Challenger Replays

Challenger Replays


Challenger Replays is a YouTube content creator with more than 366 thousand subscribers, publishing roughly 42.65 thousand videos which altogether total around 102.4 million views.

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All Videos by Challenger Replays

PublishedVideo TitleDurationViewsCategoryGame
2024-04-26Sion Mid vs Yone - NA Master Patch 14.828:2512League of Legends
2024-04-26Neeko Mid vs Vi - KR Grandmaster Patch 14.829:1322League of Legends
2024-04-26Wukong Jungle vs Talon - KR Master Patch 14.825:2962League of Legends
2024-04-26Jayce Jungle vs Kindred - NA Master Patch 14.831:1357League of Legends
2024-04-26Tryndamere Mid vs Orianna - KR Master Patch 14.824:45104League of Legends
2024-04-26Hecarim Jungle vs Kha'Zix - KR Challenger Patch 14.835:06105League of Legends
2024-04-26Jax Jungle vs Lillia - KR Grandmaster Patch 14.826:21121League of Legends
2024-04-26Gnar Mid vs Renekton - KR Master Patch 14.827:4749League of Legends
2024-04-26Xayah ADC vs Kai'Sa - KR Challenger Patch 14.831:46101League of Legends
2024-04-26Taliyah Carry vs Zeri - NA Challenger Patch 14.826:5471League of Legends
2024-04-26Olaf Jungle vs Kha'Zix - KR Master Patch 14.826:0384League of Legends
2024-04-26K'Sante Top vs Camille - KR Challenger Patch 14.833:17230League of Legends
2024-04-26Syndra Mid vs Aurelion Sol - EUW Challenger Patch 14.829:13133League of Legends
2024-04-26Varus Top vs Twisted Fate - EUW Master Patch 14.829:03115League of Legends
2024-04-26Milio Support vs Senna - EUW Challenger Patch 14.829:56120League of Legends
2024-04-25Nidalee Top vs Yone - EUW Grandmaster Patch 14.831:27186League of Legends
2024-04-25Vel'Koz Mid vs Tristana - EUW Challenger Patch 14.835:30127League of Legends
2024-04-25Nautilus Support vs Zac - NA Challenger Patch 14.826:00109League of Legends
2024-04-25Kai'Sa Mid vs Taliyah - NA Challenger Patch 14.831:50180League of Legends
2024-04-25Gnar Top vs Renekton - KR Master Patch 14.829:49130League of Legends
2024-04-24Sylas Jungle vs Graves - KR Challenger Patch 14.832:1632League of Legends
2024-04-24Jarvan IV Jungle vs Ivern - KR Challenger Patch 14.828:3842League of Legends
2024-04-24Thresh Support vs Nautilus - KR Grandmaster Patch 14.826:5043League of Legends
2024-04-24Nocturne Jungle vs Vi - KR Challenger Patch 14.829:1574League of Legends
2024-04-24Nidalee Jungle vs Shaco - KR Challenger Patch 14.827:41121League of Legends
2024-04-24Zac Mid vs Annie - KR Challenger Patch 14.827:50132League of Legends
2024-04-24Nasus Top vs Dr. Mundo - NA Grandmaster Patch 14.828:53136League of Legends
2024-04-24Gragas Mid vs Zed - NA Master Patch 14.833:444League of Legends
2024-04-24Warwick Top vs Kled - NA Master Patch 14.825:51210League of Legends
2024-04-24Zed Top vs Twisted Fate - KR Master Patch 14.831:5693League of Legends
2024-04-24Evelynn Jungle vs Zac - KR Master Patch 14.835:36198League of Legends
2024-04-24Anivia Mid vs Yone - KR Master Patch 14.832:31135League of Legends
2024-04-24Twitch Mid vs Akshan - NA Master Patch 14.829:39120League of Legends
2024-04-23Sylas Mid vs Ekko - KR Master Patch 14.826:234League of Legends
2024-04-23Aphelios ADC vs Zeri - NA Challenger Patch 14.829:2829League of Legends
2024-04-23Kayle Mid vs Kennen - EUW Master Patch 14.836:0748League of Legends
2024-04-23Ekko Mid vs Twisted Fate - KR Master Patch 14.826:1483League of Legends
2024-04-23Kalista ADC vs Sivir - EUW Master Patch 14.833:4250League of Legends
2024-04-23Garen Top vs Illaoi - EUW Master Patch 14.833:47176League of Legends
2024-04-23Nami Support vs Janna - NA Challenger Patch 14.824:3556League of Legends
2024-04-23Zac Top vs Shaco - KR Master Patch 14.834:59108League of Legends
2024-04-23Orianna Mid vs Yone - EUW Master Patch 14.827:21104League of Legends
2024-04-23Lee Sin Top vs Singed - KR Master Patch 14.831:16137League of Legends
2024-04-23Urgot Top vs Illaoi - KR Master Patch 14.828:35177League of Legends
2024-04-21Jayce Top vs Urgot - KR Master Patch 14.827:2712League of Legends
2024-04-21Kog'Maw Support vs Morgana - NA Master Patch 14.824:2524League of Legends
2024-04-21Kai'Sa Top vs Udyr - EUW Master Patch 14.836:0877League of Legends
2024-04-21Cassiopeia Mid vs Aurelion Sol - KR Master Patch 14.830:2360League of Legends
2024-04-21Aurelion Sol Mid vs Akshan - KR Master Patch 14.831:12108League of Legends
2024-04-21Graves Jungle vs Taliyah - KR Master Patch 14.825:08112League of Legends
2024-04-21Pantheon Mid vs Ahri - KR Master Patch 14.834:0497League of Legends
2024-04-21Talon Mid vs Ryze - KR Master Patch 14.825:44111League of Legends
2024-04-20Ekko Jungle vs Zac - NA Master Patch 14.827:151League of Legends
2024-04-20Taliyah Mid vs Aurelion Sol - NA Grandmaster Patch 14.832:2020League of Legends
2024-04-20Yone Mid vs Vladimir - NA Challenger Patch 14.833:3743League of Legends
2024-04-20Darius Top vs Aurelion Sol - EUW Master Patch 14.832:4072League of Legends
2024-04-20Fiora Top vs Cassiopeia - KR Master Patch 14.834:2482League of Legends
2024-04-20Smolder ADC vs Varus - NA Challenger Patch 14.834:12106League of Legends
2024-04-20Viego Jungle vs Ekko - KR Master Patch 14.829:1290League of Legends
2024-04-20Kassadin Mid vs Katarina - EUW Master Patch 14.829:41125League of Legends
2024-04-20Diana Mid vs LeBlanc - KR Challenger Patch 14.826:53158League of Legends
2024-04-20Pyke Support vs Thresh - KR Master Patch 14.830:23117League of Legends
2024-04-19Shen Jungle vs Graves - KR Master Patch 14.730:5321League of Legends
2024-04-19Anivia Support vs Bard - KR Master Patch 14.726:5332League of Legends
2024-04-19Brand Top vs Dr. Mundo - NA Master Patch 14.733:3744League of Legends
2024-04-19Vel'Koz Carry vs Jinx - EUW Challenger Patch 14.731:5998League of Legends
2024-04-19Morgana Jungle vs Taliyah - KR Master Patch 14.724:5264League of Legends
2024-04-19Shen Mid vs Orianna - EUW Challenger Patch 14.731:4791League of Legends
2024-04-19Cho'Gath Carry vs Zeri - NA Challenger Patch 14.732:4883League of Legends
2024-04-18Trundle Jungle vs Poppy - KR Master Patch 14.730:00144League of Legends
2024-04-18Darius Mid vs Corki - NA Master Patch 14.728:49107League of Legends
2024-04-18Ivern Mid vs Ahri - EUW Master Patch 14.725:06103League of Legends
2024-04-17Akali Carry vs Twitch - KR Master Patch 14.727:0210League of Legends
2024-04-17Udyr Mid vs Zoe - KR Master Patch 14.727:1132League of Legends
2024-04-17Corki ADC vs Miss Fortune - NA Master Patch 14.733:5043League of Legends
2024-04-17Teemo Jungle vs Elise - KR Master Patch 14.724:2080League of Legends
2024-04-17Briar Top vs Twisted Fate - KR Master Patch 14.726:1786League of Legends
2024-04-17Poppy Support vs Camille - KR Master Patch 14.732:20113League of Legends
2024-04-17Kog'Maw Top vs Vladimir - EUW Master Patch 14.729:3194League of Legends
2024-04-17Karma Top vs Kled - KR Master Patch 14.729:4688League of Legends
2024-04-17Jayce Jungle vs Nidalee - KR Master Patch 14.731:55218League of Legends
2024-04-16Seraphine Support vs Nautilus - KR Master Patch 14.730:5016League of Legends
2024-04-16Galio Support vs Pantheon - EUW Master Patch 14.727:5232League of Legends
2024-04-16Ivern Top vs Akali - KR Master Patch 14.727:3846League of Legends
2024-04-16Karma Support vs Blitzcrank - KR Grandmaster Patch 14.730:4356League of Legends
2024-04-16Blitzcrank Support vs Thresh - KR Master Patch 14.729:5290League of Legends
2024-04-16Heimerdinger Carry vs Smolder - KR Master Patch 14.730:4872League of Legends
2024-04-16Brand Mid vs Akshan - EUW Master Patch 14.724:2562League of Legends
2024-04-16Kog'Maw Mid vs Twisted Fate - NA Master Patch 14.731:11154League of Legends
2024-04-16Aurelion Sol Carry vs Kai'Sa - KR Master Patch 14.730:3380League of Legends
2024-04-16Aurelion Sol Top vs Annie - EUW Grandmaster Patch 14.726:24166League of Legends
2024-04-16Seraphine Carry vs Ashe - KR Master Patch 14.727:28113League of Legends
2024-04-15K'Sante Mid vs Tryndamere - KR Master Patch 14.727:163League of Legends
2024-04-15Nocturne Jungle vs Brand - EUW Grandmaster Patch 14.729:5633League of Legends
2024-04-15Ahri Carry vs Zeri - EUW Grandmaster Patch 14.725:4830League of Legends
2024-04-14Tahm Kench Top vs Mordekaiser - KR Master Patch 14.734:38136League of Legends
2024-04-14Rammus Jungle vs Hecarim - NA Challenger Patch 14.735:4866League of Legends
2024-04-14Elise Mid vs Garen - KR Master Patch 14.726:4979League of Legends
2024-04-14Malzahar Mid vs Tristana - KR Master Patch 14.732:47103League of Legends
2024-04-14Nunu & Willump Jungle vs Nocturne - KR Master Patch 14.729:4672League of Legends