LEGENDS OF AMBERLAND: THE FORGOTTEN CROWN ► Una Carta de Amor a los Juegos de Rol de los 90´s

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vR-d9VZJwg

Duration: 52:06

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown es un RPG del tipo Dungeoncrawler fuertemente inspirado en clásicos de los 90´s (te suenan Eye of the Beholder, Ishar, Crystals of Arborea y por supuesto Might & Magic?) que acaba de salir por Steam, y que ya me ha atrapado por su simpleza y profundidad.
Recorrer el mapa, visitar ciudades y castillos, adentrarnos en profundos dungeons, matar enemigos, encontrar tesoros escondidos, subir de nivel y equipar nuestra party de 7 aventureros (creados por nosotros mismos!) mientras descubrimos qué se oculta detras de la misteriosa Corona Olvidada... qué querés que te diga, es exactamente lo que todo rolero busca!
► Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown
en Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/873890/Legends_of_Amberland_The_Forgotten_Crown
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** MI PC **
CPU: AMD A10-7850K
Placa de Video: ASUS GEFORCE GTX1060 OC
Memoria: 16GB Kingston HyperX Fury Dual Channel DDR3
Motherboard: MSI A68HM-E33 V2

Classic party-based western RPG, inspired by games from the 90s era.

Core design choices:
1) Classic, 90 degree rotation, FPP, turn-based, tile movement RPG.
2) Party-based (7 party members assembled upon start).
3) Open world with a big overworld to explore.
4) Fast paced combat. Quick travel. Easy inventory management. No grind.
5) Light, fairy tale like fantasy, epic story about heroes on a noble quest.

The game is a classic western RPG inspired by the games from the 90s. Basically, it’s the kind of game I personally find missing nowadays. Light, fairy tale, epic, heroic and slightly humorous. One that does not take tons of hours to complete or require endless grind to progress. Something that caters to players like me who don’t have tons of hours to beat one game but still like to play and have a sort of nostalgia for the way games were made in the old days.

It was inspired by Dungeon Master, Eye of The Beholder 2, Might & Magic 3-5, Crystals of Arborea (a not so well known prequel to Ishar series), GoldBox series (Champions of Krynn, Dark Queen of Krynn, etc).

Mechanically it’s 100% turn based (so you can go and make tea in the middle of a fight) with grid movement and 90 degree rotation. All this very fast paced, both combat and travel is really fast. The goal was to cut down the boring parts and flesh out the fun parts. Also, there is no loading screen when changing locations or other slowdowns 🙂
Overall, the mechanics are pretty traditional and straightforward with modern additions like weightless bag combined with equipment encumbrance system.

World and Storyline:
Storyline is a fairy tale, mythical heroic fantasy. You are the good guys on a quest to fight the forces of evil. The world is non linear, with very few locked areas. You basically can go anywhere and do things in different order. In addition you can choose a different set of quests to finish the game (but those are not mutually exclusive, so you can finish all quests if you like). It’s more world driven than story driven. The priority was to make the world feel alive and let you explore it as you wish than follow a linear list of quests.

The game starts when the royal wizard finds out about an old crown that belonged to the royal family for generations. Yet, strangely no one ever heard about the crown and there was just a single mention of it in the royal annals. Upon further study he discovered that there has been cast a powerful spell of forgetfulness of unknown origin which caused everyone in the whole land to forget the crown ever existed. Without knowing who or why someone went to such trouble to conceal the existence of the crown he decided to investigate it. He summoned a party of noble heroes and tasked them with finding whereabouts of the mysterious crown and the origin of the spell.

LEGENDS OF AMBERLAND: THE FORGOTTEN CROWN ► Una Carta de Amor a los Juegos de Rol de los 90´s │

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Dungeon Master
Eye of The Beholder 2
Might & Magic 3-5
Crystals of Arborea
GoldBox series
might and magic
might & magic
Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown
Legends of Amberland gameplay castellano
Legends of Amberland gameplay español
Legends of Amberland preview
Legends of Amberland review
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