businessman | Trash Talk0:00976
2024-11-03Unhinged NuckleDu0:0019,194Street Fighter 6
2024-11-03The FGC doesn't give enough credit | Trash Talk0:003,349Street Fighter 6
2024-11-02Becoming a meme on the internet0:0088
2024-11-02RobTV's introduction to the FGC | Trash Talk0:001,268Street Fighter V
2024-11-01One of the WILDEST SF6 Games You Will Ever See0:005,633Street Fighter 6
2024-11-01Is SF6 easier than SFV0:003,201Street Fighter 6
2024-11-01How iDom felt playing Itazan at ECT 20240:003,552Street Fighter 6
2024-10-31The infamous Tokido quote0:007,595Street Fighter V
2024-10-31Daigo is a scrub0:006,445Street Fighter 6
2024-10-30iDom on winning Capcom Cup over Punk | Trash Talk0:001,794Street Fighter 6
2024-10-30Thoughts on the current SF6 Meta | Trash Talk0:0011,936Street Fighter 6
2024-10-29Analyzing Shuto vs Nephew at CPT Singapore0:005,008Street Fighter 6
2024-10-29The Capcom Pro Tour Format (is not great) | Trash Talk0:003,164Street Fighter 6
2024-10-29Are Manon's buffs good enough this season? | Trash Talk0:002,645Street Fighter 6
2024-10-28The Actual Grand Finals of CPT Singapore | Nephew vs Zhen CPT Singapore Analysis0:005,327Street Fighter 6
2024-10-28Capcom cup is a Cinderella story | Trash Talk0:00756Street Fighter 6
2024-10-28iDom's thoughts on the SF6 Beta | Trash Talk0:004,199Street Fighter 6
2024-10-27Analyzing Nephew vs Gachikun at CPT Singapore0:006,085Street Fighter 6
2024-10-27iDom almost quit because of Season 3 Abigail | Trash Talk0:004,952Street Fighter 6
2024-10-26Analyzing the Capcom Cup qualifier match at CPT Singapore0:005,334Street Fighter 6
2024-10-26How iDom picks his characters | Trash Talk0:0010,907Street Fighter 6
2024-10-26iDom's Legendary EVO 2022 run | Trash Talk0:001,571Street Fighter V
2024-10-25iDom's Origin Story in SFV | Trash Talk0:002,164Street Fighter V
2024-10-25Dominating Set by Big Neph | Nephew vs DCQ Analysis0:005,587Street Fighter 6
2024-10-25Why I started the "Trash Talk" FGC/Street Fighter podcast0:007,893Street Fighter 6
2024-10-24When Two Masterclass Ed's Face off0:0012,626Street Fighter 6
2024-10-24Jab pressure in SF6 is different than any other Street Fighter0:0013,386Street Fighter 6
2024-10-23Reviewing THAT moment at CPT Singapore0:0019,959Street Fighter 6
2024-10-23iDom was Robbed of Glory in SFV0:009,333Street Fighter V