Breath of the Wild • Part 104 • Let's Play

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Let's Play
Duration: 1:02:30


SHOUTOUT to my main Doers of Stuff,
• PIP, cause he's got a BEARD that MAKES ODIN WEEP!
• BRIAN, who I think is a SPY but he SWEARS HE'S NOT!

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Wanna help me make more videos, maybe support my hobby of taking cute photos? If you can pledge a couple bucks to me on Patreon every month, you make sure that I can keep putting out content on a regular basis! And if pledging money is just not your thing, then that’s cool too. There’s lots of ways you can help support me, all of which can be found by checking out the link above!


Lety Does Stuff was started by Lety (duh), who has dreamt of making her own videos since fooorrrever! For the longest time though, she was just too busy doing stuff to squeeze that in. But now she does all the stuff! Including making videos! And... I dunno? Good on her, I guess.


Video Info
Lety Does Stuff S4:E
