Kame Mame Ha

Kame Mame Ha


Kame Mame Ha is a Spanish YouTube channel which has more than 1.09 thousand subscribers. He published more than 1.36 thousand videos which altogether total around 405.64 thousand views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfi4wkNd_tyNeK1LwH5WnpQ

About Kame Mame Ha

Juego diferentes estilos, desde retro hasta juegos actuales. Tambien encontraras aqui videos técnicos y tutoriales. Intento siempre darle la mejor calidad técnica posible a los videos (HDR, RTX, 4k Crt Shaders para retro, nuestros propios marcos para retro en 4K, etc..) (la calidad como jugador ya es mas discutible) . Aqui siempre tendremos buen rollo y no encontraras nada ofensivo hacia nadie por nuestra parte.

I play games from many different styles, and many different eras, from retro to modern games. Also you will find technical videos and tutorials. I focus my content in high technical quality ( HDR, RTX, Crt Shaders, our own retro bezels in 4K, etc..) (my quality as a player .. lets say its not so good probably XD) . We will have always a welcome and nice mood for everyone to join.

Most Viewed Games

Variety of Games on Channel

There are 163 games covered by Kame Mame Ha, consisting of 1270 videos, or 93.52% of the total videos on this channel.