What is Search Google or type a URL?

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Duration: 2:00

Find out What Search Google or type a URL is/was.

i. Here are some advanced search tips that can help you refine your search queries and find more relevant results:

1. **Use Quotation Marks**: Enclose phrases in quotation marks to search for exact matches. For example, "machine learning" will only return results where the words "machine" and "learning" appear together in that order.

2. **Exclude Words with Minus Sign**: Use the minus sign (-) before a word to exclude it from your search results. For example, "apple -fruit" will return results about the company Apple, but not about the fruit.

3. **Search by File Type**: Specify the file type you're looking for by adding "filetype:" followed by the file extension. For example, "machine learning filetype:pdf" will only return PDF files related to machine learning.

4. **Search by Site**: Use the "site:" operator to search within a specific website or domain. For example, "site:wikipedia.org artificial intelligence" will only return results from Wikipedia about artificial intelligence.

5. **Wildcard Search**: Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to represent unknown words or characters. For example, "artificial * research" will return results about artificial intelligence research, machine learning research, etc.

6. **Search for Similar Words**: Use the tilde (~) operator before a word to include synonyms in your search results. For example, "computer ~technology" will return results containing words like computer, technology, IT, etc.

7. **Numeric Range Search**: Use two periods (..) between numbers to search for a range of numerical values. For example, "camera $100..$500" will return results for cameras priced between $100 and $500.

8. **Related Search Terms**: Use the related: operator followed by a URL to find web pages similar to a specific site. For example, "related:example.com" will return sites similar to example.com.

9. **Search for Specific Title or URL**: Use the intitle: operator to search for words in the title of a web page and the inurl: operator to search for words in the URL. For example, "intitle:Python programming" will return pages with "Python programming" in the title.

10. **Combine Operators**: Combine multiple operators and search terms to create complex queries. For example, "site:github.com intitle:Python -tutorial" will return Python-related pages from GitHub that do not contain the word "tutorial" in the title.

By mastering these advanced search tips, you can improve the precision and relevance of your search results and find the information you're looking for more efficiently.