Kiko Un Beer, Ta Simbolisa Den Beibel?

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Duration: 4:02

Shalom Aleichem Baruch Atah Melchizedek Melech Kodesh Yerushalayim Zion Hill, Of Yerushalayim Where The City Of Dawid Will Be Found, I Mean The Most High His Majesty, There In Heavenly, The One And Only Beloved One Of Heavenly, Please Clarified My Mind For Me, Who Is She That, She Keep Acting In Immorality, While She Know That, LOVE Is In The Air, The Messiah Is Near, And Still She Have Decided To Be Jailed For Eternity, While She Could Be Redeemed By Thee, So Melchizedek Melech Kodesh Dawid The One And Only Begotten Son Of Eternity, Can A Human Make A Deal With Thee? For It Seems That She Is Been Blinded By Money, For I Am Living In Poverty, While She Did Want To Steal The Property Of My Family!

What, Is Mercifulness? Mercifulness Is The State Of Being Merciful, So Showing Mercy, Who Will Sound In The Ear Of Mankind As, Forgiveness Shown Towards Someone, Whom It Is Within One's Power To Punish [Penalize = Impose A Sentence On Somebody], As A Matter Of Fact, Dishaniera Marchena Everything Is Possible, Yet Not Everything Is Beneficial To Thine Own Mind, Thou Have Spoken Lies Above Lies Well Nowadays, All Those Shilly-Shally, For Thy Have Been Spoke And Act In An Evasive Manner, By Tending To Avoid Commitment And Self-revelation, Especially By Responding Only In A Kind Of Indirectly Way, Saying: That The Righteously Loyal Holy Judge Need To Make An Agreement With The, While Thou Was The One Who Been Living Thine Opportunity To Be Saved In Transgressions, Showing Blasphemy Before The Holy Court There In Heavenly: Dishaniera Marchena Tell Me About Thou Pondering, For How Would A Sinner Want, To Make A Deal With The Messiah?

Thou Are The One Who Had Committed Transgressions, Thou Are The One Who Have Been Killing, Thou Are The One Who Had Lied To Others, And Nowadays They Have Encountered Themselves In Unwelcome Circumstances All This, Because Of Thee Dishaniera Marchena, Thou Are The One Who Wanted To Kill Me, Thus Dennis Isidro Victorina, And Thou Were The One Who Wanted Dianiera Marchena Accept Your Transgressions On Her Shoulders, Where Is Thine Justice To Be Found, Where Is Your Dignity? For Dishaniera Marchena Thy Have Live, Thou Opportunity Showing Devilish, So Thy Are Appropriate To A Devil In Evil And Cruelty: Well Now Dishaniera Marchena, What Is The Arrangement [Plans Or Preparations For A Future Event], Between The Messiah And The Unbelieving World?

For Thy Have Said, I Do Not Want To Be Saved, So Thou Destiny Is Not Been Pointing Heavenly, But Hell: So What Shall Be The Agreement [Like-mindedness], Between Antichrist And Christ? Or Do The Enemy Of Humanity, Have A Kind Of Disposition For A Particular Purpose, With The Creator Of Humanity That, Will Take Place In The Future?

Too Rude [Impolitely, Unmannerly, Disrespectfully, So Uncomplimentary, Negative And Insulting] She Have Said That She Have Sold Her Soul To The Devil More Than Once, How Can Be Possible That, Somebody Who Have Sin Against The Messiah, Have Pondering That She Will Make A Deal, With The Holy Messenger Of The Most High His Majesty, There In Heavenly, While She Does Not Want To Be Saved By The Redeemer, So It Seems That She Have Wondering That, There Will Be An Agreement Between, The Dragon And The Messiah, Between Eternity And Mortality, Between Wickedness And Goodness, So Between Darkness And Lightness: And Still She Are Showing Blasphemy Before The Sight Of Heavenly, Saying That Her Destiny Is Hell!

Aleichem Shalom Baruch Atah Melchizedek Melech Kodesh Yerushalayim Devilish, Instead By Saved By The Messiah, Dishaniera Marchena Have Chosen To Be Appropriate, To A Devil In Evil And Cruelty: Well Now, What Does A Bear Symbolize Biblically?

As A Matter Of Fact, The Bear Is Used As, A Metaphor For The Activity Of Both The Wicked And Unholy Against The LORD ADON YA, In The Former Use It Denotes The Wicked As, Essentially Bestial—Cruel, Insensitive, Self-seeking, And Without A Spiritual Consciousness Seek And Read The Book Of Proverbs 28, And The Book Of Daniel 7!

Soms Moet Men Ze Bedenken Voordat Ze Voor De Aangezicht Der Hemelen Zou Liegen, Denkende Dat De Volgelingen Van Christus Zou Niet Erachter Gaan Komen, Wat Is Geschied Is Dat Dishaniera, Dianiera En Liantje Marchena Had Gewoon Voor De Aangezicht, Van De Heilige Vader Die Is In De Hemelen Zitten Liegen, Terwijl Ze Wisten Dat Ze Te Maken Hadden Met De Heilige Geesten, Van De Messias: Aan Het Verdediging Zeggen Ze Dat, Ze Had Gelogen Door Aandring Van Dishaniera Marchena, Die Met De Vader Van Haar En Dianiera Marchena, Dus De Opa Van Liantje Marchena Een Verkering Zou Hebben!

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