NICK54222's Random MUGEN Mania - Episode 74

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Duration: 13:15

Welcome to another episode of Random MUGEN Mania!

OHMSBY's updating his characters burst system which includes a tactic called Exceed Accel (or EXA for short). As such, some of his fighters may have their AI Patches temporarily removed until they're updated with the new system as well. I hope you'll understand this decision. This may also affect the status of Ichida's and k6666orochi's fighters when they all eventually get the EXA update (pending for the latter, the former is confirmed).

Here, you'll see randomly selected characters take part in a 4v4 turns battle on a randomly selected stage.

As the roster grows bigger and bigger, it will become less likely to see certain characters take part in these battles. But while the new ones won't be grouped up until later, I want to at least inform to you the versions I'm using. Still, there's a ton of possibilities we could have here.

I'm currently working on the UltraBIG motif roster and organizing it. However, I'm adding some of the new releases to the current motif out of pity for those characters and the fans who like them. They'll be at the bottom of the roster and therefore at the bottom of the roster list.

BTW, here's a link to the roster if anyone's interested. This is for the characters, not the stages, so keep this in mind:

Regardless, I hope you enjoy this video.


Sennou-Room's Ako Tamaki was made for 1.1 and has since remained that way. Because of this, I'm using a 1.0 Patch for an outdated Ako in my roster.

Henri is from Nitro Royale, but she's originally from the visual novel Tenshi no Nichou Kenjuu -Angelos Armas-.

Yuugi Hoshiguma was the Touhou fighter in the second match.

Mizuchi is a clone of Orochi made for Neo Geo Battle Coliseum.

Shadow is from One Must Fall, and Chronos is also from that game.

Queen Bee is Q-Bee's title, not name.

If there's anything else I forgot to mention or clear up here, or if any of the characters used have AI Patches available or alternative versions, please let me know.

Characters used:

Blaze Fielding (SeanAtly)
Dirty Fat (NGI, 5%off AI Patch)
Ako Tamaki (Sennou-Room, Hyde233 1.0 Patch)
Henri (Kayui Uma)
Kotaro Kazama (Ohgaki)
Sunny Milk (Heyto, Air AI Patch)
Android 17 (Gladiacloud)
Pepito (Quetzalcoatl_88)
Kana Orikura (Nyan Kiryu, Narigaya AI Patch)
Captain Kidd (Mouser, GURI)
Yuugi Hoshiguma (Minoo, RicePigeon)
Dawn (Tokathiki, CyberLizard/Jetgoshi, Starmie)
Mizuchi (Websta)
Hikaru Jomon (Nyankoro)
Eko (Vanguard Princess) (mother earth, e510/LJH AI Patch)
Pachirisu (YochiThMaster333)
Lee Dao-Long (Descolor)
Shadow (One Must Fall) (Aokmaniac13)
Dio (World Heroes) (OMEGAPSYCHO)
Green Arrow (ZVitor)
Ai (Fervicante, café AI Patch)
Ori (Gemeos e Jogos)
Q-Bee (misao)
Oscar Richard Valdez (Oscar-Richard Valdez, Future!Tom, Dawn de Era edited)

Stage 1: Waterfall by Dissidia
BGM 1: Comes with stage (if anyone knows the name of the song, let me know)

Stage 2: Three Wonders by Magma Dragoon MK-II/Magma MK-II
BGM 2: Three Wonders - Stage 1-1 (Forest Country)

Stage 3: Touhou Casino Night by Krizalid99v2, edited by Ezequiel-TM
BGM 3: Touhou Casino Night (Touhou-style remix of Balrog's theme by Ezequiel-TM)

Random MUGEN Mania
Sunny Milk
Blaze Fielding
Dirty Fat
Ako Tamaki
Android 17
Kotaro Kazama
Eko (Vanguard Princess)
Captain Kidd
Kana Orikura
Green Arrow
Dio (World Heroes)
Yuugi Hoshiguma
Hikaru Shidou
Lee Dao-Long
Shadow (One Must Fall)
Oscar Richard Valdez