Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood YouTube Views and Videos

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

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Assassin’s Creed® Brotherhood - Steam Store Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 454-92.59%
Views: 26420,765-98.73%
Videos: 8164-95.12%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 165176-6.25%
Views: 188,820179,3085.30%
Videos: 630798-21.05%
Duration: 52:500:00NEW

Channels With The Most Views

1.United States Tobuscus52,759,881
2.United States TheMediaCows24,840,775
3. TobyGames21,262,862
4.United Kingdom kaim13,616,340
5.Canada TetraNinja12,327,943
6. Assassin's Creed ES11,505,027
7.Russian Federation Копилка с играми10,932,484
8.United States LLXP9,820,982
9. Assassin's Creed IT9,560,253
10. Assassin's Creed France9,112,090

Channels With The Most Videos

1. 엄바굼바486
2. Tommy gaming354
3.United States Fouadix343
4.South Africa RGS GAMING247
5.Germany Patrick Danica242
6.Belgium Anca-G230
7.Spain Ray Snakeyes228
8.United Kingdom Crimson226
9.United States Assassin's Creed Series200
10. D-Mentor192

Latest Let's Plays For Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2025-01-28United States RichCaleThe Thief Doesn’t Trust Machiavelli. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Playthrough (5/?)0:000
2024-09-09United States Lion SilverbergAssassin's Creed Brotherhood | PT 10:0036
2024-09-07Pakistan Jackhill Gaming#letsplay Assassin's Creed Brotherhood | #acb No Commentary | Jackhill Gaming0:0065
2024-08-09Canada YourEraGamerMe Checking Out Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (2010 - Playstation 3)13:343
2024-08-05 JestdorAssassin's Creed Brotherhood Playthrough Part 3617:200
2024-08-05 TheNerdyAlphaDad Plays: Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood | Gameplay | Pt. 1 (No Commentary)2:47:2124
2024-08-03United States EnriquePlaysVolpe listen to me... #gaming #assassinscreedbrotherhood #assassinscreed0:06452
2024-08-01United Kingdom ThePatientWolfWolf Plays | Assassin's Creed Brotherhood | Part 43:58:301,634
2024-07-26Portugal andieCphAssassins Creed: Brotherhood ⋅ First Playthrough ⋅ Part 84:30:0478
2024-07-25United States Call Me MelonBARTOLOMEO RETURNS | Assassin's Creed Brotherhood | Let's Play! PART 441:3145
2024-07-24United Kingdom S-w-webby95Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Playthrough (End)3:10:5659
2024-07-24United Kingdom KhriztopherGamezHDAssassin's Creed Brotherhood [Part 1] Attack on Monteriggioni51:0332
2024-07-20France Black Hole 30320Let's play #14 | Assassin's Creed Libération Remastered | PS4 Pro15:1664
2024-07-17 NocI was just trying to help #shorts0:41566
2024-07-13 thtkidvicAssassins Creed Brotherhood Playthrough Part 1 [PLAYSTSATION 5]51:3210
2024-07-08Germany Greta's Gaming GroveLa Volpe ist zurück/Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Part 656:0626
2024-07-06Canada Technical GeniusAssassins Creed Brotherhood new play through5:51:1844
2024-07-06 CornNickAssassin's Creed Brotherhood Part 6: Helping A Templar?!?53:0281
2024-07-02 VB Official🔴 Assassin's Creed : BrotherhooD! | Full Playthrough + Helping Around | Part6 (FinaL)1:21:5841
2024-07-02United States Ninetails625Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood PS5 PLAYTHROUGH Part 9 - PATCHING THE LEAK (FULL GAME)42:2271
2024-06-30United States TheSaintSenpaiiiLets Play Assassin's Creed brotherhood part 23 No. Commentary27:0641
2024-06-23United States GR3TORPEzio Returns! - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Blind Playthrough0:000
2024-06-22Spain itsAndreaGlezPlatino Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - PlayStation 40:2323
2024-06-17Switzerland Sch4f3rAssassin's Creed Brotherhood Playthrough [4K] - ENDING (Franchise Run)14:0511
2024-06-09Brazil JoaoGo 97 (official)O desaparecimento de leonardo - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - parte 10 (PS5 - Playthrough)1:13:051

Latest Reviews For Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-07-31India GamerishRequiescat in pace 🕊️ - Assassin's Creed Brotherhood #acbrotherhood0:111
2024-07-21United States Odd HourAssassin’s Creed Brotherhood for Xbox 360! #gaming #review0:59845
2024-07-07 ViperChief117Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Video Game Review (Xbox Series S/X PlayStation 4/5)13:1290
2024-05-30United States TFNUTNECA Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Ezio Auditore (Legendary Assassin) Review22:27172
2024-04-19 Dizzy Sharkassassin's creed brotherhood ezio neca action figure review.21:4848
2024-03-25 outtadaboxreviewsNECA: Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Ezio (In Depth Review)12:46870
2024-03-13Canada BENZAGAAssassin's Creed Brotherhood Review 2023/202421:4817
2024-03-11Egypt Bassam NabilAssassin's Creed Brotherhood | اخويه الظل | مراجعه10:18943
2023-12-31Israel GanionAassassin's Creed Brotherhood made me fall in love with the series again (2023 review)11:16575
2023-12-08United States MATTERSThe best forgotten Assassins Creed game | Brotherhood3:2750
2023-12-04 Brothers GamingMaster Stealth Assassination In AC Brotherhood | #gamingshorts0:4515
2023-11-22Canada Room and BoardAssassin's Creed Brotherhood of Venice COLLECTORS EDITION Unboxing37:32778
2023-11-11 The HowdyBeans Podcast!Nerdstalgic Main-Quest Ep 95. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Game Review!41:2318
2023-10-13United Kingdom SlugsAssassin’s Creed’s Mirage Walkthrough and Review54:5417
2023-10-07United States William_WispMaster assassin Pack gameplay review 3 Roshan Dhahabi Costume1:308
2023-08-29United States Degenerate PlaysI Joined A Gang? Here's My Review - Assassin's Creed Brotherhood : Part 4944:12345
2023-08-22United Kingdom Reviewed IncEverything You Need To Know About Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.3:43111
2023-08-14 GAME.GEN.XAssassin's Creed Brotherhood Part 635:412
2023-08-11 Retro Gaming RevivalDO YOU REMEMBER IN 2010?? Unveiling the Shadows: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Action Review Gaming6:4326
2023-08-09India GHoSTeaLTHAssassin's Creed Brotherhood - Part 10- WTF JUST HAPPENED?1:03:1211
2023-08-08United States DefySo, I Played Assassin's Creed Brotherhood in 2023...23:4695
2023-07-25United States NOMADinteractiveASSASSINS CREED BROTHERHOOD #6 ( DLCS, DUNGEONS AND DePrEsshiON TREECE/ oppenheimer review))3:07:0618
2023-07-12 LemonBeterAssassin's Creed Brotherhood Review3:152
2023-06-21United Kingdom Jacks Game ReviewsWhy Was Assassin's Creed Brotherhood So Good? 2023 Review10:058,012

Most Viewed Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Video on YouTube

The most viewed Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood video on YouTube is LITERAL Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Trailer with 52,258,431 views, published by United States Tobuscus on September 2, 2010.

Most Liked Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Video on YouTube

The most liked Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood video on YouTube is LITERAL Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Trailer with 433,908 likes, published by United States Tobuscus on September 2, 2010.