Blender Megumi Test - Please read description

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Duration: 0:04

Yahoo, I finally have my 2nd video upload! And holy moly, this took ages! Well, at least I did it! :^)

This is a character I made up in June 2012, which initially drew on paper . I did make her in 2D flash years ago and I thought "Hey, let’s make a 3D model of her in Blender!" Just one thing... This model took me over 100 hours!! I made a lot of mistakes (especially when building the mesh and vertex groups) but I kept persevering.

How I made the "Blender Megumi Test" was by doing a little bit of blender work every now and then to make the solution. But, wow, I started blender back in October 2013! If I ever make another Blender model I'll be sure to make them in PlayStation 1 standard, which I kind of wanted to do. But wait, there's a bit more I would like to say here.

I did make up a 50,000+ worded story a few years ago with this character in it and I made up about 15 more characters, so I picked "Megumi" since she's the first female character I ever made up. I have drawn 2 more versions of "Megumi" in 2D, but I chose this version.

Here are some cool notations I would like to say:

(1) I have made an armature object and tested the animation off screen and works very well
(2) I do have shape keys for facial animation, but I need to make more, as right now all she can do is half blink and fully blink
(3) I have tested this with cycles render and it renders VERY SLOWLY! Not joking, it took me 30 minutes to render this exact video, so if I ever make a 2 minute render, my laptop WILL CRASH. D: so I’ll have to do it on my PC at some point later, since I made this video on a laptop.
(4) This is my 2nd video upload. Next one will be in ages, so apologies for that!
(5) I want to also put her in unity3d but the program keeps crashing! Help?.
(6) I have modelled the inside of her mouth area so I can make her talk using shape keys. This will probably come next.
(7) I know I already stated this, this character is fully owned by me. She's not published in any official game/manga/anime etc.

Anyway, I had to access helpful tutorials and ask questions to nice youtubers, so special thanks goes to:

BornCG - Tutorials on vertex groups and IK rig bones and shape keys
VscorpianC - Basics to blender like importing 2D images, rotate, scale etc
Alexandr Khodanov - How to build the arms, legs, torso and head in anime style with his own examples

There were a few other helpful people I would give thanks to, but I can’t remember who they were but they each helped a little each. :^)

Edit: This video is NOT made for kids because I've shown this video to many adults, especially at work who are 20+ year old.

Blender Megumi Test - Please read description
Blender Megumi Test
Blender (Software)
Computer Animation (Industry)
3d art
blender 3d
cgi animation
visual effects
blender (software)
blender 2.6
open source
blender cycles
SilverHunterN Blender Megumi Test
SilverHunterN Blender Megumi
3d modeling
digital art
blender megumi test - please read description