7 of the World's Worst Wrestling Injuries

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHtvweLpOS8

Duration: 11:55

The world’s worst wrestling injuries of all time! From broken bones to serious pain, these are the most horrifying injuries caught on live TV.

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7: Joey Mercury
To ‘botch’ in professional wrestling means to attempt a scripted move or a scripted line that ultimately does not come out as planned because of a miscalculation, slip-up or mistake. Most botches are harmless & mainly consist of a wrestler missing his cue, improperly delivering a line or falling before an opponent’s move connects. However, there are examples of botches that have resulted in injuries. In late 2006 during WWE’s event Armageddon, Joey Mercury & his partner John Morrison took part in a four way tag team match.
6: Steve Austin
In 1997, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin was one of the WWE’s quickest rising stars that had achieved a massive following due to his rebel persona. Although his popularity would continue to grow, his career would forever be plagued by an injury he sustained during an Intercontinental Title match against Owen Hart at Summerslam 1997. Near the end of the match Hart performed a piledriver on Austin, which is a sit-down, upside down slam. However, Austin’s head was much lower than it should have been in order for his neck to be protected. When Hart dropped him, Austin’s head & neck were jammed hard into the ground & he was immediately unable to move his shoulder & neck muscles. He struggled through the pain to complete the match’s predetermined finale.
5: Shawn Michaels
While competing in a 1998 Royal Rumble match, Shawn Michaels, who was at the height of his career at the time, sustained a back injury that would cost him four years of his career. The accident took place during a ‘casket match’ between Michaels & the Undertaker. The objective of the fight was for one wrestler to put the other in a casket & close the lid. In order for the wrestlers to complete the scenario, a ‘casket’ had been placed ringside. After performing a reverse jump from the ring, Michaels landed with his back on the edge of the casket. He did not realize it at the time, but the injury resulted in one shattered & two herniated disks in his back.
4: Darren Drozdov
During a 1999 match against D’ Lo Brown, Darren Drozdov sustained one of the most severe injuries in professional wrestling history. When Brown performed the running powerbomb, his signature move, on Drozdov, he was unable to get a proper grip on him, because the latter was wearing a loose shirt during the match. Drozdov also failed to perform a proper jump to assist Brown in the lift leading up to the powerbomb. Drozdov landed on his head & fractured two disks in his neck.
3: Mick Foley
Also known as Cactus Jack, Dude Love or Mankind, wrestler Mick Foley was respected among his peers & loved by wrestling fans for his physical toughness. Throughout his career Foley would engage in a number of hardcore matches in which he would go through tables, barbed wire. During a mid-1998 match against the Undertaker, Foley’s tendency for always pushing his physical limits almost produced a fatal outcome. The ‘Hell in a Cell’ match took place during a WWE King of the Ring event & the competitors faced off in steel cage measuring 15 to 20 feet that had been erected over the ring.
2: Sid Eudy
Standing at 6 foot 9 & weighing over 300 pounds, Sid Eudy’s constitution meant that attempting aerial maneuvers would be quite a challenge for him. Unfortunately, during a 2001 match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, his reluctant attempt at executing a ’big boot’ from the top of the second turnbuckle resulted in a near career-ending injury. The move consisted of him kicking with one foot extended while landing on the other. Eudy botched the landing & broke his leg in half, snapping both the tibia & the fibula.
1: Owen Heart
Owen Harts incident inside the ring is often cited as the most heartbreaking moment in professional wrestling history. It took place during a 1999 WWE event called ‘Over the Edge’. At the time Owen Hart was wrestling under the ‘Blue Blazer’ persona, an unpopular & buffoonish superhero. The plan was for Hart to be lowered from the ceiling high above the ring with the use of a harness & grapple line. The harness featured a quick-release mechanism. Hart had performed the stunt a few times before. As soon as he would have reached the level of the ring, he was supposed to act tangled, release the mechanism & fall flat on his face in the ring, in keeping with the idea of his buffoonish persona.

the world’s worst wrestling injuries
wrestling injuries
wrestling injuries caught on live TV
broken bones
serious pain
caught on live TV
professional wrestler
wrestling history
wrestling fans
Joey Mercury
Steve Austin
Shawn Michaels
Darren Drozdov
Mick Foley
Sid Eudy
Cactus Jack
Dude Love