Path of Exile 2 YouTube Views and Videos

Path of Exile 2

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Path of Exile 2 - Steam Store Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 25632-96.04%
Views: 26,7692,589,241-98.97%
Videos: 311,426-97.83%
Duration: 0:0015:39:40-100.00%

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 1,6112,108-23.58%
Views: 15,290,19737,379,980-59.10%
Videos: 5,7616,813-15.44%
Duration: 1:19:47:021:01:04:5774.56%

Channels With The Most Views

1. Path of Exile28,930,713
2.United States Asmongold TV 18,269,734
3.United States DarthMicrotransaction TV8,979,467
4. RageGamingVideos6,738,808
5.United States Raxxanterax5,944,773
6.United States Talkative Tri5,432,755
7.United States IGN4,386,335
8.Denmark LiftingNerdBro4,079,725
9.United States Asmongold Clips3,481,993
10.United Kingdom Zizaran3,421,741

Channels With The Most Videos

1.United States Talkative Tri236
2.Brazil Sipder204
3.Korea, Republic of 팡팡행운TV159
4.Poland Nadin Wins152
5.Romania Bue146
6.Portugal EpicPureGamer124
7.France Kami Labs114
8. WoW Quests109
9.United States MuklukPlays101
10.United States ViktoriaArtGame - game vlog.98

Latest Let's Plays For Path of Exile 2

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2025-01-14United States DarthMicrotransaction TVPath of Exile 2 Fresh HCSSF Titan Playthrough0:000
2024-12-14United States Shibby KingShibby King Plays Path of Exile 2 P113:59:3911
2024-12-12Germany psyckodaddyLet's play: Path of Exile 2 Beta - part 60:000
2024-06-12Australia BalorMageBalor And Catmaster Play Through PoE 2 : The Movie2:21:511,868
2024-06-08Australia JorgenPath of Exile 2: Playstation Plus and Cross Platform Micro-transactions News7:431,967
2024-04-02 EverlessPath of Exile - Alpha Versions (2007 - 2011)12:03192
2024-03-24Canada VelynaPath of Exile 2 L.A. Presentation Alpha Gameplay Footage37:374,175
2024-03-23 Crouching_TunaPoE 2 - Ranger Act 1 Playthrough [No Commentary]2:46:4136,469
2024-03-15United States Jenu⭐ Path Of Exile ⭐ 1st Playthrough! #POE #pathofexile4:46:4464
2024-02-19 Caffeinated ReplaysThe First Playthrough of Path Of Exile Should Be Like This...1:251,054
2023-12-27United States Oxford KingPath of Exile 2 Surpasses Diablo 4 even in Alpha1:37:303,513
2023-12-16United States Talkative TriPath of Exile 2 Easily Clears Diablo 4 During Its Alpha...How?23:3866,072
2023-09-25United States MartaviusGamingNoob Pro Path Of Exile I Need Help1:42:1272
2023-09-02United States Tonkee Gaming & CandlesPath of Exile! Blind First Playthrough!3:27:13528
2023-08-28Germany DiGiTMercLets Play Path of Exile Trial of the Ancestors End of ACT 6 *The Brine King*3:48122
2023-08-17Brazil SLimaCheguei no Endgame em Path of Exile | Gladiador Golpe Duplo/Golpe Duplo Vaal (PT/BR)7:0750
2023-08-01Sweden ArahorPlaysExileCon - 2023 - ArahorPlays1:27:0125
2023-06-17Austria Booster NationPath of Exile 3.21 Crucible | Neuer Tailer zu Path of Exile 2 + Delve & Mechanik – 010 | LP Deutsch1:18:06236
2022-09-23Greece Game HauntingsJudas - A Satanic Ritual Happened Here28:49458
2022-04-05Australia Liam's World AustraliaLet's Play Path of Exile #5: A Fiery Revisit!28:439
2021-04-19Denmark Mikkeluncensored goofball plays lol later path of exile Ultimatum League Eng/Danish. poe ultimatum2:32:459
2019-11-29United Kingdom ZizaranPath of Exile 2 Demo - Witch playthrough13:5355,254
2019-11-17United States Angry RoleplayerKRIPP PLAYS PATH OF EXILE 2 for the first time! (Part 2)55:355,368
2019-11-15Germany Doomcloud Let's PlayPATH OF EXILE 4.0 wird PATH OF EXILE 2 - Exilecon #3 [ poe / deutsch /german ]3:013,949
2017-12-05 PS2freak11223Let's Play Together Path of Exile 2: Sean Spicer10:012

Latest Reviews For Path of Exile 2

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2025-01-06Australia Shin-Okami🔴LIVE! New Build? - POE2 #pathofexile0:000
2024-12-20United States FrankScapeMonk endgame POI, Reacting to Reviews, is it good? | Path of Exile 20:000
2024-07-17United States Big DucksSolo Monk Path of Exile 2 Console Footage Review + Stream Updates2:39:252,364
2024-07-02Ukraine DreamwithMelodyPlaying path of exile gameplay beginner classes review2:43:4040
2024-06-08United States GrollmPath of Exile | End of League Review | What the h*ll happened? | Necropolis League12:34462
2024-04-16Azerbaijan Djef GamesPath Of Exile - Gameplay | Necropolis Content Reveal | Review | POE30:27189
2023-09-02United States ChickenPath of Exile Trial of the Ancestors League Rant/Review5:16326
2023-08-27United States HawgHawg Reviews Path of Exile19:0924,124
2023-08-22United States Warlug Path of Exile Review My First Time Playing for Beginners!9:362,932
2023-08-05United States shooothim1991Path of Exile 2 4K Gameplay Trailer2:180
2023-08-03 ZiggyD GamingPATH of EXILE 2: Combat Review - A Great Vision; Stunned.21:4739,973
2023-07-21 All-Trades JackMy Complete Path of Exile New Player Review | Episodes 1-8 Compilation with New Commentary!2:12:4612,686
2023-04-11 EterniamPath of Exile - Game Review15:2486
2021-08-21United States Gus SchultzShould Kids play Path Of Exile?2:04149
2021-05-14Australia MrreeetvPath Of Exile Review: Customization Extravaganza1:37170
2020-05-12United States VerumbraIs path of exile still worth playing?11:386,043
2019-12-13United States Skylent GamesThis Is The Best NON GACHA & NON P2W Free Game Out Right Now | SKYLENT14:2924,892

Most Viewed Path of Exile 2 Video on YouTube

The most viewed Path of Exile 2 video on YouTube is Path of Exile 2: Endgame Content Reveal with 3,459,536 views, published by Path of Exile on November 21, 2024.

Most Liked Path of Exile 2 Video on YouTube

The most liked Path of Exile 2 video on YouTube is Path of Exile 2 Gameplay Preview with 41,125 likes, published by Path of Exile on November 15, 2019.