


OmNdutss is an Indonesian YouTube content creator with roughly 25 thousand subscribers. He published approximately 1.8 thousand videos which altogether total more than 5.04 million views.

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All Videos by OmNdutss

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2025-01-12MASUK GUYS - MLBB Magic Chess #shorts0:001,485Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
2025-01-11BUTUH RUMAH KOSONG - Thief Simulator GAMEPLAY 50:00169Thief Simulator
2025-01-11KUY - MLBB Magic Chess #shorts0:001,405Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
2025-01-10TADI SIANG MATI LAMPU - MLBB Magic Chess0:001,191Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
2025-01-08MATAHARI DIAMOND - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 36 #shorts0:003,528Plants vs. Zombies
2025-01-07CABE IJO - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 35 #shorts0:005,339Plants vs. Zombies
2025-01-07MELINDUNGI BUMI - Global Defence Force GAMEPLAY 6 #shorts0:002,029Global Defence Force
2025-01-07COLAB AWAL TAHUN - Guardian Tales0:00345Guardian Tales
2025-01-06JAMUR LASER - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 34 #shorts0:004,397Plants vs. Zombies
2025-01-06FIX SOLO - Global Defence Force GAMEPLAY 5 #shorts0:003,876Global Defence Force
2025-01-04LANJUT STAGE - Brain Puzzle King GAMEPLAY 2 #shorts0:009,473
2025-01-03JAM IJO - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 32 #shorts0:001,157Plants vs. Zombies
2025-01-03SEPERTINYA EZ - Brain Puzzle King GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:0011,767
2025-01-02GAME FC - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 32 #shorts0:003,975Plants vs. Zombies
2025-01-02UDAH PAHAM DIKIT - Phasmophobia GAMEPLAY 2 #shorts0:001,826Phasmophobia
2025-01-02GAME FC - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 32 #shorts0:001,759Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-31PVZ AKHIR TAHUN - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 31 #shorts0:007,435Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-31LANJUT DUO - Global Defence Force GAMEPLAY 2 #shorts0:004,242Global Defence Force
2024-12-30TANAMAN PENIRU - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 30 #shorts0:006,158Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-30DUNIA SEMUT - Global Defence Force GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:002,668Global Defence Force
2024-12-30MENCARI GOOD ENDING - Persona 4 Golden GAMEPLAY 160:00154Persona 4 Golden
2024-12-29CARI DUID - Laundry Store Simulator GAMEPLAY 8 #shorts0:001,175
2024-12-29LANJUT CARI PLANT BARU - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 29 #shorts0:009,082Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-29JARI JEMARI - Elden Ring GAMEPLAY 70:00156Elden Ring
2024-12-28TURUN GUNUNG AKHIR TAHUN - Downhill Domination #shorts0:001,633Downhill Domination
2024-12-28UPDATE BARU DAN BAHASA INDONESIA - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 28 #shorts0:007,015Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-28LANJUT MENGENDAP - Thief Simulator GAMEPLAY 30:00185Thief Simulator
2024-12-27FPS - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II GAMEPLAY 10:00246Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
2024-12-26FUN MATCH - WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain #shorts0:002,310WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain
2024-12-26GAME MACAM APA INI - Phasmophobia GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:00857Phasmophobia
2024-12-26MASUK KASTIL LIURNIA - Elden Ring GAMEPLAY 60:00579Elden Ring
2024-12-25HABISIN JOB DLC - House Flipper GAMEPLAY 7 #shorts0:00539House Flipper
2024-12-25MENCARI DUNIA BARU - Kingdom Hearts GAMEPLAY 5 #shorts0:00710Kingdom Hearts
2024-12-25ADA SANTA - Laundry Store Simulator0:001,012Laundry Store Simulator
2024-12-25MODE 5 TANAMAN - Plants vs. Zombies FUSION #shorts0:006,947Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-24BUG - Laundry Store Simulator GAMEPLAY 6 #shorts0:00759Laundry Store Simulator
2024-12-24SECRET ENDING GRAN0:00539
2024-12-24ANAK GUILD - Guardian Tales0:00249Guardian Tales
2024-12-24ADA MISI BARU DAN ALOMAI BARU - Laundry Store Simulator GAMEPLAY 7 #shorts0:001,292Laundry Store Simulator
2024-12-23DUNGEON HEAVEN - Persona 4 Golden GAMEPLAY 150:00194Persona 4 Golden
2024-12-23STILL GOLD - GTA San Andreas GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:00420Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
2024-12-22UPGRADE TOKO - Laundry Store Simulator GAMEPLAY 5 #shorts0:00549Laundry Store Simulator
2024-12-22LIURNIA TERLALU BESAR - Elden Ring GAMEPLAY 50:00142Elden Ring
2024-12-22UDAH LAMA - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 26 #shorts0:004,320Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-22TANAMAN LASER - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 27 #shorts0:002,076Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-21SIAP MENENTUKAN PILIHAN HATI - Five Hearts Under One Roof GAMEPLAY 3 #shorts0:00498Five Hearts Under One Roof
2024-12-21WAKTUNYA BUKA OJOL - Laundry Store Simulator GAMEPLAY 4 #shorts0:00943Laundry Store Simulator
2024-12-20MUTER BALIK HABIS ITU KELARIN LIMGREV - Elden Ring GAMEPLAY 40:00133Elden Ring
2024-12-20HABIS UPDATE - Laundry Store Simulator GAMEPLAY 3 #shorts0:00590Laundry Store Simulator
2024-12-20MENGAKHIRI PEKERJAAN KULI BANGUNAN - House Flipper GAMEPLAY 6 #shorts0:00702House Flipper
2024-12-20JADI KANG SABLON - Laundry Store Simulator GAMEPLAY 4 #shorts0:00969Laundry Store Simulator
2024-12-19MENCARI ENDING UNTUK JANE - Home Sweet Home GAMEPLAY 3 #shorts0:001,872Home Sweet Home
2024-12-19HALO - Plants vs. Zombies FUSION #shorts0:002,750Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-18SAYA MEMBUTUHKAN KARYAWAN BARU UNTUK MEMBANTU - Laundry Store Simulator GAMEPLAY 2 #shorts0:001,035Laundry Store Simulator
2024-12-18NEXT WORLD ON THE TOP - Kingdom Hearts GAMEPLAY 4 #shorts0:001,190Kingdom Hearts
2024-12-18BUTUH RUMAH - House Flipper GAMEPLAY 5 #shorts0:00852House Flipper
2024-12-17BERJUANG DENGAN COPEX - Guardian Tales0:00485Guardian Tales
2024-12-17JADI KANG CUCI - Laundry Store Simulator GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:001,365Laundry Store Simulator
2024-12-17BEKERJA YANG RAJIN - House Flipper GAMEPLAY 4 #shorts0:00897House Flipper
2024-12-16TES JARINGAN - Persona 4 Golden GAMEPLAY 140:0091Persona 4 Golden
2024-12-16AKHIRNYA BAHASA INDONESIA DENGAN TAMPILAN BARU - Plants vs. Zombies FUSION #shorts0:008,630Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-15MALES KERJA - Thief Simulator GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:00762Thief Simulator
2024-12-15MENCARI DUNGEON - Elden Ring GAMEPLAY 30:00195Elden Ring
2024-12-15BERJUANG - Thief Simulator GAMEPLAY 2 #shorts0:00467Thief Simulator
2024-12-15MENAMBAH SKILL - House Flipper GAMEPLAY 3 #shorts0:001,074House Flipper
2024-12-14DAH LAMA NGGA RACING - Need for Speed: Underground 2 GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:00943Need for Speed: Underground 2
2024-12-14TIM NAME TAG - Five Hearts Under One Roof GAMEPLAY 2 #shorts0:001,216Five Hearts Under One Roof
2024-12-14MEMBANGUN RUMAH - House Flipper GAMEPLAY 2 #shorts0:001,157House Flipper
2024-12-13LALALALA - Plants vs. Zombies FUSION #shorts0:008,500Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-13STUCK - Elden Ring GAMEPLAY 20:00136Elden Ring
2024-12-13ENGLISH PATCH - Plants vs. Zombies FUSION #shorts0:005,975Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-12DAH LAMA - Downhill Domination #shorts0:001,737Downhill Domination
2024-12-12JADI TUKANG - House Flipper GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:00789House Flipper
2024-12-12CARI JALAN KELUAR - Home Sweet Home GAMEPLAY 2 #shorts0:001,720Home Sweet Home
2024-12-11LANJUT - Plants vs. Zombies FUSION #shorts0:006,844Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-11BALIK - Kingdom Hearts GAMEPLAY 3 #shorts0:001,143Kingdom Hearts
2024-12-10MENUJU ENDING - Resident Evil Code: Veronica GAMEPLAY 7 #shorts0:00509Resident Evil Code: Veronica
2024-12-10COPEX SANTAI - Guardian Tales0:00439Guardian Tales
2024-12-10UPDATE 2.1.6 - Plants vs. Zombies FUSION #shorts0:0013,205Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-09MODE TRAVEL - Plants vs. Zombies FUSION #shorts0:005,657Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-09DAPAT MEMBER BARU - Persona 4 Golden GAMEPLAY 140:00201Persona 4 Golden
2024-12-09TERSESAT BERSAMA CRISH - Resident Evil Code: Veronica GAMEPLAY 6 #shorts0:00630Resident Evil Code: Veronica
2024-12-08GAME MACAM APA INI - Elden Ring GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:001,539Elden Ring
2024-12-08GARGANTUAR OBSIDIAN - Plants vs. Zombies FUSION #shorts0:0015,801Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-07SUDAH BISA PELIHARA SAPI - Coral Island GAMEPLAY 40:00170Coral Island
2024-12-07MASIH BERSAMA CRISH - Resident Evil Code: Veronica GAMEPLAY 5 #shorts0:00612Resident Evil Code: Veronica
2024-12-07TENTUKAN PILIHAN MU - Five Hearts Under One Roof GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:004,314Five Hearts Under One Roof
2024-12-07MENCOBA SEMUA CHALLENGE - Plants vs. Zombies #shorts0:004,966Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-06LANJUT BUILD HUNTER - Monster Hunter: World GAMEPLAY 60:0091Monster Hunter: World
2024-12-06WAKTUNYA CEK KING BARU - Plants vs. Zombies #shorts0:0021,505Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-06MEMBANTU CRISH - Resident Evil Code: Veronica GAMEPLAY 5 #shorts0:00610Resident Evil Code: Veronica
2024-12-06AKHIRNYA UPDATE 2.1.5 - Plants vs. Zombies0:00960Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-05FLASH - Plants vs. Zombies #shorts0:0014,101Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-05HOROR THAILAND - Home Sweet Home GAMEPLAY 1 #shorts0:001,832Home Sweet Home
2024-12-04CARI - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 25 #shorts0:002,376Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-04TERDAMPAR DI GUNUNG SALJU - Resident Evil Code: Veronica GAMEPLAY 4 #shorts0:00757Resident Evil Code: Veronica
2024-12-04SELESAI DUNIA ALICE - Kingdom Hearts GAMEPLAY 2 #shorts0:001,885Kingdom Hearts
2024-12-03HUJAN - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 24 #shorts0:0011,872Plants vs. Zombies
2024-12-02HMMMM - Persona 4 Golden GAMEPLAY 130:00196Persona 4 Golden
2024-12-02REQ - Plants vs. Zombies HYBRID GAMEPLAY 22 #shorts0:0017,538Plants vs. Zombies