About Mystacular
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2024-11-21 9:10:10 PM ● 418 views ● 0:00
2024-11-20 10:05:21 PM ● 620 views ● 0:00
Variety of Games on Channel
There are 96 games covered by Mystacular, consisting of 1438 videos, or 94.61% of the total videos on this channel.
100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Mystacular
On March 7, 2016, Mystacular reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the Far Cry Primal video "Far Cry Primal Gameplay Part 1 - DEATH OF A WENJA", which has 51 views and 0 likes.
1000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Mystacular
On December 20, 2022, Mystacular reaches 1000 videos on YouTube with the release of the Fortnite video "I'm thinking these were bots I killed #shorts #fortnite #fortnitechapter4", which has 95 views and 6 likes.