An Ecologist Plays

An Ecologist Plays - Let's Play Channel Profile

South Africa
South Africa

An Ecologist Plays is a South African YouTube content creator with over 1.36 thousand subscribers. He published 355 videos which altogether total more than 137.8 thousand views.

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About An Ecologist Plays

Hello, all you lovely people! This ecologist hopes to educate and entertain, spreading knowledge of nature by using games as a medium.
In this digital era, there are so many PC games that offer us the chance to explore nature, whether in an Earth-like setting, or in an extraterrestrial environment. I am setting out to document and explore these environments, and the interactions the organisms therein have with one another and the humans present, sharing my knowledge with the world as I do so. On this channel, I will play a variety of games (mostly as Let's Plays), with an emphasis on relaxing games with nature as a prominent theme. I am playing these games as a way to share my love for all things natural. So buckle up, get your magnifying glasses and the thirst for knowledge, and let's delve into RPGs, survival, strategy, simulation, and exploration games.
I will upload videos two times per week, on Tuesdays and Fridays 15:30 (UTC+2).
So, subscribe, like and comment... let's explore!

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2024-07-15 7:15:10 AM ● 66 views ● 2:47:20
Palworld (2024)
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Green Hell
Green Hell (2018)
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100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for An Ecologist Plays

On March 9, 2023, An Ecologist Plays reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the Subnautica video "An Ecologist dives into Subnautica | Live Stream 1", which has 0 views and 0 likes.