7 Theories Avengers 4 Trailer Left Us Wondering About | ⭐ OSSA

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A5lpzv6d_0

Duration: 7:18

Avengers 4 trailer didn’t reveal everything we were expecting for. If you didn’t see some of your favorite characters in Avengers Endgame trailer, watch our video to find out what could happen to them.

Here we gathered some of the funs’ theories about our beloved characters, that we didn’t see in Avengers 4 trailer.

We give some predictions to how much time has past since Thanos snap and will be Tony Stark rescued in the Endgame.

Check out Avengers Endgame easter eggs and our theories about them.

Where are the rest of Avengers who did not vanish after the snap? Why we didn’t see them in the Endgame trailer?

Watch our analysis of Avengers 4 teaser and check if think the same. Here’s the list of things you missed in the last Marvel studios trailer.

Marvel confirmed that in Avengers Endgame Hawkeye will change his role. He will instead become Avengers Endgame Ronin. Check whether they predict other major changes in the Avengers movie.

We disclose some Avengers Endgame things missed in the trailer of A4. Watch our Avengers Endgame theory of what may happen to MCU in Avengers endgame. Catch up on the latest endgame theories here!!

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avengers 4
avengers 4 trailer
avengers endgame trailer
avengers endgame easter eggs
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avengers endgame ronin
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avengers endgame
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