A Let's Play Fillery Fluffy Episode

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeVfp5EJ3uU

DayZ (2013)
Let's Play
Duration: 5:36

I guess I now have officially Let's Played (outside of Shamus Young's Spoiler Warning, of course).

I'm editing the next episode right now, for reals. But I really have just been too busy with work and getting over this awful headcold (you'll hear it in my voice when you see the next episode) to keep the pace I want, and thought you guys deserved at least something to tide you over. And with me recording Day Z footage for the next episode, well, this idea just sort of happened.

Real episode is coming soon - hopefully the middle of the week, but at worst (barring more horrible work explosions or physical ailments) it should be up next weekend.

Edit: Just to be clear, my complaint isn't "Equipping an axe is hard." I've received numerous tips on how to do that since making this video, both here and elsewhere. And, yes, once you know the real trick to it it's not such a big deal.

My point is that the user experience is one of unanswered questions, of objects that afford utility yet it isn't immediately obvious how to extract it. And while this can at least partially give the game some benefit - exploring what is and isn't possible in the game space is one of gaming's true joys - a UI that leaves the user scratching their heads as to basic operations is not a UI to be proud of. This is as much ARMA's fault as it is Day Z's, and I get that. Still, it astounds me that a game with an interface this anti-user (and really, that's the only way to describe it) would be the basis a mod this wildly popular, even if the mod DOES provide an absolutely unique, gripping experience (and it does).
