Canudos Neverending War

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Duration: 3:20

Antônio Conselheiro, in English "Anthony the Counselor", real name Antônio Vicente Mendes Maciel (March 13, 1830 – September 22, 1897) was a Brazilian religious leader, preacher, and founder of the village of Canudos, the scene of the War of Canudos (1896–1897), a civil rebellion against the central government which was brutally stamped out with the loss of more than 15,000 lives.
The War of Canudos (Guerra dos Canudos, Portuguese pronunciation, 1896–1897) was a conflict between the state of Brazil and a group of some 30,000 settlers who had founded their own community in the Northeastern state of Bahia, named Canudos. After a number of unsuccessful attempts at military suppression, it came to a brutal end in October 1897, when a large Brazilian army force overran the village and killed nearly all the inhabitants. This was the deadliest civil war in Brazilian history.
The conflict had its origins in the settlement of Canudos (named by its inhabitants Belo Monte meaning "Beautiful Hill", in the semi-arid backlands ("sertão" or "caatinga", in Portuguese) in the northeast tip of the state (then province) of Bahia. Bahia at this time was a desperately poor zone, with a depressed economy based on subsistence agriculture and cattle raising, no large cities, and a disenfranchised population composed largely of white Brazilians and mestizos. It was a likely background for dissatisfaction with the recently installed Republican regime. (The republic was declared on November 15, 1889 after a military coup against the ruling Emperor, Dom Pedro II, who was still loved by the common people.)
Into this scenario appeared one of the many mystic spiritual preachers of the time, Antônio Conselheiro ("the Counselor"), who went from village to village with his followers, doing small jobs and demanding support from small farmers. He claimed to be a prophet and predicted the return of the legendary Portuguese king Sebastian of Portugal. After wandering through the provinces of Ceará, Pernambuco, Sergipe and Bahia, he decided in 1893 to settle permanently with his followers, of which there were now a great number, in the farm of Canudos, near the city of Monte Santo, Bahia, by the Vaza-Barris River. Soon his preaching and the promises of a better world attracted almost 8,000 new residents. Fearing an invasion of the city of Juazeiro by the "Conselhistas", who had a dispute with a lumber merchant, its mayor appealed hysterically to the provincial government. A visit by two Capuchin friars to Canudos was not enough to calm the population; one of them mistakenly accused Antônio Conselheiro of trying to raise a monarchist sedition.

Анто́ниу Висе́нти Ме́ндис Ма́сиэл (порт. Antônio Vicente Mendes Maciel), более известный как Анто́ниу Конселье́йру (порт. Antônio Conselheiro; 13 марта 1830, Вила-ду-Кампу-Майор, Сеара, Бразильская империя — 22 сентября 1897, Канудус, Баия, Бразилия) — бразильский религиозный деятель, проповедник, основатель деревни Канудус и руководитель крестьянского восстания Канудус (1896—1897).
Прозвище Консельейру можно перевести как «Советник», «Наставник», «Проповедник» или «Утешитель».
Война Кану́дус (порт. Guerra de Canudos), также восстание Кану́дус — крупный вооружённый конфликт, произошедший в 1896—1897 годах между властями Бразилии и группой из 25—30 тысяч поселенцев, которые основали собственное поселение Канудус в северо-восточной части штата Баия.

Canudos Savaşı (1896-1897) Brezilya Devleti ile Canudos yerlileri arasında gerçekleşmiştir. Savaş nedeni merkezi otoritenin onayı dışında bölgeye yerleşen 30.000 yerleşimci burda merkezi otoriteye karşı isyan ederek bağımsızlıklarını ilân etmek istediler. Büyük bir Brezilya kuvveti köyü istila ederek neredeyse tüm halkı katletti. Bu savaş Brezilya'nın en kanlı iç isyanı olarak tarihe geçti.

Guerra de Canudos, ou Campanha de Canudos, foi o confronto entre o Exército Brasileiro e os integrantes de um movimento popular de fundo sócio-religioso liderado por Antônio Conselheiro, que durou de 1896 a 1897, então na comunidade de Canudos, no interior do estado da Bahia, no nordeste do Brasil.
A região, historicamente caracterizada por latifúndios improdutivos, secas cíclicas e desemprego crônico, passava por uma grave crise econômica e social. Milhares de sertanejos partiram para Canudos, cidadela liderada pelo peregrino Antônio Conselheiro, unidos na crença numa salvação milagrosa que pouparia os humildes habitantes do sertão dos flagelos do clima e da exclusão econômica e social.

Is éard a bhí i gceist le Cogadh Canudos ná coimhlint i gcúlriasca Bahia sa Bhrasaíl idir rialtas na Brasaíle agus seict reiligiúnda na gConselhistas a chuir fúthu san iargúltacht. Ba é an seanmóirí Antônio Vicente Mendes Maciel, nó "An Comhairleoir" (Conselheiro), as Portaingéilis, a bhunaigh an tseict reiligiunda seo.

Antônio Conselheiro
Antônio Vicente Mendes Maciel
religious leader
Анто́ниу Висе́нти Ме́ндис Ма́сиэл
Canudos Savaşı
Guerra de Canudos
Campanha de Canudos