The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie YouTube Views and Videos

The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie - Steam Store PageThe Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie - Nintendo Wiki Fandom Page

Annual Statistics

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7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 1724-29.17%
Views: 1,4271,612-11.48%
Videos: 4679-41.77%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 4147-12.77%
Views: 6,73425,289-73.37%
Videos: 335391-14.32%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

Channels With The Most Views

1.Japan aika2,490,163
2.Japan sayak@1,186,967
3.Japan えふお Games940,283
4.United States PlayStation681,080
5. February Night641,922
6.United States NIS America604,560
7.Japan Clouded Leopard Entertainment 587,300
8.United States MisterExtender515,747
9.Japan チキンオーバーライス474,945
10.United Kingdom CGInferno473,137

Latest Let's Plays For The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2024-07-07 BogModLet's Play The Legend of Heroes: Trails Into Reverie - Finale55:3139
2024-07-02Canada LogicbladeDreaming of You: Let's Play Trails into Reverie! Part 17: The Beach Episode2:51:4543
2024-05-24Mexico Typhoon ArtificeTrails into Reverie Act 4 (171)- Melphergor Nix + Cubelion Telos Boss Fight25:416
2024-05-23United States Pharaoh FiascoTrails into Reverie Playthrough (50) - Aidios' Zeroth Miracle1:22:46354
2024-05-16Germany SteeblioThe Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie - Folge 137: Wir werden erwartet am Mittelpunkt57:183
2024-05-07Canada I Am Jeff🎉 First Playthrough 🎉 Trails into Reverie - Beyond the Reverie! - Final Day4:49:4557
2024-04-24 Bicsum PlaysThe End of the Reverie Corridor - The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie32:192
2024-04-17 Ray Salt and MemoryTrails into Reverie #204: Boss - Cubelion Telos and Melphegor Nix. Burden of Proof...36:4610
2024-04-11Germany Faceless GuyThe Legend of Heroes - Trails into Reverie [Faceless Guy | English | Rean und Alisa] | EPISODE 3119:053
2024-03-31Germany LeomedesTrails into Reverie #158 Cubelion Telos & Melphegor Nix [Deutsch/Blind]49:1743
2024-03-14Philippines BlackThorne2001The Legend of Heroes: Trails Into Reverie [PC] {4K} EP137 =Melphegor Nix I Cubelion Telos=43:160
2024-02-27United States PoutymuffinTrails Into Reverie: Playthrough Part 103 - Renne's New School.58:5611
2024-02-14Philippines Ashenfield EXTRA EP - LET'S PLAY: THE LEGEND OF HEROES: TRAILS INTO REVERIE: Fragments of Reverie55:0124
2024-02-13Finland FantasyGamer93Trails Into Reverie Daydream Beyond the Reverie Forward Sword in Hand #9045:1535
2024-01-02 Glintstone_Arc29The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Melphegor Nix and Cubelion Telos boss fights14:279
2023-12-28United States Apn-GamesLets play Trails Into reverie1:22:489
2023-12-25Philippines Joey Gaming Tv(ENG) The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Into Reverie Very Easy Playthrough (Part 69)!1:27:3618
2023-12-22United States ProjectstOrmStudioTrails into Reverie PsS Playthrough EX3 - Beyond the Reverie: Forward, Sword in Hand24:432
2023-12-14United States BugfraggedBEYOND THE REVERIE - Let's Play 「 TLoH: Trails Into Reverie 」 - 69 (Nice)1:55:1236
2023-12-10United States RpgxEmilyTrails Into Reverie PS5 | Hard Mode Boss | Melphegor Nix5:156
2023-12-02Australia MBgov1133THREE & NINE - The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie - 02:52:4090
2023-11-05United States TatyTaty playing The Legend of Heroes: Trails Into Reverie(FRESH) on the PlayStation 5 Final Coda!10:14:28110
2023-11-05United States djanime2016Trails Into Reverie| Blind Playthrough| Day 53: CODA Finale-Beyond The Reverie|5:51:1224
2023-10-26United Kingdom TheTwitGamerForward, Sword in Hand - Beyond The Reverie | Trails Into Reverie | Let's Play Part 15348:45698
2023-10-21United States TheDonOfEverythingLet's Play Legend of Heroes Trails Into Reverie - Part 12 - Final - DonVods - Challenge Run!1:44:183

Latest Reviews For The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
1 day ago Pandragon Valimar TV Trails into Reverie Postgame!0:0057
2024-06-21United States TheTheoLoganIs Trails Into Reverie The PERFECT Trails Game? | Trails Into Reverie Review16:111,562
2024-05-13Indonesia GOIB GamerTeam Rean Dengan Kucing - The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Part 381:35:1033
2024-05-13Canada Tarks GauntletTrails into Reverie Accomplishes the Impossible! - Review - Tarks Gauntlet20:226,896
2024-01-25Finland FantasyGamer93Trails Into Reverie (Post Game) 7th Stratum #831:01:1730
2023-11-29United States MadhatterniThe Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie STRATUM ZERO Finale reverie corridor after stratum 4 74:10:3736
2023-11-20United States cullen2023: The Year I Fell Back In Love With Trails27:594,333
2023-10-19 Doctor ButtersDARTH BLOOD REVIEWS: Trails into Reverie11:5413
2023-10-02United States BLACKDISCTrails into Reverie Review, Recap & Analysis | A New Beginning39:3010,001
2023-09-22Indonesia ReinzterUNBOXING FIGURE ASSASSIN YANG CANTIK DAN LINCAH - Kotobukiya Rixia Mao Review Indonesia9:09253
2023-09-11United States Asai Nero TranIs Trails into Reverie good, EVEN ON SWITCH? | PS5/NSW | REVIEW | AsaiNeroTran - NO SPOILERS!15:581,707
2023-09-04United States Kevin StreetI Beat Trails from Zero and Loved It! - Spoiler Free Thoughts14:1554
2023-09-04Canada ★WishingTikal★The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Review (PS5)6:28811
2023-09-03Indonesia PC GAME EVOLUTION BALI✅The Legend of Heroes Trails into Reverie Pc Gameplay Max Setting ❗❗10:3768
2023-08-24United States Game NightTrails Into Reverie Review - One Gahenna of A Good Time15:0335
2023-08-18 chicken filletsTrails Into Reverie - Nintendo Switch Review11:5288
2023-08-17Brazil vgBR - VideoGames BrazilVideoGames Brasil - THE LEGEND OF HEROES: TRAILS INTO REVERIE review7:2080
2023-08-16United States The Full SpectrumTrails into Reverie - Review58:2793
2023-08-08United States akutsu24Revisiting Hajimari no Kiseki 3 Years Later - Review12:4879
2023-08-02 Thegiva GameplaysThe Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie - GAMEPLAY34:36429
2023-07-31United States Gamer Section MediaThe Legend of Heros: Trails Into Reverie #shorts0:16102
2023-07-14Canada ThisWeekInGeekT.O.T. - Summer Vacation 2023 Roundup Part 1 (AEW, Trails Into Reverie, Atelier, More!)1:07:14643
2023-07-14United States Hell Fire RPGsTrails into Reverie - Review (PS5)11:501,973
2023-07-14United States Solaris JapanRean Schwarzer's Epic Figure from The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie! #solarisjapan0:40210
2023-07-13Germany DerTomatenToasterEndlich Abschied nehmen | Trails into Reverie Review (Deutsch)32:27377

Most Viewed The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Video on YouTube

The most viewed The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie video on YouTube is Top 15 Best NEW Turn Based RPG That You Should Play | 2023 Edition with 336,545 views, published by Indonesia Joel RPG on January 16, 2023.

Most Liked The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Video on YouTube

The most liked The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie video on YouTube is The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie - Story Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games with 4,362 likes, published by United States PlayStation on December 19, 2022.