


Hooky is a Bulgarian YouTube channel which has over 6.11 thousand subscribers. His content totals approximately 1.02 million views views across 704 videos.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCieQ1sPqoyKYJ9aLBkGl54Q

All Videos by Hooky

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2025-02-01Draft is 100% of the game0:004
2025-01-31Sett and his Wifu are posing?0:002League of Legends
2025-01-31Thanks RIOT ! Nice choice0:0051League of Legends
2025-01-30Pyke peels we rarely do0:00432League of Legends
2025-01-29Riot CC'd me LOL0:001,495League of Legends
2025-01-28POV: You're ready to RUIN your DAY0:00517League of Legends
2025-01-27Bro: I'm not tilted bro0:00438
2025-01-27The Hardest Flash in League0:003,782League of Legends
2025-01-26Pyke R bug.. Don't BAN ME RIOT !0:0015,224League of Legends
2025-01-252v2 Bot lane is decided by support diff0:002,943League of Legends
2025-01-25Kesha goes BALD ! KeshaEUW shaves his Hair... NUNU is CONFUSED !0:001,387League of Legends
2025-01-24Pov: Pyke from your team0:00461League of Legends
2025-01-24Pyke is just simple but...0:00511League of Legends
2025-01-23Thresh is just fun, man0:002,158League of Legends
2025-01-21Tokyo dRIFT Herald LOL0:003,590League of Legends
2025-01-20I got in a BIG DRAMA... this guy escaped the MATRIX 🤡🤡🤡0:00627League of Legends
2025-01-20POV: Your jungler DIVES -_-0:00601League of Legends
2025-01-19Deserved for playing Malph v20:001,707League of Legends
2025-01-18Pyke with a ball0:00148League of Legends
2025-01-18Song win us the FIGHT0:00111League of Legends
2025-01-18Don't celebrate early...0:00814
2025-01-17Challenger SUPPORT - PYKE OR THRESH ! HOOKY BABY0:00136League of Legends
2025-01-17New BOOTS are NOT FAIR !?0:001,511League of Legends
2025-01-17They waited there 2 MINUTES... ?!0:004,313League of Legends
2025-01-17Pyke has a LOOONG ONE0:00679League of Legends
2025-01-16Pyke Kalista COMBO HOLYYY0:006,574League of Legends
2025-01-14THE BEST PYKE COUNTER (Secret from Pyke main)0:003,102League of Legends
2025-01-14Support is chasing support0:002,302League of Legends
2025-01-14Vayne vs Xayah intense 1v1 |0:004,410League of Legends
2025-01-12Pyke combo for easy gank0:002,694League of Legends
2025-01-12Hooky mind games... Ashe got paranoia YIKES0:00929League of Legends
2025-01-11MMR in League has NO SENSE | Don't ask for my LP gains pls0:001,099League of Legends
2025-01-09Should I report someone in this case? All maybe?0:00666
2025-01-08Was that BS Hook or no ( BE HONEST )0:00857
2025-01-08I CAUGHT 6PEK PLAYING LEBLANC0:001,289
2025-01-06THE ADC WE ALL DESERVE !! what a legend0:001,522League of Legends
2025-01-06NA Player comes to EUW0:001,152League of Legends
2025-01-05L9 Kai'SUS IS TOO GOOD !0:001,285
2025-01-04Hooky makes it look easy. Pyke ganking is not to be underestimated !0:004,343League of Legends
2025-01-03Talon's mind = CONTROLLED0:001,499League of Legends
2025-01-02Challengers get STUCKED in EMERALD? WHAT A JOKE0:00475
2025-01-02Talon's mind = CONTROLLED0:007,720League of Legends
2025-01-02Ganking FED AF Viego | Bard0:005,056League of Legends
2025-01-011st January GAMEPLAY LOL0:00684League of Legends
2025-01-01Challenger SUPPORT - PYKE OR THRESH ! HOOKY BABY0:00394
2024-12-31MALPHITE | You look like this when you play him0:006,022
2024-12-29Lowkey, this Pyke hook made Jhin question his entire existence 😅💀0:008,985League of Legends
2024-12-29League hitboxes are FUN0:001,025
2024-12-27Deserved for playing Malph?0:0015,167
2024-12-27PYKE | Why people HATE/LOVE him? (the answer)0:0011,764
2024-12-25Спечели с Logitech ! GIVEAWAY0:00408
2024-12-24Enable your FPS/MS overlay... HE HAS TRUST ISSUES !0:004,719
2024-12-24The RECALL you should NEVER DO (TOP)0:00599League of Legends
2024-12-23Bro: PYKE is EASY ||| ME: ?!?!? ITS HARD?!0:00302
2024-12-23GIVEAWAY | СПЕЧЕЛИ LogitechG продукт за КОЛЕДА0:0044
2024-12-23Silvers ARE NOT what they used to be ! Hooky on #twitch0:00471
2024-12-22Just a normal game in LEAGUE of LEGENDS KEKW | Hooky on #twitch0:002,557League of Legends
2024-12-21This guy LOST his LP and ACCOUNT !!! Hooky on #twitch0:00534
2024-12-21Challenger SUPPORT - PYKE OR THRESH ! HOOKY BABY0:00169League of Legends
2024-12-21Every 2nd LEAGUE GAME FFS | Hooky on #twitch0:0015,263
2024-12-21I LOVE RIOT GAMES ! FREEE LP | Hooky on #twitch0:00453League of Legends
2024-12-20HE WAS SO EMBARRESSED HOLYY | Hooky on #twitch0:002,122
2024-12-19Balkan having problem with English #leagueoflegends #shorts0:001,109League of Legends
2024-12-19Your mouth doesn't WORK #leagueoflegends #league #shorts0:001,163League of Legends
2024-11-22Baron on drugs | #simeondelev on #Twitch0:00575League of Legends
2024-11-22EVERY FCKIN TIME | #simeondelev on #Twitch #league #leagueoflegends0:00548League of Legends
2024-11-152PAC INSANE NEW SONG?! DON'T MISS IT ! TRUST #shorts #2pac #gangsta #rap #hiphop #rapper0:00698
2024-11-02FAKER FLANK + T1 FOLLOW #FAKER #t1 #GUMA #KERIA0:00810League of Legends
2024-11-02FAKER TURNS THAT?! #leagueoflegends #faker #t1 #GUMA0:0011,651League of Legends
2024-10-18COOL GUYS DONT LOOK AT EXPLOSION | #simeondelev on #Twitch0:00969League of Legends
2024-10-12ТОВА ОБЪРНА ЦЯЛАТА ИГРА?! HIGH ELO VISION PLAY0:00455League of Legends
2024-10-08H00KY Vs The Great Nemesis0:00772League of Legends
2024-09-28Тоя големия?| #simeondelev on #Twitch0:00164League of Legends
2024-09-28SUPPORT TIER LIST НА ПЕЧЕЛЕЩ!0:002,717League of Legends
2024-09-25NEW ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED #shorts0:00184Achievement Unlocked
2024-09-25UNBOXING RIOT GAMES COLLECTORS MERCH0:00236League of Legends
2024-09-13malphite balanced | #simeondelev on #Twitch0:001,319League of Legends
2024-09-12бомба | #simeondelev on #Twitch0:0066League of Legends
2024-09-11Всичко което трябва да знаете за новия сезон | Patch 14.180:001,338League of Legends
2024-09-11НЯМА НЯМАААА | simeondelev on #Twitch0:0098
2024-08-21Жените превзеха League of Legends | 3 Boys vs 5 Girls Part 30:003,858League of Legends
2024-08-10НАМЕРЕТЕ РАЗЛИКАТА ?! | simeondelev on #Twitch0:00688League of Legends
2024-08-0212 ГОДИНИ ЗА ТОЗИ МОМЕНТ0:10359
2024-08-01Quinn got COOKED #shorts0:161,250League of Legends
2024-07-30ULT FORGETS ITS ON CD ;D | simeondelev on #Twitch0:11582League of Legends
2024-07-29REACHED CHALLENGER (REACTION) #shorts #leagueoflegends0:27508League of Legends
2024-07-28WE MADE IT BOYZ0:08337League of Legends
2024-07-28Отварям откачени кутийки + OPGG Review11:332,342ReviewLeague of Legends
2024-07-28SUPPORT FEELS LIKE SUPERHERO #shorts0:28145League of Legends
2024-07-250.00001% TIMING #shorts0:13467Dota 2
2024-07-24Sooo Beautifull OMG OMG | simeondelev on #Twitch0:131,247League of Legends
2024-07-23Nocturne is RUDE #leagueoflegends0:071,010League of Legends
2024-07-21НОВАТА LEAGUE OF LEGENDS? #SwarmFTW26:572,418League of Legends
2024-07-21ME VS WARD #shorts0:29387
2024-07-20RAKAN INSANE PREDICTION #shorts0:11527League of Legends
2024-07-20THE POWER OF PEELS #shorts0:23365League of Legends
2024-07-19THATS WHY WE LOVE/HATE PYKE #shorts0:20261League of Legends
2024-07-18ТЕ ПОИГРАХА МАЛКО (mind games) | simeondelev on #Twitch0:50134League of Legends
2024-07-15АДВАЙТЕ МЕ В ЛИГАТА #shorts0:22150League of Legends
2024-07-15EVERY SUPPORT CAN RELATE #shorts0:15429