Chinese to English - J2ME translation test "亚萨战记" (Asaph Wars)

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Duration: 1:31

I'm still studying it but I figured out a way to translate encrypted strings inside Chinese/Japanese J2ME games, the method is done through Hex Editing and a Hex decoder for getting the text written in the Chinese alphabet.
Then the text can be translated, and rewritten inside the file, of course with limitations imposed by standard Hex Editing procedures, you can't go past a certain point outside the dialog text, otherwise the game will stop functioning or there might be bugs in the script and events, so there will have to be shortages regarding the text should it be too long for the original setnences, if reverse engineering (or .class file decompiling) is not used.

Btw, I'm active again for translating J2ME games with Chinese J2ME games being my main focus since they mostly don't have translations, with a couple of hidden gems there.

Stay safe ❤