
Hakelous-reviews - Review Channel Profile


Hakelous-reviews is a content creator on YouTube with roughly 9.52 thousand subscribers, publishing around 11.74 thousand videos which altogether total approximately 5.78 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp4IViCKGLUfrCWzf-_y08g

About Hakelous-reviews

i make anime reviews and previews

Most Viewed Games

Latest Videos

2024-07-26 10:37:51 AM ● 0 views ● 0:12
2024-07-26 10:37:47 AM ● 0 views ● 0:05
2024-07-26 1:56:20 AM ● 4 views ● 0:13
2024-07-26 1:55:53 AM ● 22 views ● 0:06
2024-07-26 1:15:06 AM ● 1 views ● 4:08
2024-07-25 8:42:57 PM ● 6 views ● 0:13
2024-07-25 8:42:49 PM ● 9 views ● 0:35
2024-07-25 5:06:09 PM ● 7 views ● 0:19
2024-07-25 5:05:49 PM ● 9 views ● 0:06
2024-07-25 2:34:17 PM ● 4 views ● 0:07

Variety of Games on Channel

There are 34 games covered by Hakelous-reviews, consisting of 134 videos, or 1.14% of the total videos on this channel.

100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Hakelous-reviews

On March 12, 2015, Hakelous-reviews reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the video "Katie cat show 54", which has 6 views and 1 like.

1000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Hakelous-reviews

On January 1, 2017, Hakelous-reviews reaches 1000 videos on YouTube with the release of the video "Anime I watched today podcast episode 302", which has 9 views and 1 like.

10,000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Hakelous-reviews

On December 8, 2023, Hakelous-reviews reaches 10,000 videos on YouTube with the release of the video "December 8, 2023", which has 474 views and 0 likes.