Pupmeister Games

Pupmeister Games


Pupmeister Games is a Canadian YouTube channel which has approximately 2.74 thousand subscribers. He published 425 videos which altogether total over 678.36 thousand views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq8mjRKwyk2OqXBX1S1ms2Q

All Videos by Pupmeister Games

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2025-02-01How to make a potion of slow falling0:001
2025-01-31Episode 31 - Let's play! - Ghast hunting!0:006
2025-01-25Every tip and trick there is for the END0:00510
2025-01-24Episode 30 - Let's play! - Flying for elytra!0:003
2025-01-18Why you need a campfire in early game Minecraft0:001,126Minecraft
2025-01-17Episode 29 - Let's play! - Mission Elytra0:0053
2025-01-11How to make a strength potion 2 in Minecraft0:0079Minecraft
2025-01-10Episode 28 - Let's Play! - Mansion of my dreams0:006
2024-12-21Two ways to dig straight down safely in Minecraft0:00246Minecraft
2024-12-20Episode 27 - Let's Play! - Where is it??0:0028
2024-12-14Minecraft honey block elevator - NO REDSTONE0:00923Minecraft
2024-12-13Episode 26 - Let's play! - elevating myself0:0031
2024-12-07Super Easy auto honey collector! No waste!0:00803
2024-12-06Episode 25 - Let's play! - Discovery0:0012
2024-11-30Everything you want to know about bees in Minecraft0:0036Minecraft
2024-11-29Episode 24 - Let's play! - Bee all you can bee0:007
2024-11-23How to banish the warden! EASY!!0:00185
2024-11-22Episode 23 - Let's Play! - Time for revenge!0:0012
2024-11-16Surface Mining Secrets You Never Knew Existed0:00647
2024-11-15Episode 22 - Let's play! - The Warden jailed me0:0023
2024-11-09I Built the SIMPLEST Lava Farm in Minecraft0:00839Minecraft
2024-11-08Episode 21 - Let's Play! - Mapping the End0:007
2024-11-02Bundles in Minecraft What's the Best Choice for Survival?0:0075Minecraft
2024-11-01Episode 20 - Let's play! - Starting to wing it0:008
2024-10-26Everything about portals for Bedrock and Java0:00128Minecraft
2024-10-25Episode 19 - Let's play! - Is the gateway trying to get me?0:0017Minecraft
2024-10-19How to get mob heads AND how to use them!0:003,337
2024-10-18Episode 18 - Let's play! - Taking on the boss0:009
2024-10-12How to find the end portal0:00415Minecraft
2024-10-11episode 17 - Let's play - mapping my way to XP0:0019
2024-10-05How To Make Mobs Do Your Mining in Minecraft0:002,141Minecraft
2024-10-04episode 16 - Let's play! - Is this the end?0:0021
2024-09-28Easy XP farm to give you massive XP!0:00765Minecraft
2024-09-27Episode 15 - Let's play - Not prepared for the Ancient city0:0017Minecraft
2024-09-21Minecraft Enderpearl Secrets You NEED to Know! Stasis Chambers, chunk loading and more!0:00156Minecraft
2024-09-20episode 14 - Let's play - I'm vexxed!0:0013Minecraft
2024-09-14How to make netherite. EVERY single step in 1.21 !!0:00426Minecraft
2024-09-14Can a villager defeat the wither?0:00609Minecraft
2024-09-13episode 13 - Let's play! - Time for netherite!0:0013Minecraft
2024-09-07Piglin trading farm 1.21 - Easy NO resources!0:0070Minecraft
2024-09-06episode 12- Let's play! - Trapped in the Nether0:003Minecraft
2024-09-05Craft an Eye of Ender fast in Minecraft!0:00132Minecraft
2024-08-31How to link nether portals in Minecraft0:0041Minecraft
2024-08-30Episode 11 - Let's play - Back to the bastion!0:005Minecraft
2024-08-24Minecraft copper bulb - All you need to know!0:0085Minecraft
2024-08-23episode 10 -Let's Play! The gap0:009Minecraft
2024-08-17Minecraft WOOL FARM 1.21+ | WOOL FARM Tutorial0:0043Minecraft
2024-08-16Episode 9 - Let's play! A woolly trial?0:006Minecraft
2024-08-10Raid farm 1.21 - EASY no redstone0:0030Minecraft
2024-08-09Episode 8 - Let's play! Time for looting0:007Minecraft
2024-08-03EVERYTHING you need to know about mapping19:031,230Minecraft
2024-08-02Episode 7 - Let's play - Time to explore!32:3729Let's PlayMinecraft
2024-08-01Too many baby zombies!0:56431
2024-07-27Simple clay farm Minecraft - Super easy!6:291,146TutorialMinecraft
2024-07-26Episode 6 - I knew it was trouble!32:2512Let's PlayMinecraft
2024-07-20How to make a trading hall - Super Easy!17:22195TutorialMinecraft
2024-07-19Minecraft let's play - Episode 526:5922Let's PlayMinecraft
2024-07-13Auto crafter Minecraft9:21568GuideMinecraft
2024-07-12episode 434:5224Let's PlayMinecraft
2024-07-06New potions in Minecraft14:0151Minecraft
2024-07-05Let's play! Episode 3 - The Chamber Incident! Pupmeister games21:2910Let's PlayMinecraft
2024-06-29Armadillos, scute and farms, all you need to know!13:1084TutorialMinecraft
2024-06-28Lets play! Episode 2 - pupmeister games - almost there!29:388Let's PlayMinecraft
2024-06-22How to get a mace in minecraft2:0052TutorialMinecraft
2024-06-19Lets play episode 1 - Pupmeister hits 1.21 update new world30:1914Let's PlayMinecraft
2024-06-15Fastest way to find trial chambers in Minecraft11:321,655TutorialMinecraft
2024-06-0828 farms and projects to make in Minecraft37:3923Minecraft
2024-06-03Minecraft update 1.21 Everything you need to know fast!19:3427VlogMinecraft
2024-05-25buried treasure minecraft16:17129TutorialMinecraft
2024-05-18underwater village minecraft26:5534GuideMinecraft
2024-05-11How to make diorite, andesite, granite and polish them3:2126TutorialMinecraft
2024-03-16Why you never dig straight down LOL7:492,297Minecraft
2024-02-24Allay sorter minecraft26:28113Minecraft
2024-02-10How to make a defense tower in minecraft6:04252TutorialMinecraft
2024-02-03Honeycomb farm Minecraft6:4337Minecraft
2024-01-20Most easiest iron farm in minecraft 1.2018:04135Minecraft
2024-01-13easy auto food farm minecraft11:4076Minecraft
2024-01-06Easy slime farm35:3434TutorialMinecraft
2023-12-16How to get glow lichens6:2446TutorialMinecraft
2023-12-09Ice farm minecraft44:33114TutorialMinecraft
2023-12-02Trial chamber challenge29:0527Minecraft
2023-11-25The Trial Chamber38:1923TutorialMinecraft
2023-11-18Super easy frog light farm 1.2024:33144TutorialMinecraft
2023-11-11Frog farm minecraft23:3652GuideMinecraft
2023-11-04Respawn ender dragon in bedrock java (all versions)8:3319GuideMinecraft
2023-10-28Every possible way to move villagers21:25761GuideMinecraft
2023-10-21How to make a wall map in Minecraft9:06141TutorialMinecraft
2023-10-14The villager transport system you must have!15:1071TutorialMinecraft
2023-10-07Villager breeder for 1.2025:0051GuideMinecraft
2023-09-30Easy mob farm minecraft 1.2029:23324Minecraft
2023-09-23Beacon guide23:1646GuideMinecraft
2023-09-16How to get the wither8:2848GuideMinecraft
2023-09-09How to make a chunk loader10:17292TutorialMinecraft
2023-09-02Warden switch 1.20 and on16:03242Minecraft
2023-08-26How to stop the warden spawning minecraft33:12159GuideMinecraft
2023-08-195 hints to make your life easier in Minecraft9:24123Minecraft
2023-08-12Armor trims Minecraft. Everything you need to know.21:0169Minecraft
2023-08-05Minecraft Librarian trading changes that will rock your world!15:14182Minecraft
2023-07-29Sniffer farm with auto collection17:2332TutorialMinecraft
2023-07-22Do this to make potions to change your life. The auto brewing stand!18:0425Minecraft