Kou's RC Life

Kou's RC Life

United States
United States

Kou's RC Life is an American YouTube channel which has over 6.61 thousand subscribers, publishing 486 videos which altogether total approximately 1.17 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC035Hg_LzShLY523JZtpsAQ

About Kou's RC Life

RC Cars are part of my life.
I play radio control if I have time.
I mainly play with Traxxas, Axial and Kyosho RC cars.

Traxxas also loves monster trucks such as xmaxx and TRX 4 crawlers are a lot of work these days.
(Xmaxx,maxx,hoss,slash,rustler, etc I love these!)

At axial, I'm playing with making a homemade course for SCX24.
I also like the axial early Ford Bronco because it's pretty cool.
I also love SCX10Ⅲ, ryft,,,,,
I also love Kyosho's mini crawlers and play a lot. I think the minutes are also wonderful mini crawlers.

When I'm free, I make courses and make jump tables.
We will continue to upload videos, so please subscribe.

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