For Fun Spider Deck OTK in Legend Anthology

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Duration: 4:01

My for fun meme spider deck that I used to farm in Legend Anthology Event

I played with Suship Gunkans and Burning Abyss at the event, but wanted to try something different, that's when I decided to try this for fun spider deck that i see in one of my Yu-Gi-Oh subscribed channels.


Your main objective is to go second and summon Mother Spider Splitter as soon as possible, under this you need to get break as many interactions and negates on the oponent field, try some board breaks like Dark Hole and Raigeki.

The deck use a lot of resources to look for the Mother Spider Splitter card to start the play (Insect Imitation is one of then) after you get her, normal or Special and tribute her to create 3 copies of Baby Spiders, they now is all level 5. Use one as a sacrifice to adjust the level of the other two to level 10 and create Number 35: Ravenous Tarantula and on top of XYZ create Number 84: Pain Gainer and again an XYZ on top of 84, the Spider Number 77: The Seven Sins.

Now use the second effect of Baby Spider on grave, banish him paying half life points, detach card Number 35: Ravenous Tarantula from Number 77 and activate the effect of Number 35 to summon himself on board (The effect of gaining ATK/Def is equal to the difference between your life points and your opponent) them you do the lethal damage.

The only exception is that you MUST go SECOND, using Board Break to wipe your oponent field and try OTK, otherwise the chances of a comeback are extremely low as the deck is relatively weak for any interaction. If you need to go first, try to do it as soon as possible the Number 70: Malevolent Sin using 2 monsters level 4 as material and not die for comeback (this card can banish an opponent's monster until the next turn)

You can use the effect of XYZ Spiders if you want to have interactions like the one that destroys an opponent's monster with lower defense than it, but you must have Number 35 in the cemetery to activate its effect that's necessary for OTK.



This deck is meme, extremely weak and loses to practically everything if your oponente negate yours main win conditions, but I've already managed to win against some Standard Blue-Eyes, Dark Magician, Hero, D/D/D and Salamangreat but unfortunaly i lost a lot too if i don't reach the Mother Spider with Recharge in two turns.

If you don't have CP left or a specific archetype to play in the event, this deck only uses cards of Common and Rare rarity.