Godfall PS5《眾神殞落》試玩 - 砍砍砍砍砍! [4K中文版]

Godfall PS5《眾神殞落》試玩 - 砍砍砍砍砍! [4K中文版]

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_WAWXVCddo

Godfall (2020)
Duration: 18:33

Godfall is set in a high fantasy setting, split into the realms of Earth, Water, Air, where players take the role of one of the last exalted Knight's Order to prevent a major apocalyptic event. The player has 5 weapon classes to select from, based on which of their armor sets, Valorplates, they equip. These weapon classes include the longsword, dual blades, polearm, two handed war hammer and the two handed great sword...

阿貝朗(Aperion)正瀕臨毀滅邊緣。玩家將扮演最後的英勇騎士(Valorian knight)—也就是天神一般的戰士,能夠穿著英勇盔甲(Valorplates),而這些傳說中的盔甲能將穿戴者轉變為勢不可擋的近身戰大師。玩家將能在各個元素國度中一路過關斬將,挑戰在頂端等候大駕的狂神馬可士(Macros)

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