[GB] Pokemon Red/Blue/Green OST Remastered / ポケットモンスター 赤・青・緑 第1世代 BGM マスタリング用プラグインでのリマスター版

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf6kkaYj_4I

Duration: 57:37

Pokémon is in the news recently and I could not help but check out the Game Boy soundtracks, the Trading Card one has some songs I earmarked as faves but impressed by the sheer amount of great music in these games. As far as I know some bonus songs were added to Yellow so I left that off of the description. These games were evolving over years with many different revisions to essentially the same "gen 1" games.

Both NES and Game Boy music is surprisingly difficult to "remaster" - the sound is highly noisy/irregular as well as dependent on a certain balance of frequencies. There are some hardware mods that try to improve Game Boy audio (such as removing hiss), but the wild nature is part of its charm. I had fun comparing my mix here to the official one in "Red Green Super Music Collection", I tried adding reverb in a similar way that one is doing but I could not find a reverb sound I liked so I ended up using an extremely small amount of delay (as I am experimenting with a few other videos lately). I am focusing on layering on tweaks of EQ and then a dynamic EQ, as well as a couple mastering plugins that hopefully glues it all together.

Composer: Junichi Masuda (増田順一)

00:00 オープニング / Title Screen (part 1)
0:14 タイトル画面BGM / Title Screen (part 2)
1:52 マサラタウンのテーマ / Pallet Town Theme
3:03 オーキド博士 / Professor Oak
4:02 オーキド研究所 / Professor Oak's Laboratory
4:35 ライバルあらわる / A Rival Appears
5:11 トキワへの道-マサラより / Road to Viridian City Leaving Pallet Town
6:03 戦い(VS野生ポケモン) / Battle! (Wild Pokemon)
7:26 勝利(VS野生ポケモン) / Victory! (Wild Pokemon)
7:54 ニビシティのテーマ / Pewter City Theme
10:03 ポケモンセンター / Pokemon Center
11:05 ポケモン回復 / Pokemon Healed
11:12 トキワの森 / Viridian Forest
14:39 道案内 / Guide
15:05 トレーナーあらわる(女の子編) / A Trainer Appears (Girl Version)
15:23 戦い(VSトレーナー) / Battle! (Trainer Battle)
18:28 勝利(VSトレーナー) / Victory! (Trainer Battle)
18:56 おつきみ山のどうくつ / Caves of Mt. Moon
22:10 ハナダへの道 おつきみ山より / Road to Cerulean City Leaving Mt. Moon
23:03 ハナダシティのテーマ / Cerulean City Theme
24:08 ポケモンジム / Pokemon Gym
25:11 マサキのもとへ ハナダより / To Bill Leaving Cerulean City
25:56 プリンの歌 / Jigglypuff's Song
26:07 クチバシティのテーマ / Vermilion City Theme
26:57 サントアンヌ号 / The S.S. Anne
28:06 シオンへの道 クチバより / Road to Lavender Town Leaving Vermilion City
29:16 ポケモンの笛 / The Poke Flute
29:26 トレーナーあらわる(男の子編) / A Trainer Appears (Boy Version)
29:47 戦い(VSジムリーダー) / Battle! (Gym Leader Battle)
31:42 勝利(VSジムリーダー) / Victory! (Gym Leader Battle)
33:01 サイクリング / Cycling
34:15 シオンタウンのテーマ / Lavender Town Theme
35:43 ポケモンタワー / Pokemon Tower
37:50 タマムシシティのテーマ / Celadon City Theme
38:54 カジノ / Rocket Game Corner
40:18 トレーナーあらわる(悪いヤツ編) / A Trainer Appears (Bad Guy Version)
40:36 ロケット団アジト / Rocket Hideout
43:10 シルフカンパニー / Silph Co.
45:20 海 / The Sea
48:19 グレンタウンのテーマ / Cinnabar Island Theme
47:07 ポケモン屋敷 / Pokemon Mansion
50:18 進化 / Evolution
50:38 最後の道 / The Final Road
51:40 ラストバトル(VSライバル)/ Final Battle! (Rival)
54:12 殿堂入り / Hall of Fame
55:01 エンディング / Ending Theme
56:43 アイテム入手 / Item Obtained
56:48 ファンファーレ1 / Evolution Fanfare / Pokemon Captured Fanfare
57:02 ファンファーレ2 / Key Item Obtained / Level Up Pokedex Evaluation Fanfare

#pokemon #gameboy #nintendo #gamemusic #ポケットモンスター #pokemonblue #pokemonred #pokemongreen #Pokémon #vgm #ゲーム音楽 #任天堂 #ポケモン

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