Variable Barricade

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Top Countries For Variable Barricade With The Most Liked Videos

This list represents countries of YouTube gaming videos by content creators for Variable Barricade based on the highest rating (likes minus dislikes) on their videos; in other words, the most liked videos. This includes video game reviews, "Let's Plays", and other video game content. A channel associated with a country will have its numbers added to their country's total. Numbers are retrieved via the YouTube API and updated daily.

1.Viet Nam Viet Nam9,677356,440323,419428332:37
2.United States United States3,83812130,92594,4431744167:06:19:30
3.Brazil Brazil1,77226,77010,094153023:55:23
4.Taiwan, Republic of China Taiwan, Republic of China86201,9083886:33:49
5.United Kingdom United Kingdom84101,3392324:33
6.Philippines Philippines31102661402:08:38:50
7.Sweden Sweden2212,28015012325:48
8.Australia Australia1310158100:34
9.Spain Spain10106001918:20
10.Finland Finland71215802110:30
11.Germany Germany311,71026101:34
12.Russian Federation Russian Federation019924101:41
13.Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of011,48039101:40