Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege YouTube Views and Videos

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Steam Store Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 1031,091-90.56%
Views: 874,42412,970,522-93.26%
Videos: 1692,779-93.92%
Duration: 0:0017:34:04-100.00%

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 2,7653,567-22.48%
Views: 55,319,90958,536,596-5.50%
Videos: 10,44214,395-27.46%
Duration: 2:00:32:562:03:56:59-6.55%

Channels With The Most Views

1.United Kingdom Marley662,612,388
2. TheRussianBadger583,886,888
3.Canada VarsityGaming580,384,566
4.Jordan Jäger Himself Too425,219,139
5.United States Evan Braddock421,681,558
6.United States Macie Jay401,826,766
7. Jynxzi393,135,215
8.Canada NarcolepticNugget384,502,607
9.United States Siege Tales371,033,098
10.Sweden BikiniBodhi353,250,047

Channels With The Most Videos

1.India Dabbu10,948
2.United States KingGeorge25,293
3.United States R6 Video Replays: : Unofficial Highlights Library5,241
4.Spain Caramelo5,231
5.United Kingdom Arktes4,687
6. VideoGrames4,545
7.Brazil Rainbow Six Brasil4,275
8.Spain Pablotas Rainbow Six Siege3,503
9.Canada VarsityGaming3,473
10. Namlis3,445

Latest Let's Plays For Rainbow Six Siege

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2025-01-05 Carlos PeñafielAlpha Packs opening | PS50:000
2024-11-08 SoapxSupreme07Roller R6 Player Plays Siege With Friends (Operation Twin Shells)1:56:5024
2024-10-29United States SenValeNEW Doktors Curse 2024 Alpha Pack OPENING in Rainbow Six Siege!23:26200
2024-10-12 solo metaRainbow six siege an rod wave album play through (quick stream )0:000
2024-10-08 CloudFox _76R6 on PS5😎 Join The Fun.ALPHA PACK MARATHON!! DAY 10:000
2024-10-01Indonesia Maknyuss!Gacha Alpha & Bravo Packs Y9S2 | R60:000
2024-09-24Indonesia Arkendrey GamingRainbow Six Siege // WEENIES - 0037 (The Surya Plays W/ Myniac) (GAMEPLAY) (RANK)1:13:040
2024-09-22Germany Radibor78 LPLet's Play [DE]: Rainbow Six Siege - #04521:3526
2024-08-01United States R6 CentralXbox Champions Vs Playstation Champions! (Rainbow Six Siege)3:31:4716,117
2024-08-01United States hitman_JDATHE #1 BEST *CONTROLLER* CHAMPION + NO RECOIL SETTINGS & SENSITIVITY (PS5/XBOX) - Rainbow Six Siege10:2822,976
2024-08-01United States R6 FocusJynxzi Reacts To Luckiest Plays in Rainbow Six Siege30:294,351
2024-07-31Australia PlumoeI Stand my Post! - Plum Plays R6 #7 | Rainbow 6 Siege Ranked Gameplay23:04127
2024-07-29 quax25Dnd player and his mom plays r61:40:2325
2024-07-29 Viciously_SmoothBAD AIM, but Ubisoft helps you out! 🤣 #rainbowsixsiege #r6s #jynzxi #r6settings #consolegaming0:4615
2024-07-28Brazil PATOABRINDO 25× ALPHA PACKS NO RAINBOW SIX SIEGE (Muita Coisa Boa) - ft. @Kleiton_Jack10:3057
2024-07-28United States 12AMCOMEDY GOLD Rainbow Six Siege Moments12:04520
2024-07-28France Éloigné 31J'obtiens ... BLACK ICE ! (OUVERTURE de 100 alpha PACK 🎁) - Rainbow Six Siege8:53153
2024-07-27 QuickScopeNQQB20Opening 100 Alpha Packs in Rainbow six siege13:300
2024-07-27Viet Nam 012xyz: Overgame[18|12] @XyzS - 2Games: #Rainbow6 'BattleTier60'& #Fallout 'HelpinSonShaun' 4727Sa11UTRC4:07:2827
2024-07-26United States TrujiNew Alpha Packs Are BROKEN in Siege.14:35722
2024-07-26Georgia Soldier-boy03This One Line Had The Party In Uproar........ Soldier-boy03 Highlights Fails & Funny Moments #284:0928
2024-07-26 Young Spitball GamingRookie Sledge Plays Rainbow Six Siege: Chaos, Comedy, and Confusion - Funny Moments & More13:0422
2024-07-25Philippines The DonkeypitsTHE BURDEN OF LEADERSHIP | Let's Play Rainbow Six Siege Part 3114:1319
2024-07-24France ZeroskHOW A CHAMPION PLAYS - RAINBOW SIX SIEGE #rainbowsixsiege #rainbowsixsiegeclips #rainbowsix #r6s0:162,320
2024-07-23United States KiwiPlaying Siege High, Finally Unbanned, Helping Vic hit lvl 507:234

Latest Reviews For Rainbow Six Siege

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-09-19United States The Eternal Disappointment🔴LIVE: Portugal Wine Review with Gameplay0:0013
2024-07-09 Kum SquadSt charles bowl review0:041
2024-07-08 KingPancakeReading R6 Seige Reviews!!!!19:45114
2024-06-05United States oBrandonLeePLAYING XDEFIANT WITH NO FINGERS LIVE!!! | Rainbow Six Siege3:08:0959
2024-05-29United States TICHRainbow Six Siege The Game Review!! #review #rainbowsixsiege #shrots1:00469
2024-05-29Italy Rainbow6ItaCom*DELUSIONE* NUOVA SEASON | PATCH NOTE REVIEW & MEMBERSHIP | Rainbow Six Siege ITA15:3916,412
2024-05-26Turkey Saman Sideمعرفی و بررسی کامل سیزن 2 سال 9 رینبو سیکس - Rainbow six Y9S2 Review26:051,710
2024-05-25United States BSparksGamingXDEFIANT PS5 GAMEPLAY! Let's Get Some W's!3:00:3034
2024-05-22United States Crimson Beast AlphaUBISOFT-WATCH! X-DEFIANT11:0033
2024-05-13 TheDarkBorneReplay Review55:372
2024-05-10 ChemicalNeitherI GOT EARLY ACCESS TO RAINBOW SIX SIEGE MOBILE!!! (Game Review)8:15211
2024-05-09Germany LeggySantos 👑[GAMECHECK] - RAINBOW SIX: SIEGE - [TEST/REVIEW/DEUTSCH] | LeggySantos4:5917
2024-05-05 saiazyThanks for the title LoohnarBum😴 #champion #rainbowsixsiege #rainbowsixsiegevodreview #siege0:34495
2024-04-20Canada ITGTVDailyR6 Siege Garage Breach: Satisfying Pulse Elimination!0:1810,167
2024-04-20United States BoardGameCoNews & Week in Review - SNL, Margot Robbie, CMON Profits & More!!17:173,686
2024-04-13United States FeignedKey479Jynxzi Reacts to INSANE Rainbow Six Siege Reviews on Xbox...16:3338,846
2024-04-12United States GrogomanORYX.REVIEW #rainbowsixsiege0:15485
2024-04-11Iraq SAIF VENchallenge champions #gaming #rainbowsixsiegevodreview #rainbowsixsiege #r6siege #championr6#champion0:20114
2024-04-07Netherlands PjeterYEAR 9 SEASON 1 BATTLE PASS REVIEW1:0842
2024-04-06 scorpio_868Can we get @Jynxzi to review this #gaming #rainbowsixsiege0:58434
2024-03-31 theman0015Jared movie review5:528
2024-03-29United States KingGeorgeCrazy Amazon Review Story Time 😭0:582,070
2024-03-22United Kingdom KudosFrost Halo R6 Skin Review! Rainbow Six Siege6:2211,255
2024-03-21 CmS. KmgMy First Time Playing Ranked Rainbow Six Siege// Road To Champion Rank Part 118:37127

Most Viewed Rainbow Six Siege Video on YouTube

The most viewed Rainbow Six Siege video on YouTube is Blackbeard in Siege 🏴‍☠️ NOW vs THEN with 45,763,897 views, published by United States Siege Tales on March 12, 2024.

Most Liked Rainbow Six Siege Video on YouTube

The most liked Rainbow Six Siege video on YouTube is R6 Siege IRL (Airsoft Pistol 1v1) with 1,500,000 likes, published by United States Valiant Airsoft on April 25, 2022.