MikeEmpires - Age of Empires II

MikeEmpires - Age of Empires II

United States
United States

MikeEmpires - Age of Empires II is an American YouTube content creator with at least 46.3 thousand subscribers, publishing approximately 4.91 thousand videos which altogether total at least 30.26 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCONfVJwFR3N4j7jG7NcxFeg

About MikeEmpires - Age of Empires II

Age of Empires II. Battles, analysis, economics and other interesting stuff. Equal resources battles. Equal numbers battles. Total Resources battles.

Age Of Empires world, Age Of Empires II battles and Star Wars games. Become a part of our community.

Update December 30th, 2019
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Update Dec 23rd, 2019
From MikeAlexBillsZ to MikeEmpires

Update 31 Dec 2017

Update 2016
I'm focused on making Star Wars games series, mostly because of the hype The Force Awakens brought. I will have every single Star Wars game finished. I have special feelings for the old ones. I'm also happy to upload nostalgic games, even non-Star Wars ones.

Update 2015
Leave Sauron to me. There's been an awakening. Have you felt it?

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Variety of Games on Channel

There are 29 games covered by MikeEmpires - Age of Empires II, consisting of 4851 videos, or 98.90% of the total videos on this channel.

MikeEmpires - Age of Empires II Focused On Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings

The majority of the video content for MikeEmpires - Age of Empires II revolves around Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, making up around 93.82% of the channel's total videos and 94.19% of the total views.