About Save Games
Welcome. This channel has been created to save some moments that I find funny, buggy, glitchy an alikes when I'm playing video games. Then I realized that I could save the entire gameplay doing lives for 2 main reasons (not in order of importance):
1) I can re-watch something that happened while I was playing
2) AI training: If someone wants to have videos of
A) Full gameplay
B) Post ending gameplays
B) Gameplay drops
Although I really want you to subscribe and help me spread this channel, please understand that it is not intended for interacting with me, the player, while watching my lives (I apologize in advance for any messages you may send me expecting replies). Nevertheless, you are most welcome to interact with other members.
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Variety of Games on Channel
There are 63 games covered by Save Games, consisting of 532 videos, or 91.41% of the total videos on this channel.