Bruce82 Protto

Bruce82 Protto


Bruce82 Protto is a YouTube channel which has at least 1.96 thousand subscribers, with his content totaling roughly 1.08 million views views across approximately 11.65 thousand videos.

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About Bruce82 Protto

(IT) Qui troverete le creazioni di Fifa 18,19, 20 e 22(Non fate richieste se non siete iscritti al canale, non verranno prese in considerazione), oltre a tutte le Playlist dei altri giochi . Per ogni richiesta fatela sotto i video e sarò felice di rispondervi. Ciao
(EN) Here you will find the creations of Fifa 18, 19, 20 and 22 (Do not make requests if you are not subscribed to the channel, they will not be taken into consideration). as well as all the Playlists of other games
(ES) Aquí encontrarás las creaciones de Fifa 18, 19, 20 y 22 (No hagas solicitudes si no estás suscrito al canal, no serán tomadas en consideración)así como todas listas de reproducción de otros juegos. REGÍSTRESE antes de pedir creaciones . ¡Hola
(FR) Vous trouverez ici les créations de Fifa 18, 19, 20 et 22 (Ne faites pas de demandes si vous n'êtes pas abonné à la chaîne, elles ne seront pas prises en considération) ainsi que toutes les Playlists . Bonjour; Salut

Most Viewed Games

Latest Videos

2024-07-25 6:00:10 PM ● 20 views ● 4:47
FIFA 22 (2021)
2024-07-25 5:13:33 PM ● 21 views ● 5:13
FIFA 22 (2021)
2024-07-25 4:17:31 PM ● 46 views ● 2:51
FIFA 22 (2021)
2024-07-24 3:43:34 PM ● 14 views ● 23:02
2024-07-23 9:03:45 AM ● 36 views ● 20:23
2024-07-23 8:58:36 AM ● 13 views ● 26:56
2024-07-23 6:15:04 AM ● 24 views ● 25:48
2024-07-22 5:45:03 PM ● 30 views ● 10:56

Variety of Games on Channel

There are 201 games covered by Bruce82 Protto, consisting of 11136 videos, or 95.60% of the total videos on this channel.

100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Bruce82 Protto

On September 11, 2018, Bruce82 Protto reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the FIFA 18 video "Hunter Il Cammino 25 - Super LA Galaxy, Hunter che goal !", which has 4 views and 0 likes.

1000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Bruce82 Protto

On January 8, 2019, Bruce82 Protto reaches 1000 videos on YouTube with the release of the video "Carriera Allenatore Crawley Town - Crawley senza freni. Cinquina al Newcastle ...", which has 0 views and 0 likes.

10,000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Bruce82 Protto

On March 16, 2022, Bruce82 Protto reaches 10,000 videos on YouTube with the release of the Gran Turismo Sport video "Gran Turismo™SPORT - Sesta Gara Setup Per Vittoria (Coppa Amatoriale)", which has 4 views and 0 likes.