About Vormithrax
Hello, My name is Vormithrax and i am a gamer-holic. Gaming has been my primary leisure activity for most of my life.
The types of games i generally prefer are: wargames, turn-based strategy, economic simulation, grand strategy, 4x, survival games, and MMO's.
My gaming nickname 'Vormithrax' is an intentional miss-spelling of 'Vermithrax Pejorative' which was the dragon's name from the 1981 movie Dragonslayer. I have played many MMORPG's over the years and many times the name with the correct spelling was already taken by another player so i started using the adjusted spelling as a more unique name and it has stuck with me ever since.
I hope you enjoy the channel. Here are my social media contacts for news/information/patronage:
Twitch: https://go.twitch.tv/vormithrax
Kick: https://kick.com/vormithrax
Discord: https://discord.gg/jQDjwjt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vormithrax
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Vormithrax
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Variety of Games on Channel
There are 129 games covered by Vormithrax, consisting of 4226 videos, or 98.44% of the total videos on this channel.
Vormithrax Focused On Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
The majority of the video content for Vormithrax revolves around Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, making up around 56.67% of the channel's total videos and 83.79% of the total views.