
Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGaCa5k7ftg

Duration: 0:45

"What is Qin?" Zi De Guqin Studio Concert in Malaysia

《琴为何物·唐·孤烟直》是“自得琴社朝代系列音乐会”的首部作品,从 2020 开始在各大城市巡演。极具故事性的曲风、华美考究的视觉呈现、烘托出大气磅礴的时代风貌,激发观众对大唐的无限遐想。
"What is Qin?" is the first work of Zi De Guqin Studio’s Dynasties Series Concerts, their concert are highlighted with a highly narrative style, exquisite visual presentation, and a grand historical atmosphere. This concert sparks the audience's limitless imagination of the Tang Dynasty. In this 2024, Zi De Guqin Studio is coming to the beautiful Malaysia, presenting a visual and auditory feast for the local audience.

The repertoire of this concert includes "Liu Shui" (Guqin Solo), "Tie Ma Yin" (Guzheng Solo), "Xu Lai" (Pipa Solo), "Liang Jiang" (Ensemble), "Zui Zui Yu, Chang Chang Wan" (Ensemble) and etc.

22/3/2024 (五) 8pm
23/3/2024 (六) 3pm & 8pm
24/3/2024 (日) 3pm
✨Concert Information✨
22/3/2024 (Fri) 8pm
23/3/2024 (Sat) 3pm & 8pm
24/3/2024 (Sun) 3pm

Stage 1, PJPAC, One Utama
Stage 1, PJPAC, One Utama

*票价:* RM88, RM128, RM198, RM298
Ticket Price: RM88, RM128, RM198, RM298

Ticket Purchase: https://www.onetix.com.my/events/what-is-qinzi-de-guqin-studio-malaysia-concert-2024/261

咨询热线: https://wa.me/60103776240 (The Guzheng Academy)
Enquiries Hotline: https://wa.me/60103776240 (The Guzheng Academy)

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