Cry of Fear

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Cry of Fear - Steam Store Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 221-90.48%
Views: 211,597-98.69%
Videos: 234-94.12%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 6793-27.96%
Views: 60,66645,46433.44%
Videos: 121188-35.64%
Duration: 3:07:321:46:3575.95%

Channels With The Most Views

1.Japan PewDiePie48,750,437
2.United States Markiplier37,088,620
3. Pyrocynical29,056,802
4.Japan 兄者弟者19,418,076
5. Gronkh13,629,768
6.United States Bushwhack 1812,044,631
7.Chile JuegaGerman9,171,623
8. EddieVR7,861,316
9.United States theRadBrad7,278,361
10.United States windy316,996,686

Channels With The Most Videos

1.United States DocSeeds247
2.India Robin115
3.Russian Federation NOUG4AT102
4.Germany TheShadowCookie97
5.Poland Bladebeliiar91
6.United States Aliulo88
7.United States Markiplier84
8. Gavinanimator82
9.United States Dissy EX75
10.United States Architect74

Latest Let's Plays For Cry of Fear

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-07-29United States PlatinumKush_GamingYTPlatinum's "Chill" Adventure Through Cry of Fear: First Playthrough ~ Ep. 22:28:4431
2024-07-26United States MyNamesRubberCry of Fear Playthrough Part 2 | Gameplay Commentary48:3114
2024-07-21United States CloverSOMEBODY HELP!! | Cry of Fear #232:5933
2024-07-10United Kingdom TronopsMy Story- Cry Of Fear [Finale]26:2549
2024-07-08Mexico YisuisoCry of Fear (PC/2012) - Playthrough #71:02:182
2024-06-20 AngstschreiDer ALPTRAUM geht weiter ... | Cry Of Fear (ab Kapitel 3)0:00381
2024-04-27Australia NayLerНЕНАВИЖУ ВИДЕОМАГНИТОФОНЫ!!! | Cry of Fear | #320:4116
2024-04-05 israeleitor😱NO ME RENDIRE... CRY OF FEAR MLP😱 JUEGO DEL DEMONIO 🔥ESTO NO ES UN JUEGO🔥 🐀🔞 420 ALL DAY👽 UWU 🐀4:32:14206
2024-04-03United States PlayboyJokerWell, it looks like 911 is not going to help me#cryoffear #9110:16430
2024-03-24United States Kabean MemesLets Play: Cry Of Fear Part 11:20:515
2024-03-01United States Ian goes to 100I refuse to repent! I'M NOT SORRY! HA HA HA! - IGT100 plays - PERFECT SPOT12:2352
2024-02-26France TreufyCRY OF FEAR ► La SoUfrAncE sA fé RéfLèChiRR - 🆃🆁🅴🆄🅵🆈6:08:26892
2024-02-24United Kingdom NimpulseSweden Is Scary | Cry of Fear | 60 Min Spin | Nim Plays54:0284
2024-02-14United States The Don't Look Back NetworkLet's Play- I Am a Serial Killer- (PC/2023)- LP#22235:2617
2024-02-12United States MansTooLit CLIPSBro got jump scared into tears #shorts0:061,029
2024-02-08United States Ara NanayaAra Plays Cry of Fear! THE END OF THE GAME | FINALE ~Vtuber41:267
2024-02-05United States PookieVideoGOD CASTS ME OUT! 😱👻💀 #shorts #paranormal #scarygaming #creepy #scarystories #gaming #god0:1293
2024-02-05 VijaKamConquering Fear | KamPlays! Cry Of Fear | Episode#9 FINALE55:1628
2024-01-27 OtaKumaCry of Fear - Secret Ending on Difficult playthrough - Part 1 | Twitch VOD3:03:230
2024-01-27Hungary SHOTIShoti Plays Cry Of Fear (bad idea)3:32:264,423
2024-01-18France KendroBTG3 JEUX D'HORREUR : I am a Serial Killer (616 Games), Gnarly Hike, Playcade (Let's Play FR)1:51:491,247
2024-01-15Austria GAMING TVLet's Play Cry of Fear #002 [Deutsch] [4k+ Das kleine Mistsackel-Kind von Stockwerk C Oida ..14:1721
2024-01-13United States UltraAverageGamingCRY OF FEAR | FULL PLAYTHROUGH | PART 4 - UAG1:00:356
2024-01-12 Diclonius Raxyn[Twitch VOD] Cry of Fear (Blind Playthrough - Part 2)4:29:5811

Latest Reviews For Cry of Fear

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-04-05Romania BlueFox21Cel mai bun joc HORROR (care e moca btw)1:58752
2024-01-18Germany SpeckObstlerBloß für Edgelords oder tatsächliches Meisterwerk? | Cry of Fear Review40:193,212
2023-10-07United States Addy LovestarCry of Fear | Review & Analysis2:01145
2023-10-03United States Game GraderCry of Fear (Review) - Best FREE Horror Game? #shorts0:5549
2023-09-26Peru 2HuntleoHuntleo reacciona a "CRY OF FEAR: Depresión y jumpscares (review)"27:5044,877
2023-09-10Philippines Pakazone Gaming ChannelI Regret Trying This Itchio Game - Echoes of Fear Proto Type8:15105
2023-08-22Argentina Shiro BeilCRY OF FEAR: Depresión y jumpscares (review)13:1050,661
2023-08-05United States ItsCritiHorror Game Based Off Real Story😈 (Iblis) | Review?3:0347
2023-06-08 Boulder PunchCry of Fear Review | A Horror Masterclass (That's For Free)23:37212,458
2023-04-23United States someonesleazyThe Last Cry Of Fear Stream1:33:5862
2023-04-03India SPARK VKCRY OF FEAR Gameplay on GT 710..20:1265
2022-12-01 ConnoaThis shooter has 20 reviews on steam and is NOT good...9:20230
2022-10-31United Kingdom Black JoshiAFRAID OF MONSTERS™12:06336,466
2022-05-24United States TheFlyingChowderWHY THIS 10 YEAR OLD GAME STILL HOLDS UP! | Cry Of Fear "Look-back" review5:4058
2021-10-20 ProbablyJacobThe Cry of Fear Review12:2524,994
2021-10-02Viet Nam TazeeMGResidence of Evil Gameplay Review6:02163
2021-02-22Czech Republic ZeldynMód nebo plnohodnotná hra? Cry of Fear - Review4:08675
2020-09-30Australia SunderlandSpookCry Of Fear Review - The BEST Free Horror Game You Need To Play - SunderlandSpook57:047,669
2020-09-26United States Sputnik34Comparing: Cry of Fear & Grey32:32631
2020-09-23 Ben Baer ProjectsCry of Fear - Ben Baer Projects Review (Обзор) Часть 24:1511
2019-10-28United Kingdom The Mason ScaleHorror Review: Cry Of Fear7:282,528
2019-06-01United Kingdom That British BeeCry of Fear Review [SERIES FINALE]28:5578
2018-01-06United States Poor Soul i half review Vinescauce Full Sauce7:213
2016-11-24United States BrigidYTGarry's Mod #176: Cry of Fear Weapons Mod Review12:1047
2015-02-01United States Kalabajooie LabsPier Review - Cry of Fear Pt. 4 - Date Night15:289

Most Viewed Cry of Fear Video on YouTube

The most viewed Cry of Fear video on YouTube is Cry of Fear - The Best Free Game You Never Played with 18,468,740 views, published by Pyrocynical on January 27, 2021.

Most Liked Cry of Fear Video on YouTube

The most liked Cry of Fear video on YouTube is I let my viewers alert the monster Michael Jackson Edition! with 591,395 likes, published by United States Bushwhack 18 on May 5, 2023.