Swillo The PandaKing

Swillo The PandaKing

United States
United States

Swillo The PandaKing is an American YouTube content creator with more than 28.2 thousand subscribers, with his content totaling around 25.57 million views views across approximately 2 thousand videos.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_mdt2vmy0hOA1Lg9baftMw

Top 100 Videos With The Most Comments by Swillo The PandaKing

Video TitleCommentsCategoryGame
1.Ahh, So Thats How You Use A Shield802Tales of Arise
2.Zelda Breath of the Wild (Switch) - Lynel Stealth Kill (Stealth Suit OP)755The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
3.Dynasty Warriors 6: Lu Bu gameplay718Dynasty Warriors 6
4.Zelda Breath of the Wild (Switch) - Divine Beast Vah Ruta Dungeon690The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
5.Guilty Gear Xrd Sign - All Instant Kills (English Voices)494Guilty Gear Xrd
6.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - TIER LIST463One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
7.heavenly sword demo gameplay442Heavenly Sword
8.Dynasty Warrior 6: ALL CHARACTERS433Dynasty Warriors 6
9.Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Bahamut Cloud Solo (No Healing Materia)397Final Fantasy VII Remake
10.Tales of Zestiria (PS4) - BAD ENDING (English)345Tales of Zestiria
11.Persona 4 Ultimax - All Instant Kills (Including DLC Characters)345Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
12.Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi - All Basara Attack Exhibition329Sengoku Basara 4
13.Blazblue Central Fiction - All Character Astral Finish Including DLC Characters283BlazBlue: Central Fiction
14.Warriors Orochi: Orochi, Lu Bu, Tadekatsu Honda Gameplay242Warriors Orochi
15.Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven - All Characters (Character Select Screen)239JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven
16..hack G.U. Vol. 3: Marriage Event (Alkaid)233.hack//G.U. Vol. 3//Redemption
17.persona 3: Mitsuru S.Link max event210Persona 3
18.Blazblue Central Fiction - All Character Astral Finish Exhibition ブレイブルー セントラルフィクション205BlazBlue: Central Fiction
19.Berserk Musou - Femto Griffith Gameplay ベルセルク無双200Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
20.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - Best Skills & Builds197One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
21.Dynasty Warriors 6: Gan Ning gameplay195Dynasty Warriors 6
22.Attack on Titan 2 - Good Skills to Unlock + Bond Raising Tips192Attack on Titan 2
23.Guilty Gear Accent Core: Hidden Moves186Guilty Gear
24.Bayonetta 2 - Balder Gameplay182Bayonetta 2
25.Dynasty Warrior 6: Lu Bu's ultimate battle (part 1/3)182Dynasty Warriors 6
26.Zelda Breath of the Wild (Switch) - Hinox Side Boss179The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
27..hack G.U. Vol. 3: Marriage Event (Atoli)179.hack//G.U. Vol. 3//Redemption
28.Can You Do A Combo This Cool?178Tales of Arise
29.resident evil 4: all cutscenes part 4/8177Resident Evil 4
30.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - Ultimate Grinding Method (Speed Clear Maps S Rank)176One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
31.Xenoblade Chronicles X - Final Chapter, Boss & Ending174Xenoblade Chronicles X
32.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - 4 Player Online Giant Battle (The Territorial Waters of the Emperors)172One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
33.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - Shanks Maxed Out Gameplay171One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
34.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - Full Power Big Mom Transformation Gameplay162One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
35.Tales of Zestiria PS4 - Dark Turtlez Extra Boss (English)157Tales of Zestiria
36.Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle - Is it worth it?152Attack on Titan 2
37.Dynasty Warriors 6: Zhen Ji gameplay152Dynasty Warriors 6
38.Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Impa Guide152Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
39.Tales of Zestiria - Final Boss + Ending (English PS4)150Tales of Zestiria
40.Xenoblade Chronicles X - Guide to using Overdrive effectively150GuideXenoblade Chronicles X
41.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - Teach (Blackbeard) Maxed Out Gameplay148One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
42.Xenoblade Chronicles X - Easy EXP and Class Grinding144Xenoblade Chronicles X
43.Guilty Gear Xrd - Faust's Fabulous Makeover Exhibition141Guilty Gear Xrd
44.Tales of Zestiria - Even Alisha is mad she isn't the Heroine141Tales of Zestiria
45.Dragon Quest Heroes 2 - All Character High Tension Attack Exhibition ドラゴンクエストヒーローズII 双子の王と予言の終わり138Dragon Quest Heroes II
46.One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 - Shanks Gameplay (ワンピース 海賊無双 3)136One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
47.Tales of Arise - Chronos Solo (No Damage, Chaos Difficulty)133Tales of Arise
48..hack G.U. Vol. 3: Marriage Event (Shino)131.hack//G.U. Vol. 3//Redemption
49.persona 3: Yukari S.Link max event130Persona 3
50.Where did his HP go130Tales of Arise
51.Dynasty Warriors 6: Cao Ren gameplay130Dynasty Warriors 6
52.Tales of Arise Demo - Law 300+ Hit Combo129Tales of Arise
53.Samurai Warriors 5 - How To Become OP Fast (Speed Grind/Easy S Rank Guide)127GuideSamurai Warriors 5
54.Tales of Zestiria - Alisha Gameplay (Random Battles)126Tales of Zestiria
55.Dragons Dogma Online - Level 30 Gameplay (B)126Dragon's Dogma Online
56.Tales of Zestiria - Weapon Fusion Guide125Tales of Zestiria
57.Dynasty Warriors 9 - One Year Later Overview124Dynasty Warriors 9
58.This is the Law124Tales of Arise
59.resident evil 4: all cutscenes part 8/8123Resident Evil 4
60.One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 - Legend Log 100% - Chapter 3.4123VlogOne Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
61.One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 - Getting Gold Coins122One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
62.resident evil 4: all cutscenes part 5/8120Resident Evil 4
63.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - Mihawk Maxed Out Gameplay120One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
64.Tales of Zestiria PS4 - Jade & Sophie Cameo Battle (English)119Tales of Zestiria
65.Tales of Zestiria - Battle System Guide (Basics to Intermediate Stuff)118GuideTales of Zestiria
66.Sonic Riders Zero Gravity: Silver118Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
67.persona 3: Final Boss+True Ending (part 10/10)118Persona 3
68.resident evil 4: all cutscenes part 1/8118Resident Evil 4
69.Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin: Ultimate Endgame Grinding Guide (EXP, Loot, Crystals)117Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
70.dynasty warrior 6: Ma Chao gameplay116Dynasty Warriors 6
71.Trials of Mana - Earliest Spot To Grind ??? Seeds (Class Change Item)116Trials of Mana
72.Warriors Orochi: level 1 to 99 in 20 minutes (part 1/3)115Warriors Orochi
73.Xenoblade Chronicles X - Infinite Overdrive DPS Build (Read Description)114Xenoblade Chronicles X
74.Ninja Gaiden Sigma: "examining" Rachel113Ninja Gaiden Sigma
75.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - Akainu Maxed Out Gameplay111One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
76.Tales of Zestiria - Grinding Gald, Grade, EXP and Gear Guide110Tales of Zestiria
77.Fire Emblem Warriors - Lyn Gameplay ファイアーエムブレム無双109Fire Emblem Warriors
78.Dynasty Warriors 6: Diao Chan gameplay108Dynasty Warriors 6
79.Berserk Musou - All Character Special Attack Exhibition ベルセルク無双105Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
80.Gintama Rumble - All Character Combo Video105Gintama Rumble
81.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - CARROT IS BROKEN104One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
82.resident evil 4: all cutscenes part 3/8103Resident Evil 4
83.Sonic Frontiers - Combo Video102Sonic Frontiers
84.dynasty warrior 6: Ling Tong gameplay101Dynasty Warriors 6
85.Xenoblade Chronicles X - Lord Xe-Dom (Overdrive Blossom Dance Build)100Xenoblade Chronicles X
86.Is Pirate Warriors 3 The Best Musou Game?99One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
87.Tales of Berseria - Magilou Combo Video テイルズ オブ ベルセリア99Tales of Berseria
88.Dynasty Warriors 6: Wei Yan gameplay98Dynasty Warriors 6
89.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 (PS5) - Okiku Gameplay97One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
90.Dynasty Warriors 6: Lu Bu vs. Lu bu!?97Dynasty Warriors 6
91.resident evil 4: all cutscenes part 7/897Resident Evil 4
92.Tales of Zestiria - Skill Builds I'm Running97Tales of Zestiria
93.Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Zelda (Bow) Guide97Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
94..hack G.U. Vol. 3: Tabby Joins the team.95.hack//G.U. Vol. 3//Redemption
95.Dragon Quest Heroes - All Characters High Tension Specials Exhibition (PS4 ドラゴンクエストヒーローズ)94Dragon Quest Heroes
96..hack G.U. Vol. 3: Friendship Event (Natsume)94.hack//G.U. Vol. 3//Redemption
97.Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Weapon Fusion Guide94GuideHyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
98.Fire Emblem Warriors - Celica Gameplay ファイアーエムブレム無双94Fire Emblem Warriors
99.Dynasty Warriors 9 - Guan Yu vs. Lu Bu Gameplay93Dynasty Warriors 9
100.One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - Bounty Hunter 4 Player Online93One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4