


DZombie is a Brazilian YouTube content creator with roughly 34.7 thousand subscribers, with his content totaling approximately 5.65 million views views across 546 videos.

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All Videos by DZombie

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2025-02-05Battlefield 1, será que ainda tem jogadores ativos no multiplayer? #bf1 #battlefield1 #battlefield0:00729Battlefield 1
2025-02-04Bomberman Ultra, será que ainda tem servidor online? #bomberman #ps3games #ps3 #retrogames0:0010,312Bomberman Ultra
2025-02-03Um dos melhores jogos de luta para o PS VITA, Guilty Gear XX #guiltygear #psvitagames #psvita0:001,010Guilty Gear XX
2025-02-02Suicide Squad, será que ainda tem jogadores ativos no online? #suicidesquad #esquadrãosuicida #game0:001,808
2025-01-30O raro Resident Evil HD Remaster 😍 #residentevilhdremaster #biohazard #residentevil #ps3 #ps3games0:003,249Resident Evil
2025-01-28O jogo raro do Bleach, Bleach: Soul Resurrección 😍 #bleachgame #bleachanime #bleach #ps3 #ps3games0:0011,756
2025-01-27Persona 4 Arena, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #persona4arena #persona4 #ps30:001,715Persona 4 Arena
2025-01-26Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, será que ainda tem servidor online? #tekken5 #tekken #ps3 #ps3games0:001,683Tekken 5
2025-01-24O jogo raro do Homem-Aranha, The Amazing Spider-Man 😁 #theamazingspiderman #spiderman #ps3 #marvel0:0014,167The Amazing Spider-Man
2025-01-22Injustice: Gods Among Us, será que ainda tem servidor online? #injusticegodsamongus #injustice #ps30:0019,297Injustice: Gods Among Us
2025-01-20Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, será que ainda tem servidor online? #gardenwarfare #pvz #ps30:0031,950Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
2025-01-19Need For Speed: Rivals, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #needforspeedrivals #ps30:0013,017Need for Speed Rivals
2025-01-17Ainda vale a pena jogar Manhunt 2? #manhunt2 #rockstargames #ps2 #ps2games #jogodeterror #gamerbr0:002,416Manhunt 2
2025-01-16Power Rangers Battle for the Grid, será que ainda tem servidor online? #powerrangers #ps4games #ps40:0032,001Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
2025-01-15FIFA Street, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #fifastreet #ps3games #ps3 #easports0:0071,844FIFA 19
2025-01-14Max Payne 3, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #maxpayne3gameplay #maxpayne #ps30:005,198Max Payne 3
2025-01-13Attack on Titan, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #attackontitangame #ps3games #ps30:00186,852Attack on Titan
2025-01-12Resident Evil: Revelations 2, será que ainda tem servidor online? #residentevilrevelations2 #ps30:0031,379Resident Evil: Revelations 2
2025-01-11Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, será que ainda tem servidor online? #blackflag #assassinscreed #ps30:0011,919Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
2025-01-08Os 10 melhores jogos de todos os tempos! #top10games #topgames #games #retrogames #gamerbr #top100:001,634
2025-01-07O Gohan mais forte de Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 #gohan #budokaitenkaichi3 #dragonballz0:0012,490Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
2025-01-06Far Cry 4, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #farcry #farcry4 #ps3 #ps3games0:0016,361Far Cry 4
2025-01-04O injustiçado jogo do Rambo! #rambogaming #rambogame #rambo #retrogames #gamerbr #gamesbrasil0:005,065
2025-01-04Destiny 2, ainda tem jogadores ativos hoje em dia? #destiny2 #destiny2pvp #destiny #bungie #ps40:001,230Destiny 2
2025-01-03SoulCalibur V, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #soulcalibur5 #soulcalibur #ps30:001,116Soulcalibur V
2025-01-02Assassin’s Creed: Unity, será que ainda tem servidor online? #assassinscreedunity #assassinscreed0:003,608Assassin's Creed Unity
2025-01-02Far Cry 5, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #farcry5 #farcry #ps4 #ps4games #farcry60:004,891Far Cry 5
2024-12-31Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, será que ainda tem servidor online? #sonicracing #sonic #ps30:009,499
2024-12-30Grid Autosport, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #gridautosport #grid #ps3 #ps3games0:001,665Grid Autosport
2024-12-30Saint Seiya: Soldiers’ Soul, será que ainda tem servidor online? #saintseiyasoldierssoul #cdz #ps30:003,079
2024-12-29Saints Row: The Third, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #saintsrow3 #saintsrow #ps30:007,482Saints Row: The Third
2024-12-28Naruto Storm Revolution, será que ainda tem servidor online? #narutostormrevolution #naruto #ps30:0010,283Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution
2024-12-27Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, será que ainda tem servidor online? #codinfinitewarfare #callofduty0:003,722Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
2024-12-25Quando Cold Fear fica assustador? Vamos jogar até descobrir 🥶 #coldfear #ps2games #ps2 #horrorgame0:00992Cold Fear
2024-12-25Tomb Raider, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #tombraider #laracroft #ps3games #ps30:002,350Tomb Raider
2024-12-24Anarchy Reigns, será que ainda tem servidor online? #anarchyreigns #ps3games #ps3 #sega0:005,067Anarchy Reigns
2024-12-23Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, será que ainda tem servidor online? #reddeadredemption #ps30:003,994Red Dead Redemption
2024-12-22Watch Dogs, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #watchdogsonline #watchdogs #ps3 #games0:0020,759Watch Dogs
2024-12-20Quando Resident Evil 2 fica assustador? Vamos jogar até descobrir #re2 #residentevil #leonskennedy0:0012,415Resident Evil 2
2024-12-19Por que Superman 64 é melhor que GTA V #superman #nintendo64 #retrogaming #retrogames #gta5 #dc0:002,448Grand Theft Auto V
2024-12-18Como será que está o online de Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, após o hype inicial? #sparkingzero #dbz0:003,248DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO
2024-12-18Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai, é um dos melhores jogos do PSP 🤩 #dbzshinbudokai2 #dragonballz #psp0:003,864Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai
2024-12-16Gears of War 2, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #gearsofwar2 #gearsofwar #xbox3600:003,689Gears of War 2
2024-12-15Midnight Club: Los Angeles, será que ainda tem servidor online? #midnightclub #ps3games #ps30:001,757Midnight Club: Los Angeles
2024-12-14Fable 3, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #fable3 #fable #xbox360 #xbox360games0:001,006Fable III
2024-12-13Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, será que ainda tem servidor online? #codadvancedwarfare #cod #ps30:0010,888Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
2024-12-12Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, será que ainda tem servidor online? #codmw2 #cod #ps3 #ps3games0:007,487Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
2024-12-11Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z, será que ainda tem servidor online? #dragonballzbattleofz #dbz #ps30:009,418Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
2024-12-10Coleção completa de jogos do Dragon Ball para PS3 #dragonballgames #dbz #dragonball #ps3games #ps30:009,033Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
2024-12-09O jogo de corrida do Ben 10 (Ben 10: Galactic Racing) 😀 #ben10 #ps3games #ps3 #ben10omniverse0:001,556Ben 10: Galactic Racing
2024-12-08The King of Fighters XII, será que ainda tem servidor online? #kof #thekingoffighthers #ps30:004,270The King of Fighters XII
2024-12-07O jogo do Chaves (El Chavo Kart) 😁 #turmadochaves #chaves #ps3 #ps3games #retrogames #chaveskart0:005,853El Chavo Kart
2024-12-06Testei Marvel Rivals, o Overwatch da Marvel 😁 #marvelrivals #marvelstudios #marveluniverse #games0:002,166
2024-12-05UFL, o jogo de futebol do Cristiano Ronaldo 😅 #uflgame #ufl #cristianoronaldo #cr7 #fifa #futebol0:0018,781
2024-12-04Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (PS VITA), será que ainda tem servidor online? #rerevelations2 #psvita0:003,340Resident Evil: Revelations 2
2024-12-03Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2, será que ainda tem servidor online? #dragonballragingblast2 #dbz #ps30:00110Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2
2024-12-03Forza Horizon, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #forzahorizon #forza #xbox360 #xbox0:0029,861Forza Horizon
2024-12-02Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, será que ainda tem jogadores ativos no online? #blackops3 #cod #ps40:001,780Call of Duty: Black Ops III
2024-12-01Avicii Invector, é o Guitar Hero do DJ AVICII #aviciitribute #aviciimusic #avicii #guitarhero0:00579AVICII Invector
2024-11-30Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, será que ainda tem servidor online? #narutostorm2 #naruto0:007,163Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
2024-11-29Dragon Ball Z: Sagas, é tão ruim assim? 🤔 #dragonballzsagas #dragonballz #dragonball #retrogames0:002,034Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
2024-11-28Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi, será que ainda tem servidor online? #dragonballz #xbox360 #dbz0:0010,576Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
2024-11-27Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, ainda tem servidor online? #residentevil #ps3 #ps3games0:005,480Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
2024-11-26Far Cry Primal é top demais! #farcryprimal #farcry #ps4games #ps4 #ubisoft #gameplay0:003,121Far Cry Primal
2024-11-25The Order: 1886, é ruim mas é bom 😂 #theorder1886 #ps4games #ps4 #playstation #gameplay0:001,280The Order: 1886
2024-11-24Ganhei uma caixa cheia de videogames 🤩 #videogames #retrogames #retrogaming #gamesretrô #gamerbr0:001,853
2024-11-23Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, será que ainda tem servidor online? #cod4 #callofduty #ps3 #ps3games0:001,174Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
2024-11-22O jogo esquecido do Conan 😅 #conanthebarbarian #ps3 #ps3games #retrogames #conanexiles #conan0:004,101Conan Exiles
2024-11-21Enfrentei o T-Bag no jogo do Prison Break 😂 #prisonbreakgame #prisonbreak #ps3 #ps3games #gameplay0:002,794Prison Break: The Conspiracy
2024-11-20Testando o modo cooperativo de Dying Light 2 #dyinglight2 #dyinglight #zombie #zombiegames #psplus0:00938Dying Light 2
2024-11-19Dead Space 2, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #deadspace2 #deadspace #ps3 #ps3games0:006,801Dead Space 2
2024-11-17Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, será que ainda tem jogadores ativos hoje em dia? #dragonballxenoverse #dbz0:0022,537Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
2024-11-16O jogo do Cobra Kai 😂 #cobrakai #karatekid #miyagido #beatemup #jogodeluta #johnnylawerence0:001,356The Karate Kid
2024-11-15Testando o online de Ghost Recon Wildlands 👻 #ghostreconwildlands #ghostrecon #tomclancy #psplus0:001,026Ghost Recon Wildlands
2024-11-14J-Stars Victory Vs, será que ainda tem servidor online? #jstarsvictoryvs #shonenjump #ps4 #ps4games0:0015,518J-Stars Victory VS
2024-11-13Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, cada dia que passa fica mais raro #sekiroshadowsdietwice #sekiro #xbox0:0016,903Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
2024-11-12Dragon Ball: Xenoverse, será que ainda tem servidor online? #dragonballxenoverse #dragonball #ps30:0014,155Dragon Ball Xenoverse
2024-11-11God of War: Ascension, será que ainda tem servidor online? #godofwarascension #godofwar #ps3 #kratos0:005,548God of War: Ascension
2024-11-10Resident Evil 6, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #residentevil6 #residentevil #ps30:008,363Resident Evil 6
2024-11-09O jogo do Death Note 😂 #deathnoteanime #animegames #deathnote #deathnotel #deathnotelight #psplus0:0064,937
2024-11-08Fui hackeado no modo online de Call of Duty MW3 de PS3 😅#codmw3 #callofduty #mw3 #ps3games #ps30:0019,890Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
2024-11-07Burter, é realmente apelão em Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3? #burter #budokaitenkaichi3 #dbz0:0022,076Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
2024-11-06O Goku mais forte de Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 #goku #budokaitenkaichi3 #dragonball #dbz0:0037,207Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
2024-11-05MANHUNT, o jogo proibido da Rockstar #manhunt #rockstargames #ps2 #ps2games #rockstar #retrogames0:002,338Manhunt
2024-11-03Call of Duty Black Ops, será que ainda tem servidor online? #codblackops #callofduty #ps3games #ps30:00113,118Call of Duty: Black Ops
2024-11-02Dragon Ball: Raging Blast, ainda vale a pena hoje em dia? #ragingblast #dbz #dragonball #ps30:002,084Dragon Ball: Raging Blast
2024-11-02Comparando o Ultimate Attack de Kid Boo, entre Budokai 3, Tenkaichi 3 e Sparking Zero. #kidboo #dbz0:0058,807
2024-10-31Street Fighter 4, será que ainda tem servidor online hoje em dia? #sf4 #streetfighter #ps3 #ps3games0:003,330Street Fighter IV
2024-10-30Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe, é brilhante, porém com falhas #mkvsdc #mortalkombatvsdcuniverse #ps30:006,310Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
2024-10-29Testei o modo online de Left 4 Dead 2 em 2024. 🤔 #left4deadversus #left4dead2envivo #zombieshorts0:001,883Left 4 Dead 2
2024-10-28Minha coleção de jogos de Nintendo 64 ✌🏻#n64 #n64games #nintendo #retrogaming #retrogames0:003,821Super Mario 64
2024-10-26Testando o multiplayer de Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 em PC fraco #blackops6 #callofduty #pcfraco0:00896Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
2024-10-26Testando o modo online de Gears of War 5 via xCloud #gearsofwars5 #gearsofwar #xcloud #xbox0:00561Gears 5
2024-10-24Testando o modo cooperativo online de Dead Island 2 #deadisland2 #zombieshorts #ps5games #ps50:004,679Dead Island 2
2024-10-23Super Vegetto, é o melhor para a ranqueada de Dragon Ball Sparking Zero #vegetto #sparkingzero #dbz0:009,980DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO
2024-10-22SATAN VS SATAN EM PLENA RANQUEADA 😂 Dragon Ball Sparking Zero! #mrsatan #sparkingzero #dragonball0:0013,871DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO
2024-10-20Street Fighter X Tekken, será que ainda tem servidor online? #streetfighterxtekken #ps3games #ps30:009,417Street Fighter X Tekken
2024-10-18O Majin Boo mais forte de Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 #majinboo #budokaitenkaichi3 #dbz0:00105,322Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
2024-10-17Call of Duty: Ghosts, será que ainda tem servidor online? #codghosts #callofduty #ps3 #ps3games0:0027,241Call of Duty: Ghosts
2024-10-16Essas lutas são difíceis de vencer em Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 😅 #budokaitenkaichi3 #dbz0:00181,276Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3