About Sasagamer
Perché ho iniziato a realizzare video su YouTube? Ho visto molti video su Youtube e mi hanno ispirato, se riesco a fare lo stesso sono felice. Realizzo video di gameplay di alta qualità, walkthrough, momenti epici, game movie, full game. Se ti piacciono i miei video iscriviti. Grazie
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Variety of Games on Channel
There are 225 games covered by Sasagamer, consisting of 3236 videos, or 97.65% of the total videos on this channel.
100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Sasagamer
On September 24, 2019, Sasagamer reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the GreedFall video "GREEDFALL All Missions Gameplay Walkthrough Part 10 PS4 HD [ No commentary]", which has 27 views and 6 likes.
1000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Sasagamer
On September 22, 2020, Sasagamer reaches 1000 videos on YouTube with the release of the Prey video "#2 LOBBY DI TALOS 1 - PREY (ITA) Gameplay no commentary [difficoltà difficile]", which has 32 views and 2 likes.