Ask SlimKirby! The "Questions Submission" Video

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Duration: 8:19

If you want a more detailed outline of what I discussed in the video, then please, PLEASE, read this video description.

Ok, so here is the deal

-You may ask two questions at max, but nothing more than that. I dont want to deal with too many questions. Keep in mind though that you can just ask one (heck, I would even prefer one question), the extra freebie is more for those individuals who have a lot they want to know, but with 1,850 subscribers now, covering everything may not be that .hard, so you may not need that extra question.

- Questions are to be asked in this video's comments, AND ONLY HERE! Do not send me a PM or ask in other videos. DO IT HERE ONLY!

-Types of questions can range from my LPs, video games in general, Youtube, and to an extent, personal questions.

-I FIND THIS VERY IMPORTANT! PLEASE CONSIDER THIS! Before you ask a question, go to the comments section and do a quick Find (CTRL + F) and search to make sure someone else hasnt already asked your question. You dont have to scroll the entire comments section, but just go to View All Comments, and do a small keyword search of what your question may ask. For example, if your question is What is your favorite video game? just search the keywords video game and see if it was asked among the results. To do this, just hit CTRL + F which is the Find function. It might be different on Macs. You can also get this function up from your browsers drop-down menus.

-When asking personal questions about me, please do not ask questions like What is your cell phone number? or Where do you live? Dont even ask inappropriate questions either. Those questions will NOT be answered.

-I would really appreciate deep and thought-provoking questions, so if you are capable of doing that, go for it. You can ask general questions too, but keep in mind that people will probably ask those. So make sure you search the comments section.

The first batch of answer videos will be posted on July 4th, 2009, so make sure you get your questions in before then, because I will disable comments on the 4th, or possibly on the 3rd. If I get a lot of questions before that date, I will hold on to all of the reserve questions and answer them in videos during the remainder of my summer vacation, so do not worry, none of your questions will go to waste (unless you actually do waste them).

I think thats about it. Get those questions in!
