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ShawnP is an American YouTube channel which has around 106 thousand subscribers, publishing more than 1.28 thousand videos which altogether total roughly 25.53 million views.

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All Videos by ShawnP

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2025-01-12The Secret Fastest TTK in Warzone..0:005,581Call of Duty: Warzone
2025-01-10I Went Back to the ISO Hemlock & I Regret it..0:006,634
2025-01-09These are a Problem... Again..0:005,960
2025-01-07I Went Back to the TAQ 56 & It Surprised Me..0:008,298
2025-01-03The New Update is Actually Fun.. (Squid Game 2 Warzone)0:009,046Call of Duty: Warzone
2025-01-03Stop Using the Wrong Optic.. This One Reduces Recoil!0:009,102
2025-01-02This SMG is Still Broken..0:005,782
2025-01-01The Warzone Community is Sleeping on This SMG..0:006,541Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-12-29I Tried Warzone Ranked and I Regret it..0:008,322Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-12-28This Class Actually Feels Unfair.0:008,511
2024-12-26The SIDEWINDER is SURPRISINGLY META in Warzone0:006,078
2024-12-25New LMG Meta is Unfair..0:007,441
2024-12-24They Finally Made the MP5 Great Again..0:006,485
2024-12-21Goodbye KAR98, Hello AMR MOD 4 META in BO6 Warzone0:008,914
2024-12-20Warzone Released a New Resurgence Mode 😱 (Archies Festival Frenzy)0:004,466
2024-12-19Warzone Forgot to Nerf this SMG..0:005,719Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-12-18The Best One Shot Sniper is..0:004,694
2024-12-17The Black Ops 6 STG 44 Gives you Aimbot..0:006,322
2024-12-16New AR Meta Makes Warzone Easy..0:007,532
2024-12-15The Rapid Fire Tanto .22 Might be Too Good..0:007,042
2024-12-14This is Actually a Cheat Code..0:006,713
2024-12-13I Used this Stryder .22 Loadout on BO6 Warzone and It's...0:006,595
2024-12-10Goodbye XM4, Hello GPR 91 META in BO6 Warzone0:008,793
2024-12-08I Was Wrong About This SMG.. (KSV)0:006,115
2024-12-07They ADDED a TOMMY GUN in BO6 Warzone! (Best Meta Loadouts)0:005,958
2024-12-06*NEW* DRAGON'S BREATH MAELSTROM is META on BO6 Warzone!0:007,114
2024-12-05Welcome to CODMAS! (New Area 99 Map Update + Holiday Rush LTM)0:004,762
2024-12-04I Found the SECRET NO RECOIL AR META in Rebirth Island!0:006,506
2024-12-03This AK-74 is BUSTED on BO6 WARZONE! (Best Meta Loadouts)0:006,983
2024-12-02RAPID FIRE KOMPAKT 92 is INSANE on BO6 Warzone! (Best Meta Loadouts)0:006,663
2024-11-30100 ROUND XM4 is TAKING OVER BO6 Warzone! (Best Meta Loadouts)0:008,587
2024-11-28BO6 Warzone Funny Moments & Highlights! #10:003,573
2024-11-27This AS VAL is a CHEAT CODE in BO6 WARZONE! (Best Meta Loadouts)0:0011,965
2024-11-26*NEW* SIRIN 9MM is INSANE on BO6 Warzone! (Best Meta Loadouts)0:0010,103
2024-11-24*NEW* BUFFER WEIGHT STOCK is AMAZING on BO6 Warzone!0:0011,218
2024-11-23*NEW* #1 BEST LOADOUT on WARZONE! (Best Meta Loadouts)0:008,824Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-11-21The FASTEST KILLING SMG in BO6 WARZONE! (Best Meta Loadouts)0:009,608Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-11-213 Weapon Loadouts are BROKEN on BO6 Warzone! (Best Meta Loadouts)0:008,324Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-11-20BEST SETTINGS for BO6 Warzone (OMNIMOVEMENT & AIM SENSITIVITY)0:009,567Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-11-19The FASTEST KILLING AR in BO6 WARZONE! (Best Meta Loadouts)0:0010,983Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-11-18the #1 XM4 CLASS SETUP to USE in BO6 Warzone! (Area 99)0:006,664Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-11-17I Bought the PAY TO WIN Audio -- Does It Work? (BO6 Warzone)0:0013,770Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-11-15*NEW* KRIG C is INSANE in Warzone! (Area 99 Black Ops6)0:009,354Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
2024-11-14Welcome to Area 99! (Black Ops 6 Warzone)0:0010,296
2024-10-29I NUKED the NEW INFECTED Mode in Black Ops 6!0:0010,277Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
2024-10-25How to Get Easy Lobbies on Black Ops 6! (Say Goodbye to SBMM)0:006,151Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
2024-10-24[3/37 GOLD] MW3 Mastery CAMO GRIND! Unlocking INTERSTELLAR in Modern Warfare 3!0:009,858GuideCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
2024-10-24πŸ”΄ LIVE - BLACK OPS 6 Multiplayer Camo Grind & MASTER PRESTIGE (DARK MATTER)0:000Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
2024-10-20Using EVERY BROKEN CONVERSION Kit in Warzone (Best Loadouts)0:008,234Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-10-17*NEW* JAK SIGNAL BURST HOLGER 556 is AMAZING! (Warzone Meta Loadout)0:007,762Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-10-13I Found the SECRET NO RECOIL AR META in Rebirth Island!0:009,980Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-10-11Goodbye STATIC-HV, Hello ACR META on Rebirth Island0:0010,539Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-10-09*NEW* JAK VOLTSTORM STORMENDER is META on Rebirth Island! (Warzone)0:0020,465Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-10-08IRON SIGHT M13C is PERFECT on Rebirth Island (Warzone)0:008,040Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-10-06BUFFED TAQ V on Rebirth Island0:008,933Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-10-04IRON SIGHT CHIMERA is a PROBLEM on Rebirth Island (Warzone)0:0015,037Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-10-02the BAL 27 is FINALLY META on Rebirth Island! (Warzone Meta Loadouts)0:009,511Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-30I FOUND the PERFECT SMG META on Rebirth Island..0:0010,594Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-29Goodbye DTIR 30-06, Hello G36C META on Rebirth Island0:0014,557Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-28I DROPPED a NUKE on Rebirth Island ☒ | This is What You Unlock | Warzone Season 60:008,215Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-27NOW REPLACING EVERY SMG on Rebirth Island! (Warzone Meta Loadouts)0:0010,322Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-25*NEW* JAK LANCE MX GUARDIAN 1 SHOTS on Rebirth Island! (Warzone)0:009,710
2024-09-24*NEW* HRM-9 is a PROBLEM on Rebirth Island (Warzone Meta Loadouts)0:0010,989Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-23*NEW* JAK CHAINSAW 762 is BROKEN on Rebirth Island! (Warzone)0:0010,938Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-22*NEW* BEST META LOADOUT on Rebirth Island! (Warzone Meta Loadouts)0:0011,305Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-21UNLOCKING *NEW* CONSTELLATION'S END CAMO in Warzone..😍0:005,745Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-19*NEW* JAK SALVO KATT AMR is INSANE on Rebirth Island! (Warzone)0:0014,327Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-18*NEW* KASTOV LSW is PERFECT on Rebirth Island (Season 6 Meta)0:009,166Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-18*NEW* DTIR 30-06 is BROKEN on Rebirth Island (Season 6 Meta)0:0017,498Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-16The WSP-9 is PERFECT on Rebirth Island! (Warzone Best Meta Loadouts)0:008,940Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-13Only 0.12% of Warzone Players use this Loadout0:006,829Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-11*NEW* JAK DEVASTATORS RECLAIMER 18 on Rebirth Island! (Warzone)0:0013,534Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-09The M4 is WICKED on Rebirth Island! (Warzone Best Meta Loadouts)0:0013,505Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-06the SECRET SMG META on Rebirth Island! (Warzone Meta Loadouts)0:0011,443Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-09-04*NEW* JACKAL PDW META is PERFECT on Rebirth Island Warzone0:008,126
2024-09-03The Fastest Killing Gun in Warzone 3..0:0011,892
2024-08-31This Class Actually Feels Unfair0:0012,089
2024-08-30the #1 BEST CLASS on BLACK OPS 6 (Best Gun)0:0018,326Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
2024-08-29ALL CHANGES Coming to BLACK OPS 6 WARZONE! (Area 99, Verdansk and More)0:005,169Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
2024-08-28*NEW* JAK DEATHMARCH BAL 27 on Rebirth Island! (Warzone)0:0013,807Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-27the MCW is FINALLY META on Rebirth Island! (Warzone Meta Loadouts)0:0011,816
2024-08-25*NEW* RIVAL 9 is a PROBLEM on Rebirth Island (Warzone Meta Loadouts)0:0013,643
2024-08-24NOW REPLACING EVERY SMG on Rebirth Island! (Warzone Meta Loadouts)0:0012,005Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-23*NEW* PULEMYOT 762 META on Rebirth Island! (Best PULEMYOT 762 Class Setup)0:0011,262
2024-08-22*NEW* BEST META LOADOUT on Rebirth Island! (Warzone Meta Loadouts)0:0015,906Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-21Warzone's New 5 Best Meta Loadouts (Season 5 Reloaded)0:0011,414
2024-08-20*NEW* MAX SPEED SUPERI 46 is WILD on Rebirth Island0:009,999
2024-08-19Goodbye Static HV, Hello FSS Hurricane META on Rebirth Island0:009,632Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-18The BUFFED SVA 545 is SPECIAL on Rebirth Island0:009,481Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-17the JAK THUNDER SIDEWINDER is BROKEN on Rebirth Island! (Warzone)0:0014,854Sidewinder
2024-08-16The OG MP5 is BACK and it’s a PROBLEM on Rebirth Island0:0011,476Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-15*NEW* JAK XRK COR 45 is RUINING Rebirth Island..0:0012,085Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-14*NEW* JAK PROTEAN RAAL MG is BROKEN on Rebirth Island! (Warzone)0:0012,876Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-12Goodbye Superi 46, Hello WSP-9 META on Rebirth Island0:0012,534Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-11the PULEMYOT 762 is BACK and its PERFECT on Rebirth Island..0:0012,352Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-10*NEW* OG META LOADOUT on Rebirth Island (KILO 141)0:0011,054141
2024-08-09*NEW* FFAR META is INSANE on Rebirth Island0:0012,302Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-08I UNLOCKED the NEW REFLECT 115 CAMO on Rebirth Island! (Black Ops 6 Camo)0:0013,607Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
2024-08-07*NEW* JAK SLASH on Rebirth Island! (Warzone)0:0010,501Call of Duty: Warzone
2024-08-06This SMG META is FINALLY OVER.. Use this Instead on Rebirth Island0:0012,802Call of Duty: Warzone