Nintendo Thumb

Nintendo Thumb

United States
United States

Nintendo Thumb is an American YouTube content creator with over 113 thousand subscribers. He published at least 38.88 thousand videos which altogether total at least 100.96 million views.

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About Nintendo Thumb

Hi, Thank you for watching!

New Super Mario Maker 1 + 2 courses All Day Every Day!
From top-ranked recent courses.
From start to the results screen at the end with codes at the beginning of the video to play them yourself.
Thank you so much watching my channel, and thank you to every one making all of these incredible creations, and of course a big thanks to Nintendo for making it all possible!

And to viewers like you.


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Variety of Games on Channel

There are 154 games covered by Nintendo Thumb, consisting of 38739 videos, or 99.64% of the total videos on this channel.

Nintendo Thumb Dual-Focus On The Channel

The majority of the video content for Nintendo Thumb revolves around two games: Super Mario Maker with 42.52% of the channel's total videos and 77.18% of the total views, as well asSuper Mario Maker 2 with 50.39% of the total videos and 18.44% of the total views.