About Patrick So
This is the Warblefly41 Channel, delivering stage-by-stage playthroughs since 2009. NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, PC-Engine, you'll find them all here, with over 5000 videos of archival retrogaming footage, and there's so many trying to watch them all is like trying to dig to China!
When I was young, I got introduced to videogames, but since we were poor and all I had back then (as late as 2006) was a Pentium II (and a Pentium 4 as of 2009), I had to make due with pirated NES multicarts and downloaded SNES ROMS. This spurred me to go retrogaming, and once I was able to record the footage, I had this compulsion to post every playthrough. I generally do a blind run for most games and then rely on the power of rerecording to blaze through it. Since then (and two computer changes; the first to an Athlon 64 X2 and the second to an FX-8320) the upload counts are on the rise and I've been trying to play and chronicle as many games as possible.
Established November 2006
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Variety of Games on Channel
There are 1187 games covered by Patrick So, consisting of 9803 videos, or 81.54% of the total videos on this channel.