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Duration: 0:46

I am obviously terribly upset by the election results last night and wanted to say a few words to my subs. Please bear with me as writing is my outlet and I am incredibly overwhelmed by emotion so I'd like to work on releasing it.

America has somehow managed to elect someone who:

1) Does not disclose taxes
2) Says derogatory and offensive things about every ethnicity
3) Degrades women and is a misogynistic pig
4) Has horrible personality traits (extreme narcissism, never wrong etc etc)
5) Slags off John McCain and his POW past
6) Has decades of morally questionable business dealings
7) Has flipped on pretty much everything except trade, and lies about the flips.
8) Has a tax plan that would drastically increase the deficit.
9) Consistently lies about self funding campaign.
10) States openly he knows more about ISIS than everyone in the Pentagon.

To make matters FAR worse, Congress has gone fully Republican. I'm guessing he'll have bills on his desk for inauguration day to:
- Repeal ACA
- Build a wall
- Severly restrict immigration
- End Planned Parenthood
- "Targeted screening" of travellers
- Gut the EPA
- Drastically reduce corporate and high earner taxes
- Strip mine Alaska

Any guesses for day 2 in office? I hope to god he doesn't make good on his plan of bombing everything he thinks is ISIS. Well, I predict the police will continue summarily executing citizens. The military will continue indiscriminately bombing families and hospitals. And the loonies that shoot up churches full of people will continue doing just that.

I feel so much for the current generation of children. Any one of them who isn't a straight white male has to be just as seeped in despair as I am. I thought I was the last generation to live through the hell of being bullied for being different but it breaks my heart to see that it not only continues but will get worse. It used to make me smile to know that it would be EASIER for gay/trans kids next time, because people would keep progressing in their acceptance of others who are different. I fear I was wrong.

My largest mistake was having faith in the animals who happen to inhabit the same piece of land as me. Just because they live here doesn't mean they give a shit about the suffering of me or the next guy. If you think I hated the general public before, you have no idea how much I changed over the previous night.

For the first time in my life, I cried on election night. Not just cried, but full-on bawled until I had broken blood vessels in my face. I felt strange until I got up today and heard that so many had done the same. We aren't sore about losing. We're crying over the intense loss we feel, knowing our rights are about to get yanked out from under us. Knowing we are surrounded by, let's face it, DEPLORABLES. I have never been more ashamed to live in America and firmly believe this is the darkest day in our history since the Civil War.

Today, I feel exactly the same as I did on 9/11. I'm overwhelmed with grief, confusion, anxiety, absolute terror, uncertainty, and disbelief. A part of me has died, a part of America has died, and we will never be the same. I remember how hopeless it felt on that day. But the difference was, everyone came together and supported each other.

Right now, it's our very neighbors who are dragging America through the mud, making sure anyone who isn't a CIS gendered straight white male will stay a second-class citizen and bully them into submission.

I cried again as I watched Clinton give her concession speech. Because it shouldn't have happened this way. Because it's SO MUCH worse than we could have imagined. To my foreign friends: we are just as shocked as you. To the point where you have to wonder if the results were tampered with. Everyone is beside themselves today and just can't make sense of it. Other comparable moments of utter terror in my life: watching another car slam into my door at 45mph and being helpless to stop it, sitting in the surgeon's office being told my pathology report confirmed I had thyroid cancer, overdosing at 25 and trying so hard to stay awake. I survived all of these things, even prospered in spite of them, but they were all life-changing and hardened me into something more cynical than I'd like.

I don't know how the next four years are going to go but I do know we "second class citizens" are on our own again and we have got to stick together.

I am heartbroken that America has come to this.

Here is some great reading by people who can express these things much better than I.
