M.A.V. - Modular Assault Vehicle

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Top Countries With The Most Videos For M.A.V.

This list represents countries of YouTube gaming channels based on the most published videos for M.A.V.. This includes channels that create video game reviews and let's plays. A channel associated with a country will have its numbers added to their country's total. Numbers are retrieved via the YouTube API and updated daily.

1.United States United States13138624,856839,1401:09:41:27
2.Philippines Philippines281940,740548,3454:55:08
3.Brazil Brazil144272,29719,6132:14:53
4.Viet Nam Viet Nam1061,494,50069,5552:01:16
5.Russian Federation Russian Federation94848,000430,50420:09:37
6.United Kingdom United Kingdom76169,68126,5292:40:48
7.Czech Republic Czech Republic77150,74021,4911:02:10
8.United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates621,0901,25245:54
9.Pakistan Pakistan5202186:25:08
10.India India5501,09138:11
11.Canada Canada543,6551,8683:46:20
12.Ukraine Ukraine4333118,38615:05
13.Indonesia Indonesia3302,3974:16
14.Germany Germany33147,2006,42835:25
15.Japan Japan2248,4006,53755:51
16.South Africa South Africa1139115:34
17.Turkey Turkey112,1605019:30
18.Romania Romania11043:32
19.Poland Poland112,6406023:04
20.Netherlands Netherlands11023421:36
21.Iraq Iraq11001:34
22.Colombia Colombia110240:45