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Duration: 12:26

**Banned from discord instantly after posting this message below and message deleted.

You know what I tried to leave cordially and had four remove my "CO-CREATOR, and ADMIN" roles in private, but I have just seen FOUR deleted all the peak.53 videos from youtube, twitter, instagram, website is deleted.
I have over 750 hours played on this game and even more time put into making videos, testing, giving feedback and slightly over $1k donated. Additionally I took the time to set up the discord. FOUR has been very silent about wtf is going on with development. No update since 12/20. I was in the dev chat and literally there is no updates as to what is going on. Only saying he is going a different direction and not focusing on socom style 8v8 gameplay, only saying he may come back to it in the future. This is what "Peak.53 MONARCH" is. Doesn't make any sense. But that is how it goes with FOUR. Thats why were are in SEASON 2 "THE BROTHERHOOD" and early access alpha even though there wasn't a season 1.... and its an Alpha who the fuck puts seasons in and alpha. Not only that literally announced season 2 and then made no updates after to the game. Can't even respond or show up to community night when members are begging to play.

Instead he is making a different type of game, which I wont discuss but its not what everyone has supported for financially. And honestly nothing for me to discuss because there has been no information shared about the future direction of the game really in the dev chat. The game has raised for sure over $20k, and now he is choosing to go a different direction. He may lie and say this isn't the case, but I have no reason to make this up and arguably have been one of the biggest supporters and defenders for this game.

Four doesn't know how to take feedback which is why most likely any game he tries to make will not do well. We have seen on multiple occasions him lashing out on supporters of the game while he is drunk. Or where he straight up leaves games or shuts off a server when people are playing because he is frustrated from losing. Being drunk is no excuse to treat supporters like shit. Unfortunately, big fry and everyone else who said this game was doomed simply because four was leading it are correct. I only put up with four for so long because I loved the idea of bringing back a socom style 8v8 shooter in 2024. Without poppy controlling his anger this game would have been done for long ago.

Four complains people don't play but doesn't realize he released the game too early. The game is an early alpha with many bugs and many missing features.
-Bad servers with high ping
-Maps constantly repeat
-nades don't throw
-no voice chat
-no prone
-Movement looks very early alpha
-stats disappear randomly
-no way to make rooms in order to do clan wars
-no controller support (promised multiple times and selling point of kickstarter)
-no anti cheat and no way to ban cheaters
-removed the socom crosshair???? (suggested multiple times to give option to switch between new style and old and he flat out refused... he doesn't care about you guys who donated for socom style game)
I could go on and on and have respectfully in detail in the dev chat for months.

The game in it's current state isn't horrible for what it is, in fact its one of my most favorite games I have played, but it needs a lot of work. Cannot expect people to be lining up to play a game every single day with so many apparent problems. When people do give legitimate feedback he just gets angry and pushes the blame back onto them. Remember the game was labeled as "SOCOM 2 SPIRITUAL SUCCESSOR". No shit people are going to be overly critical about the game when you say that.
Most likely I will be banned and this message will be deleted. If you have any morals I would encourage you to leave the discord and never support one of FOUR's game again going forward.

You can see Four is so lazy he literally reused the XIO SURVIVAL logo on the new Peak.53 Monarch Season 2 the brotherhood logo. And with that said.... you all have a blessed one.

#peak.53 #bigfry #sony #socom #dirtybirdgames #xio
