xFSN Saber

xFSN Saber


xFSN Saber is a content creator on YouTube with at least 161 thousand subscribers, with his content totaling roughly 41.84 million views views across more than 1.35 thousand videos.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCRLK3hUmPM3oOo_JzwNBVw

Top 100 Most Controversial Videos by xFSN Saber

Video TitleRatingCategoryGame
1.Preseason Kaisa Guide by Saber0League of Legends
2.SABER Caitlyn Pentakill0League of Legends
3.This Saber Caitlyn montage is a vibe0League of Legends
4.Let me show you how to Crush lane and then win game0League of Legends
5.Lethality Caitlyn Mechanics Coaching0League of Legends
6.2 Hours of Saber coaching a Masters Vayne0League of Legends
7.D1 EUW Caitlyn Coaching0League of Legends
8.[Silver] Taric Coaching | Man Advantage, Ability Value, Warding10League of Legends
9.[Plat V] Morgana Coaching | Mechanics | Counterplay13League of Legends
10.[Silver 2] Cait Coaching | NO 4v5 | Damage Control13League of Legends
11.[Gold V] Varus Coaching | Ability Value | Chasing | Sieging14League of Legends
12.[Plat 3 Coaching] Mid Game + Consistency + Decision Making ft. Plg Mom15League of Legends
13.[Gold V] AD Coaching | Learning the bot matchup | Ability Value15League of Legends
14.[Platinum 5 Jungle Coaching] Eve + Consistency + Calculating ft. Polite Jungler15League of Legends
15.[Gold 2] Caitlyn Coaching | Man Advantage | Engage15League of Legends
16.[Plat 4] Jinx/Cait Coaching | Map Awareness | Hitting tower15League of Legends
17.[Full Game] Varus win from behind explanation with notes (see description)15
18.[Platinum 3] Quinn Kog Coaching | Mid game waves | 4v5s15League of Legends
19.[Gold 4] ADC Coaching | Only fight with an advantage15League of Legends
20.[Gold 1] Caitlyn Coaching | Being Safe | Enemy Engage15League of Legends
21.[Gold V] Xayah/Lucian Coaching | Teamfight Awareness | Laning | Mid Game16League of Legends
22.[Platinum 4] Twitch Ezreal Coaching | Staying Safe in Fights | Laning | Midgame16League of Legends
23.[Gold 4] Ashe Coaching | Map Awareness | Arrow Value16League of Legends
24.Jhin vs Lucian Perfect Game [Masters] [Patch 6.13]16League of Legends
25.[Full Game, Sivir] The Spirit of Harambe never loses17
26.[Silver 4] Jinx Coaching | Ability Value Mechanics | Map Awareness17League of Legends
27.[Full Game] Harambe Ashe17
28.[Recon 5 Coaching] Mid Game Ideas and Teamfighting ft. Lil Rem Rem17League of Legends
29.[Duo with Fixer, Vayne] When Soloq turns into Competitive18
30.[Gold 4] Twitch Jungle coaching | Coming out of Stealth | Priorities18League of Legends
31.[Duo with Liquid Matt] Ezreal Braum vs Lucian Bard19
32.[Plat 3] Twitch, Kaisa, Brand Coaching | No 4v5s | Kaisa teamfighting | Laning19League of Legends
33.[Silver 5] Caitlyn Mechanics | Man Advantage | Money is #1 Priority19League of Legends
34.[Recon 5 coaching: The Golden Kappa] [Platinum 2] Ashe/Twitch Coaching | Having a plan19League of Legends
35.[Diamond 2] Jhin/Ezreal Coaching | When to help your team | Decision Making20Let's PlayLeague of Legends
36.Stream Short - What Am I Saying???21
37.[Plat 5 Coaching] Playing around minions early/midgame ft. Crazn21League of Legends
38.[Platinum 4 Coaching: Skenged] Lane Matchups | Numbers Disadvantage21League of Legends
39.[Platinum 2] Tristana Coaching | Don't hit tower | Fighting | Don't use abilities21League of Legends
40.[Gold 2] Caitlyn/Jhin Coaching | Mid Game Macro | Wave Management | Man Advantage21League of Legends
41.[Platinum 3] Caitlyn/Jhin Coaching | Matchup21League of Legends
42.[Plat 4 Coaching] Man Advantage/Map Awareness + Don't hit tower ft. Stðrm22League of Legends
43.[Silver 2] Twitch Coaching | Basic Lane Matchups | Take only winning fights22League of Legends
44.[Silver] Twitch vs Jhin/Ezreal Coaching22League of Legends
45.[Gold 3] Kaisa Lucian Coaching | Is this fight losing? | Teamfighting Priorities22League of Legends
46.[Platinum V] Xayah Coaching | Man Advantage | Dodge First, Hit After22League of Legends
47.[Gold-Plat] ADC Coaching | Figuring out what to do next | Always having a plan in mind23League of Legends
48.[Silver 3] Jinx Coaching | Look at the map before you hit someone | Ability Value23League of Legends
49.[Gold/Plat] Jinx/Ashe Coaching | Map Awareness | Landing your abilities | Chasing23League of Legends
50.[Gold 2] Tristana Coaching | Playing Clean | Standard Play23League of Legends
51.[Silver 3] Tristana/Vayne Coaching | Don't do objectives | Staying alive24League of Legends
52.[Plat 2] Lucian vs Jinx Coaching24
53.[Bronze 4] Vayne Coaching | Kill Moves | Fighting in general24League of Legends
54.[Silver 3] Caitlyn Coaching | Safety #1 | Man Advantage25League of Legends
55.Vayne vs Ezreal [The 1v9] [6.17]25
56.[Diamond III] Lucian vs Caitlyn Coaching25League of Legends
57.[Diamond II] Jhin Caitlyn Xayah Coaching | Map Awareness | Laning25League of Legends
58.[Gold V] ADC Coaching | Mid Game | Team fighting | General Rules25League of Legends
59.[Silver 3] Twitch/Lucian Coaching | What to do with a lead | Lucian Mechanics | Twitch Teamfighting26League of Legends
60.[Diamond V] Jinx/Lucian Coaching | Mid Game , Post laning phase26League of Legends
61.xFSN Saber - First Time Brand ft. Voyboy26League of Legends
62.[Platinum V] Tristana Coaching | When to jump26League of Legends
63.[Silver 4] Jinx Coaching | 3 Step Though Process(Map Awareness) | Teamfighting27League of Legends
64.[Platinum 2] Trist/Varus/Xayah Coaching | Numbers Advantage | Overstaying27League of Legends
65.[Silver Support Coaching] Warding + Ability Usage ft. Leaf Tree27League of Legends
66.[Gold 4] Ezreal/Kaisa Coaching | Ability Value | Map Awareness Decisions27League of Legends
67.[Duo with Liquid Matt] Kog Janna vs Jhin Braum27
68.[Gold 2] Xayah/Caitlyn Coaching | What to do in the mid game28League of Legends
69.[Plat 1 Coaching] Teamfighting + Ability Usage ft. UltraDivina28League of Legends
70.[Diamond 3] Varus Coaching | Mid Game | Enemy Engage | Pressure in Lane28League of Legends
71.[Platinum 1] ADC coaching | Teamfighting28League of Legends
72.[Plat 4 Coaching] Teamfighting Positioning ft. Crazn28League of Legends
73.[Diamond IV] Caitlyn vs Kalista Coaching28League of Legends
74.[Duo with Liquid Matt] Jhin Bard vs Ashe Leona28
75.[Plat 4 Coaching] How do you know when to help your team? ft. Kørgi28Let's PlayLeague of Legends
76.[Diamond 5 Coaching - Pure Gamer Girl] Recognizing Bad Fights | Twitch/Caitlyn29League of Legends
77.[Platinum 3] ADC Coaching | Mid Game | Good fights30League of Legends
78.The Worst Challenger Game You Will Ever Watch.30
79.[Unranked Coaching] Map Awareness and Decision Making ft. XsjadoBlades30League of Legends
80.[Gold 2] Lucian Coaching | Laning | Midgame | No Counterplay30League of Legends
81.[Gold 4 Coaching] Laning + Holding onto Abilities + What should you do ft. Fiberoptic31League of Legends
82.[Gold 2] Lucian/Jhin Coaching | Map Awareness31League of Legends
83.[Diamond 4 Coaching] Map Awareness ft. stuurmanruben31League of Legends
84.[Bronze 2] Varus/Trist Coaching | Basic Fighting32League of Legends
85.[Mid Lane][Silver IV] Ori vs Cass Coaching32League of Legends
86.[Diamond V] Ezreal vs Ashe Coaching32League of Legends
87.[Gold 1] Jhin/Xayah Coaching | Mechanics | Lane Matchup32League of Legends
88.[Platinum 2] Caitlyn Coaching | Enemy Engage33League of Legends
89.Stream Short - What Ashe33
90.[Platinum 2] ADC Coaching | Small Champion Pool | Map Awareness and Numbers Advantage34League of Legends
91.[Platinum] Twitch vs Miss Fortune Coaching35League of Legends
92.[Platinum 1] Jhin/Sivir | Don't hit tower | Mid game | 4v5s35League of Legends
93.Saber - Ezreal 3HARD5ME || Gameplay + Review || League of Legends35ReviewLeague of Legends
94.[Bronze 1] Tristana Coaching | Fundamentals | Teamfighting | Basic Map Movement36League of Legends
95.[Gold 3] Draven Coaching | Map Awareness | Pushing your Advantage36League of Legends
96.[Platinum 2] Xayah Coaching | Wave Management | Ability Value36League of Legends
97.[Diamond IV] Tristana/Xayah Coaching | Map Awareness, Mechanics36League of Legends
98.[Diamond 5 Coaching] Consistency in calls ft. UltraDivina37League of Legends
99.[Gold] Lucian Coaching | Recognizing your opportunities to fight37League of Legends
100.[Platinum 4] ADC Coaching | Making Plays | How to know you're winning the teamfight | Laning37Let's PlayLeague of Legends