About Andres Bravo Sim
Meet Andres Bravo Sim. (Most Refereed to be Called A Self Sim) Welcoming you To the Channel on YouTube! (Known as the Alt Channel) Here you Can Listen Music and Watch some Random Sims Vids and Gameplays since he Won't bother. Subscribe for More great Videos!
YouTube Handle: @ab_sim_2003 (Easy Searching)
This Channel requires if your 13 years and Older. (As regards to the Sims Franchise)
Andres Bravo Sim is not affiliated with Electronic Arts (EA) or The Sims. Powered by Andres Bravo.
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Variety of Games on Channel
There are 34 games covered by Andres Bravo Sim, consisting of 116 videos, or 65.17% of the total videos on this channel.