Voices for Gaza part two (w/ Hamad part 2) from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfPY7dhEdsk

Duration: 2:56:40

#SaveChildren #FreePalestine #LibrePalestina #GazaUnderAttack #StopTheGenocide\nI claim no rights nor will monetize this. just trying to help.\n****WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT****\n\nsome good news is that Eye On Palestine is back up. check em out and others in the links below. will continue to add more\n\nEye On Palestine https://www.instagram.com/eye.on.palestine/\n\nMotaz Azaiza https://www.instagram.com/motaz_azaiza/\n\nMiddle East Eye\n-Instagram https://www.instagram.com/middleeasteye/\n-YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@MiddleEastEye\n\nAJ+ \n-Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ajplus/ \n-YouTube https://youtu.be/d1-eXmVpw-Y?si=gJCkd9Ub-BA0_rXj\n\nAJ Jazeera English YouTube\nhttps://youtube.com/@aljazeeraenglish?si=-2x6EC9Mo21abVQd\n\nNajwa Zebian https://www.instagram.com/najwazebian/\n\nLowkey\nhttps://instagram.com/lowkeyonline/ \n\nFree Palestine 1948 https://www.instagram.com/free.palestine.1948/ \n\nsbeih https://www.instagram.com/sbeih.jpg/ \n\nAhmed Eldin https://www.instagram.com/ahmedeldin/

Dena Takruri
https://instagram.com/denatakruri?igshid=MTVvZXlxejJ2aHphZw==\n\nKatherine Wela Boden\nhttps://www.instagram.com/k.w.bogen/

Maryam Amaria
https://instagram.com/maryam.amaria?igshid=azkwcmdjbWphZnV1\n\nKhaled Beydoun https://www.instagram.com/khaledbeydoun/\n\nSofia Samarah https://www.instagram.com/sofiasamarah/

Double Down News
-YouTube Video shared in this LIVE
-Double Down News Patreon:
https://www.patreon.com/doubledownnews\n\nUNICEF USA, a Charity to help the children affected by crisis\nhttps://www.unicefusa.org/?form=donate&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4vKpBhCZARIsAOKHoWT2B3MiWhgJ0dA-PXHZXbURdnbkIBY-PaOgiIKEmoTi4pKw2JEmPIsaAogeEALw_wcB\n\nmore links to come, check back now and then\n\nIn this video I am sharing Instagram stories from others covering whats going on in Gaza that commercial mainstream media avoids. I am sharing this to spread awareness of the Genocide in Gaza to hopefully help bring a stop to the needless killing of people which is never justified. Not even God wants this and you know it. For the non believe you also know this to be wrong. If a shooter is in a school do we try our best to apprehend the shooter or do you just bomb the school. Our Government has been doing the second option which i do not condone.\n\ntalking about Gaza because more people need to know what is actually going on and to help #StopTheGenocide
Link to video in bio.
Share others and voice up. Now is not the time to be silent when human beings are being slaughtered over lies and propaganda. I was raised believing such evil atrocities to humanity & War Crimes committed without penalty is not the American way. We must save as many lives as we can. We have to try to help in anyway that will help stop killing innocent people & children & I dont understand why this is not a priority.
Shout out to my boi @nesefmansouri for swingin by
#FreePalestine #SaveGaza
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!\n\nWatch, listen & go do your research because these days we have to tools to communicate truth as we have to be our own journalists to get to truth. more than 7000 lives and counting has been lost to this. we must fight for our humanity and not at the cost of our humanity.\n\nIf this video doesn't get canceled or silenced like my others I will go live with more.\n\nMy channel is normally for my own commentary and entertainment however i feel in the core of my heart & soul we must not stand by while innocent people are slaughtered. Also how is it there is footage of Israelis celebrating 2 years and chanting for a Nakba 2 to happing in 2 years & here we are. There is good people everywhere just as there are bad people everywhere so why are the bad people in power getting away with literal murder?\n\nThis must end. Killing innocent people and children is never ok and that is never a debate but today it is a political opinion. SMH\n\nI pray to God this madness ends.

stop the genocide
war crimes
middle east
free palestine